Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
*Cough* On topic...


Caption: Danny looks down shyly while the Locker Room Gals find out if he's a natural blonde or not.

OK, that was bad :lol: , but you mentioned naked Danny and on topic...and my mind went straight to the gutter. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Caption: Danny looks down shyly while the Locker Room Gals find out if he's a natural blonde or not.


Or he's looking down with interest...

:lol: Oh man, we're terrible! Methinks this thread is definitely living up to it's nickname! Ah well, I hear the gutter is nice this time of year.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:


Or he's looking down with interest...

I, erm, thought of that after I hit the submit post button. :lol: My mind is about 5 seconds behind my dirty double entendres today. *sigh* :lol:

:lol: Oh man, we're terrible! Methinks this thread is definitely living up to it's nickname! Ah well, I hear the gutter is nice this time of year.

I tell you, we're worse than a bunch of guys with beers in their hands and the Playboy channel on. But you know what? So what! :D We gals can have our fun, too. Danny should get his butt in here and do a striptease for us. I brought the Boones! ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

My mind is about 5 seconds behind my dirty double entendres today.

Meh, it's Friday, you need the weekend to recharge. We'll forgive the slip. :lol:

Danny should get his butt in here and do a striptease for us. I brought the Boones!

w00t! I'm all for that! His fine ass gettin nekkid? Rock on! (At this point I'm dying to see Carmine's face if he ever reads this thread. :lol: )
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by IvoryRaven:
Posted by xxbandgeekxx:
21 now ;) :devil: :D :p

How many email accounts does your friend have? :eek:

Not all of them are hers...I got a few other people to sign...and I accidently hit refresh or something and it put a couple on twice :eek:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, thanks for the info. for photobucket! It's looks much easier than I thought thanks!

Boones.... wow that took me back a few years..... WOO HOO Lets get that man to stripping! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
Boones.... wow that took me back a few years..... WOO HOO Lets get that man to stripping! :lol:

Heck, if Danny's getin' nekid, I'll take a good old fashioned Hurricane and a seat up front please.

I know just how to fold the bills baby. :devil:
I've spent too much time at La Bare in Dallas. ;) :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
Aglarelen, :lol: I'm right there with ya!

Great! The more the merrier!

Although, now that I think about it, I see Danny more as a shot guy. You know, walking around with no shirt, getting real close and pouring shots down your throat. With no competition you get one on one attention. Anyway the shot guys aren't too full of themselves yet. They live by the motto "The bigger the thrill. The larger the bill." :devil:

I'll shut up now. :p
I think that's TMI on my real live adventures.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

The bigger the thrill, the bigger the bill, eh? I just remember seeing Danny with all of those sex toys, and that man can crack a whip like no one's business. It just made me love him even more. *sigh* :)

That one episode with Danny and the sex toys is but one gift to us from the writers, should we send them a thank you?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Great avatars, Top41 and ThumpyG!

That one episode with Danny and the sex toys is but one gift to us from the writers, should we send them a thank you?

A thank you note and a shower cap (as a hint ;)).
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Ok guys, I'm confused. We have something like three english majors in here, yet the word naked has been replaced by nekkid? According to, such a word does not exsist!

But yes, that would definitely be a treat. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by IvoryRaven:
Ok guys, I'm confused. We have something like three english majors in here, yet the word naked has been replaced by nekkid? According to, such a word does not exsist!

But yes, that would definitely be a treat. :devil:

Well, ;) says:
"It means you are gettin' nekkid for mischevious purposes. Naked is natural; nekkid is naughty." :devil:

Or as we define it where I'm from in the South "Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on and you're in...uh, trouble.:devil:" :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

[w00t! I'm all for that! His fine ass gettin nekkid? Rock on! (At this point I'm dying to see Carmine's face if he ever reads this thread. :lol: )


It would be fantastic if not just Carmine, but all the writers of CSI:NY were privy to a transcript of this thread. Our needs deserve to be met, enough teasing.

Another thread had a link to US Weekly pictures, but I couldn't get the link to work. But, today while getting my hair coiffed I found the picture, and of course stole the magazine from my stylist. Come on, I had no choice!

Now the point I'm trying to make is it drew a very clear line for me between Danny and Carmine. It is truly Danny I love, because I get to know him every week. Become privy to the ins and outs of his life while gazing upon an excellent specimen of masculine beauty. However, in RL there is a man that possess that actual beauty - Carmine. However, I don't know Carmine, possibly ( I'm an optimist) never will, but I would have no problems staring at him naked for a few days, weeks, etc; and if he wanted to talk while standing nude before me that would be okay too. ;)

The man's arms are just sooooo ... I have no words. I did just have a thought though - it involved my tongue and biceps and triceps :devil:.

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