Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
An excellent one, that's for sure! After all, if there was a killer at a male strip club, who better to send undercover than Danny? I bet he can work it... :devil: And it would be absolutely necessary to have a few scenes with him doing just that, you know, to establish the setting and all of that. :lol: Sexy Danny stripping...a lovely image indeed. :cool:

Dear God, woman! Are you trying to kill me? "Working it"?! Holy moly, I swear the image that popped into my brain when I read that probably seared my synapses. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Dear God, woman! Are you trying to kill me? "Working it"?! Holy moly, I swear the image that popped into my brain when I read that probably seared my synapses. :lol:

Urgh--damn migraine meds! I actually meant that one in a (relatively) clean way. :lol: :lol: :lol: *sigh* I don't think it's possble to think about Danny in a clean way, though. The man just invites dirty, dirty thoughts. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Ah yes, you meant it in a clean way that's why you put the :devil: after it? Uh-huh, clean, sure.

Well, either way, it was my brain that came up with the image (and, God, what a nice image it was... :devil:) so I guess I'm not entirely innocent either. :lol:

I'm sure there's a funny caption to go with this one but I don't seem to be on my game today...


ETA - :lol: The only way "Danny" and "clean" should be thought of together is if he's in the shower.

And with that, I've brought the topic back to the shower. Discuss.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I honestly don't think that I have ever had a clean image of Danny :lol:, except showering, but well, that one is pretty dirty as well :devil:

I love his hotness, in every way shape and form!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, you put another picture up with those lips..... naughty, naughty. Do you need to be spanked now by Danny with the robospanker? :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Ah yes, you meant it in a clean way that's why you put the :devil: after it? Uh-huh, clean, sure.

Well, either way, it was my brain that came up with the image (and, God, what a nice image it was... :devil:) so I guess I'm not entirely innocent either. :lol:

LOL! I really was just thinking of the stripping. Honest. Do I look like I'd ever lie about something like that? :lol: (Where's the angel smiley when I need him? :lol: )

It's just with Danny, our minds automatically go to the gutter. Only natural. Damn--bring on that episode where he goes undercover as a male stripper! :devil:

I'm sure there's a funny caption to go with this one but I don't seem to be on my game today...


Danny turns around in surprise after getting spanked with the Robo-Spanker by one of the Locker Room Groupies.

ETA - :lol: The only way "Danny" and "clean" should be thought of together is if he's in the shower.

And with that, I've brought the topic back to the shower. Discuss.

You make a good point. After all, Danny would have to soap himself down, really work up a good lather, in that shower. Those dumpsters can be so dirty...

Dirty and clean in one post. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Do you need to be spanked now by Danny with the robospanker?

:lol: If it's the only way to get through to me, then so be it.

I really was just thinking of the stripping. Honest.

Yeah, uh, so was I... *innocent*

Danny turns around in surprise after getting spanked with the Robo-Spanker by one of the Locker Room Groupies.

:lol: Good one!

After all, Danny would have to soap himself down, really work up a good lather, in that shower. Those dumpsters can be so dirty...

No kidding, I mean, ew! Gross! All the bacteria that must be living in that garbage? It's for his own health, really. We're just concerned citizens, that's all. :devil:

You know what I've realized? We've been gipped. Both Nick and Warrick have had scenes where they have to strip off their shirts and jump in a pool. Why didn't Danny have to jump in the pool in Grand Master?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
You know what I've realized? We've been gipped. Both Nick and Warrick have had scenes where they have to strip off their shirts and jump in a pool. Why didn't Danny have to jump in the pool in Grand Master?

Hey, no kidding! :mad: I mean, what was with Stella taking that net and fishing for the cell phone. If I was Stella, I would have hidden that thing and told Danny to strip down and jump in the pool. :devil: How hot would that have been? Though, poor Stella, could you concentrate on a crime scene if your hot, sexy partner was dripping wet and practically naked? I couldn't... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Dude. Stella had the chance of a lifetime and she didn't take it! Stella, Stella, Stella...what are we gonna do with you?

Danny dripping wet and practically naked? Yummy... :devil:

And to think this scene could have gone differently...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Dude. Stella had the chance of a lifetime and she didn't take it! Stella, Stella, Stella...what are we gonna do with you?

Danny dripping wet and practically naked? Yummy... :devil:

And to think this scene could have gone differently...

No kidding! I imagine the murder wouldn't have been solved quite as quickly. :lol: Who could resist a sexy, dripping wet Danny. I certainly wouldn't have cared much about that personal organizer. :lol:

Love this pic. He looks so sexy...kinda innocent, kinda thoughtful, totally jumpable. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, If it were me, I would have had to jump into the pool after Danny, to help of course *innocent look*.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ Uh-huh, to help, sure. ;)

Who could resist a sexy, dripping wet Danny.

Not me! Look, I'll even prove it to you, just bring sexy, dripping wet Danny to me and I bet you I'll be all over him. :lol:

totally jumpable.

Honestly, when does he not look totally hump-- oops, I mean jumpable?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ :lol: Good point.

Heh, we could always kill two birds with one stone. Danny has to jump in the ocean (or river) for some reason, and then he'd have to shower after that--bacteria and stuff, you know. How awesome would that episode be? :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:


Hmm...should be at least one more button to be... unbuttoned...
is than an English word?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten :lol: Girl, he is totally humpable (can I say that in here???)

Is there any other way for that man to be? I think not.
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