Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

That one episode with Danny and the sex toys is but one gift to us from the writers, should we send them a thank you?

A thank you card accompanied by a potted plant, perhaps?

and that man can crack a whip like no one's business.

*Sigh* Yeah... :devil:

Ok guys, I'm confused. We have something like three english majors in here, yet the word naked has been replaced by nekkid? According to, such a word does not exsist!

I heartily concur with the above explanations and would like to add one more thing..."nekkid" just slips out with a southern drawl (which I could often be accused of having) and makes it a much more fun word to say. :D Besides, as a Linguistics person I have to add...anything that a native speaker of a language says that is understood by another native speaker is considered grammatical. </end nerdiness>

Now the point I'm trying to make is it drew a very clear line for me between Danny and Carmine. It is truly Danny I love, because I get to know him every week. Become privy to the ins and outs of his life while gazing upon an excellent specimen of masculine beauty. However, in RL there is a man that possess that actual beauty - Carmine. However, I don't know Carmine, possibly ( I'm an optimist) never will, but I would have no problems staring at him naked for a few days, weeks, etc; and if he wanted to talk while standing nude before me that would be okay too.

I know exactly what you mean. We know much more about Danny and thus, our lust/love is more focused on what we know about him. Yet, as far as looks go, Danny is Carmine so if we're having uh, lustful urges (heh) over just his looks, there's no reason not to have them for Carmine as well. Shoot, it's not like I want to marry the guy! :devil:

*Sigh* I've been deprived. Although I've been to strip clubs before (with my brother, no less. Is it any wonder then, Top41, that I find the description of Danny and Aiden's relationship being akin to that of a brother and sister to be apt?) it's never been one with male dancers. I don't think there even are any in my area. I'm beginning to wonder if I should remedy my, uh, innocence (ha!) and drive the few hours to north Florida where I believe there are some.

Mmmm, Danny with no shirt, pouring shots down my throat? Now that's what I'm talking about!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by JDonne:
Another thread had a link to US Weekly pictures, but I couldn't get the link to work. But, today while getting my hair coiffed I found the picture, and of course stole the magazine from my stylist. Come on, I had no choice!

Now the point I'm trying to make is it drew a very clear line for me between Danny and Carmine. It is truly Danny I love, because I get to know him every week. Become privy to the ins and outs of his life while gazing upon an excellent specimen of masculine beauty. However, in RL there is a man that possess that actual beauty - Carmine. However, I don't know Carmine, possibly ( I'm an optimist) never will, but I would have no problems staring at him naked for a few days, weeks, etc; and if he wanted to talk while standing nude before me that would be okay too. ;)

The man's arms are just sooooo ... I have no words. I did just have a thought though - it involved my tongue and biceps and triceps :devil:.


Well, I went in search of that thread and got the pics to work. Oh man! That pic of Carmine is fabulous! I read the little blurb, reactions follow.

Carmine is my kind of guy. I can never find a guy like that. All the guys I meet are into beer and hunting, although there is nothing wrong with beer. They think art is a pristine copy of Playboy or SI's Swimsuit Edition. :rolleyes: They would never think of writing poetry and painting to them means a gallon from Lowes and some peeling siding. Carmine sounds like a god compared to these guys. I guess I just need to get out of the South.

I loved how he said he was single and to put it in bold and italics! If the boy is that desperate I'm single, cute, and have an adorable sweet Southern accent. :p I even like sports. I've been looking at jobs in LA. Maybe I should move there and find a way to get introduced.

I don't get it. What's the big deal with golf? I guess he'll just have to teach me. "Carmine, I'm just not getting this swing. Could you help me out? I think I need some hands-on instruction." :devil:

Thread: "Eddie, Hill and Carmine in US Weekly"
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

They would never think of writing poetry and painting to them means a gallon from Lowes and some peeling siding.

*Sigh* I'm hearing you loud and clear on this one. Don't get me wrong, southern guys can be sweethearts (I'll never forget the day my {now} ex-honey came to my rescue with jumper cables or when he drove my car home for me cause it had an oil leak...haha, I'm a tomboy with everything but cars, apparently!) and they can be gentlemen in their own way, but sometimes a girl wants, no, needs more.

Carmine Giovinazzo: My ex-girlfriends probably have boxes upon boxes of my poetry.

*Speechless* God, that's romantic.

For some reason I find the fact that he golfs horribly sexy. And, you know, I could use some work on my tennis game. As you said Aglarelen, hands on is the only way to learn. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

*SIGH* Boxes, upon boxes of poetry??? WOW I have only dreamed of a man that would write poetry for me. His ex-girlfriends are sooooo lucky. I know that I am in love and lust with Danny,but Carmine is so far, proving to be something great.

I do need help with my tennis and golf swing.... hands on is the only way to go. I am still in awe right now. I need a minute :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I could just kick myself right now! I was talking with ThumpyG about "Revenge Is Best Served Cold" and then I happened to idly remember that the WB reruns two CSI episodes on Saturday afternoon, starting at 4pm. Well, it was 4:30...and suddenly, I just knew that today's particular episode would be that one. Sure enough, when I turned on the TV, it was! And I missed him!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I could just kick myself right now! I was talking with ThumpyG about "Revenge Is Best Served Cold" and then I happened to idly remembered that the WB reruns two CSI episodes on Saturday afternoon, starting at 4pm. Well, it was 4:30...and suddenly, I just knew that today's particular episode would be that one. Sure enough, when I turned on the TV, it was! And I missed him!

Aww, Bitten. Sorry you missed it. :( It's on in Wisconsin tonight around 12:30, so I'm woo-hooing! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hee! I rented the disc with "Revenge Is Best Served Cold" from Blockbuster. I laughed my ass off at Thumpy G, it really was funny! Oh man, what a character! And I just gotta say, Carmine in a wifebeater is a beautiful sight and I wish the writers would hurry up and give us that shower scene because, nice as Danny looks in those suits (rowrr!) his arms are just...yowza!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hee! I rented the disc with "Revenge Is Best Served Cold" from Blockbuster.

Way to get your Carmine fix! :lol: I have it taping right now.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I have it taping right now.

w00t! Swear to goodness, the man's arms are positively distracting in this scene. As are his hands...I love it when a guy just drapes his hands on his belt loops or in the general area. Damn sexy, if you ask me!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

He was just on! Those arms. Those eyes. He looked like such a delinquent. :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

He looked like such a delinquent.

:lol: I know! Wasn't it funny? And cute?


Mmmm, biceps...


Dammit, the boy just needs to get nekkid!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

:lol: Nekkid Time With Danny! It's like Circle Time in preschool except we're adults and Danny's uh, nekkid!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
He looked like such a delinquent.

:lol: I know! Wasn't it funny? And cute?


Mmmm, biceps...


Dammit, the boy just needs to get nekkid!

I think I missed something. Who played that kid? Also I am new to this thread I am like so in love with Danny. His voice, his eyes, his everything. I better stop there before I go any further. If you get the picture.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Glad to have another fan here, welcome Grissom_Cainefan2005!

And look very closely at those pictures of Thumpy G... Does he look at all familiar? The well muscled arms might give it away, or the nicely shaped face, and of course the eyes...
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