Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

w00t! 7000 views this thread has had! :lol:

Anyways, yeah, dumpster diving. The boy is dirty, he needs a shower!

Personally, I prefer his lips. They look, well, yummy. :devil: But his eyes are gorgeous.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^and so darn many replies. If Greg thread had some 1500 replies and we are almost in 1000, even this hasn't even been up for so long.

But...I liked Danny's highlights... more. Hmm... Danny Highlights... Highlights of Danny's appearance... Danny in the shower, Danny showing his tattoo...

*ahem* where were we?

Tho, he is still The Hotness without highlights but I wouldn't mind even he got those back.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

*PG-13-O-METER fizzles out and dies*

:lol: Girl, you crack me up! But uh, heh, I agree with everything you said. :D Who could resist? Especially if it's making him blush... :devil:

It would definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY make him blush. And damn...that would be a sweet sight. :devil:

Posted by ThumpyG:
Heh, I know where I would have moved my hands if I offered Danny a boost up that gargoyle, I know I'm a dirty girl and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Yeah, me too. Wonder if Aiden was thinking the same thing but was too chicken to try it. I guess it's probably not appropriate to feel up your hot partner at a crime scene. Poor Aiden... :(

His hair looks hot both ways, (thanks for the dumpster diving pic*sigh* he looks so hot dumpster diving.....and oh so dirty :devil: Mmmmmmm

The highlights did look good with those eyes, ahhh those fabulous blue eyes (my favorite), but I prefer the darker look, it is just hot.

You know, I don't know which look I prefer, I honestly don't. Clearly, this required more research. A lot more research--the comprehensive, watching several episodes research.

Those eyes are mesmerizing. His lips...mmm, let's just say if they're going to hold out and not give us a shower scene anytime soon, at least have Danny eating a strawberry, or an ice cream cone or something. That would be...quite hot. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, me too. Wonder if Aiden was thinking the same thing but was too chicken to try it. I guess it's probably not appropriate to feel up your hot partner at a crime scene. Poor Aiden...

Um.... were we watching the same episode? Cuz from where I was sitting, she definitly had her hand on his ass.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by GOTHICcheerNERD:
Yeah, me too. Wonder if Aiden was thinking the same thing but was too chicken to try it. I guess it's probably not appropriate to feel up your hot partner at a crime scene. Poor Aiden...

Um.... were we watching the same episode? Cuz from where I was sitting, she definitly had her hand on his ass.

I could have missed it--I was looking away at the moment. But I've been told by others who rewatched the scene that she didn't touch his ass. If she did, more power to her. :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I could have missed it--I was looking away at the moment. But I've been told by others who rewatched the scene that she didn't touch his ass. If she did, more power to her.

To me, it looked like she sort of had her hand poised by his ass, but not on it...kind of like she wanted to touch it, but wasn't quite bold enough.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lament:
To me, it looked like she sort of had her hand poised by his ass, but not on it...kind of like she wanted to touch it, but wasn't quite bold enough.

Maybe she was hoping he'd fall into it. Who can blame her? :devil:

I didn't rewatch it, but now I'm curious enough that I think I'm going to have to.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

You know what I love about this thread? I spend all day at school analyzing texts and doing research into heavy academic stuff. So, then I come home and we analyze a scene to determine the level of ass-touching in "The Fall." I love it!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lament:
You know what I love about this thread? I spend all day at school analyzing texts and doing research into heavy academic stuff. So, then I come home and we analyze a scene to determine the level of ass-touching in "The Fall." I love it!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, it's all analysis, right? :lol: I love it, too. We're a funny bunch. :D

To take it further, that would have added another layer of meaning to the title, if Danny had fallen into Aiden's arms. :lol:

See, I can even get literary with this! ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lament:
You know what I love about this thread? I spend all day at school analyzing texts and doing research into heavy academic stuff. So, then I come home and we analyze a scene to determine the level of ass-touching in "The Fall." I love it!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man, after a generally crappy day (it's still raining and I had to walk through it again) and a midterm and just...other BS, I simply must show that I heartily concur with your sentiment lament. It's nice to be able to kick back and analyze something for fun. :D :lol:

As for Aiden grabbing Danny's ass, I said I wasn't sure about it and, considering that I missed Danny's lip lick, it's entirely possible that I missed an ass grab too. I sort of had a bad evening last night and I was upset when I sat down to watch the episode so, yeah, I wasn't in the right mindset.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lament:
You know what I love about this thread? I spend all day at school analyzing texts and doing research into heavy academic stuff. So, then I come home and we analyze a scene to determine the level of ass-touching in "The Fall." I love it!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

it is great to come home and read about a hot guys probably incredibly gorgeous looking ass after taking a damn state test all week.

man if i were Aiden i'd have my hands all over him and his ass and not just at a crime scene. i would totally take him home with me (and use a robospanker!!! lol :lol: :D :devil:)

Carmine is such a tease on this show seriously. i wonder if the writers knew that casting Carmine as Danny would make the character popular with the female auidence. i've had a crush on Carmine since the first show and i can/ will never get enough of him.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

probably incredibly gorgeous looking ass

Probably gorgeous? You know there's a link to a pic back near the beginning of this thread (maybe somewhere around pages 6-11? Don't quote me on that) where we see proof that he's got a nice ass. Mm-mm good. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, the picture with the lips, is just outstanding.

His lips, the things he could do with lips like those. They look so soft, warm, capable, and succulent. I just got light-headed. I could just :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: him, over and over, all day.

However, I staunchly maintain my innocence. I'm as innocent as an angel. :D

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, there is no probably. The man has an ass you just want to [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER].


Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Man, after a generally crappy day (it's still raining and I had to walk through it again) and a midterm and just...other BS, I simply must show that I heartily concur with your sentiment lament. It's nice to be able to kick back and analyze something for fun. :D :lol:

I love hanging with you guys and talking about Danny during my crappy work days. :lol:

As for Aiden grabbing Danny's ass, I said I wasn't sure about it and, considering that I missed Danny's lip lick, it's entirely possible that I missed an ass grab too. I sort of had a bad evening last night and I was upset when I sat down to watch the episode so, yeah, I wasn't in the right mindset.

Sounds like someone needs a little Danny-therapy tonight. A rewatch might be in order. :cool: I hope tonight is better than last night. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

However, I staunchly maintain my innocence. I'm as innocent as an angel.

Hee! :lol: And I'm the Queen Mum!

Sounds like someone needs a little Danny-therapy tonight.

Whoa. Danny-therapy. Now that's something I could really go for. He could...well, I'll stop myself and save the PG-13 O METER since you've been giving it a workout today. :lol:
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