Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I signed the petition and used logic in my pleadings. I really had no choice after last nights episode. I regressed 14 years, and was 13 again. :D

The attitude, the whistle (did anyone else love the whistle), the accent, the gun, the banter, the spanking machine, when he tackled me...ohhh maybe that just happened in my mind. :devil:

I have to stop now - I'm feeling a bit flushed and light-headed

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

The good thing about clothes, though, is that he might need help taking them off.

Ooh, ooh! I'll volunteer! Pick me! Pick me! :lol:

did anyone else love the whistle

Yes! I love the whistle. I love it when he says boom. I love it when he does pretty much anything, actually. The man could read the phone book and I'd find it sexy. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
did anyone else love the whistle

Yes! I love the whistle. I love it when he says boom. I love it when he does pretty much anything, actually. The man could read the phone book and I'd find it sexy. :lol:

Oh, yes, yes. The whistle was so great.

He could read the US tax code and have my full attention. I so would have paid attention if he'd have been reading my accounting book, but I bet I still wouldn't have learned a thing. ;) :devil:

I still think my favorite Dannyism has to be "Bingo Baby!" If anyone else said it I'd laugh my butt off, but when he says it, it's just so sexy.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lament:
I go to school for a few hours, and what do I find when I come back? The Locker Room has dissolved into a Spank Danny-Fest?!?! :eek: :lol:

:lol: But did you really expect anything else of us? :lol:

I like the way he says 'boom' too. He's said it in several episodes and it's funny and sexy as the same time. 'Bingo, baby" was good, too.

As others have said, the guy could read the phone book and it would sound sexy. There's just something so appealing about his voice. Maybe cause it's low and gravelly and very, very manly... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hee! "Dannyism" "Dannitude" We're coming up with our own vocabulary here!

I love his voice, it is incredibly sexy. Can you imagine how low and rumbly it must sound like when he first wakes up? :eek: I, for one, would glady volunteer to find out for the sake of, um, scholarly research, yeah.

Ok, I rewatched the scene where I got that funny pic from and he's actually saying the word "and" with emphasis. It's very quick and, in fact, is half cut off because he's saying it as the camera cut from Mac to him, so it's no surprise that we couldn't place it.

I also rewatched the sex toys scene and, did anyone else notice that Danny had a whip or strap in his hands the whole time? I only half noticed because the second part of the scene only showed them from the chest up, but when he tells Aiden "Now!" he cracks it, rowrr! :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Hee! "Dannyism" "Dannitude" We're coming up with our own vocabulary here!

:lol: Looks like we are. Dannyish?

[/QUOTE]I love his voice, it is incredibly sexy. Can you imagine how low and rumbly it must sound like when he first wakes up? :eek: I, for one, would glady volunteer to find out for the sake of, um, scholarly research, yeah.


My mind went to the bad place again. You know, the one where I think up ways to tell if he's a natural blonde. :lol:

Ok, I rewatched the scene where I got that funny pic from and he's actually saying the word "and" with emphasis. It's very quick and, in fact, is half cut off because he's saying it as the camera cut from Mac to him, so it's no surprise that we couldn't place it.

I'm going to have to go back and rewatch that! His expression is so priceless--he just looks so excited and enthusiastic. It's hilarious--I crack up everytime I look at that picture! :lol: I'm going to have to find someone who can make avatars and beg them to make me one from that pic. It's just too perfect. :D

I also rewatched the sex toys scene and, did anyone else notice that Danny had a whip or strap in his hands the whole time? I only half noticed because the second part of the scene only showed them from the chest up, but when he tells Aiden "Now!" he cracks it, rowrr! :devil:

I didn't--I'll have to go back and see that scene again, too. Very hot. :D I loved the two of them playing with those toys. They were very immature and silly about it, which was just perfect.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

My mind went to the bad place again. You know, the one where I think up ways to tell if he's a natural blonde.

:lol: But what a nice place for your mind to be! It's very, uh, scenic.

I'm going to have to find someone who can make avatars and beg them to make me one from that pic.

That would make a great icon! Makes me wish I had my icon making stuff back on my computer. :( You could post a request up in the Fanart forum, there's even a thread for doing so.

The sex toy scene was very cute, I love how Danny and Aiden play off each other, it's very natural. And I loved how she made the crack about wanting to be on top, and rather than just grin or blush, he responded aggressively, "You gettin freaky on me cause we pulled a bondage case?" showing that the two are friendly enough in a non-sexual way to joke like that. I mean, we saw him with Maka when she joked with him, he acted like a school boy!

Heh. I still can't stop thinking of Danny with a whip. *Giggle*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
That would make a great icon! Makes me wish I had my icon making stuff back on my computer. :( You could post a request up in the Fanart forum, there's even a thread for doing so.

Good idea! I think I'm going to go over there and see if anyone can work magic with that pic. I just have no idea how to make avatars. I don't even have webspace to host one, but hopefully I can find that, too. I swear, it's a wonder I can post at all--I'm such a tech dummy. :lol:

The sex toy scene was very cute, I love how Danny and Aiden play off each other, it's very natural. And I loved how she made the crack about wanting to be on top, and rather than just grin or blush, he responded aggressively, "You gettin freaky on me cause we pulled a bondage case?" showing that the two are friendly enough in a non-sexual way to joke like that. I mean, we saw him with Maka when she joked with him, he acted like a school boy!

Yeah, I liked that, too! It shows they're pretty comfortable talking about weird sex stuff together. I love that she joked about it first--I think it made him comfortable enough to do it, too.

He was cute with Maka last week--I think Danny blusters a lot, but it seems like Maka's going to have to make the first move if she wants Danny.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

If someone makes the icon, I can host it for you. Or you could open a photobucket account, are they accepting new accounts? Well, if they are, it's free to use. Lol, I'm pretty dumb when it comes to technical stuff too and the things I find out mostly happen through trial and error! :lol:

Aww, blustering Danny is cute. I loved how he just muttered "She started it" to Mac when Mac asked if he should drag the body outside. He seemed like such an innocent. I know we've mentioned it before but it's worth reiterating, it's the fact that he seems so innocent and yet so tough that is a big part of his sexiness!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
If someone makes the icon, I can host it for you. Or you could open a photobucket account, are they accepting new accounts? Well, if they are, it's free to use. Lol, I'm pretty dumb when it comes to technical stuff too and the things I find out mostly happen through trial and error! :lol:

midnight_tiptoes made one for me--look! I present you all with: Screaming Danny. :lol: Yeah, I know he's not screaming, but it looks kinda like it, and it just cracks me up. I'll be laughing for days now, everytime I post here. :D

Aww, blustering Danny is cute. I loved how he just muttered "She started it" to Mac when Mac asked if he should drag the body outside. He seemed like such an innocent. I know we've mentioned it before but it's worth reiterating, it's the fact that he seems so innocent and yet so tough that is a big part of his sexiness!

He's such a big kid--"she started it!" is totally something a kid would say to his/her parent. I love how he's immature in some ways. The attitute toward love in another example. Someone who is pretty mature might think that, but wouldn't say it out loud. He's got just enough shyness/naiviete to be able to get away with silly statements like that.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I love it! I'm jealous now! :p

He's got just enough shyness/naiviete

*Sigh* Yeah, that's what I love about him. He really is a great character with an interesting dynamic. I hope the writers continue to explore that.

Odd, we haven't mentioned him being naked since a few posts ago. Are we losing our touch? :eek:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I just opened a photobucket account last week... but since I am not technically savvy, I have no idea how to upload pics and put them on for an avatar. I have been trying to scour sites for Danny pics (who else would I put on?) :lol:

any help would be appreciated! thanks
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

To upload pics to photobucket you have to first save the pic to your computer. You do this by putting your mouse over the image and right clicking. A menu will pop up and near the middle it'll say "Save Picture As." Click it and it'll pop up a window to let you save the picture into a folder on your computer. When that's done (make sure you remember where you've put it!) go to your photobucket account and click "Browse." It'll pop up a window that was the same as when you saved the pic to your computer. Find the pic and double click it. It should then have the "directions" to your pic in the little box next to the "Browse" button. Click upload and voila! Pic uploaded.

*Cough* On topic...

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