Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time
[w00t! I'm
all for that! His fine ass gettin nekkid? Rock on! (At this point I'm dying to see Carmine's face if he ever reads this thread. :lol: )
It would be fantastic if not just Carmine, but all the writers of CSI:NY were privy to a transcript of this thread. Our needs deserve to be met, enough teasing.
Another thread had a link to US Weekly pictures, but I couldn't get the link to work. But, today while getting my hair coiffed I found the picture, and of course stole the magazine from my stylist. Come on, I had no choice!
Now the point I'm trying to make is it drew a very clear line for me between Danny and Carmine. It is truly Danny I love, because I get to know him every week. Become privy to the ins and outs of his life while gazing upon an excellent specimen of masculine beauty. However, in RL there is a man that possess that actual beauty - Carmine. However, I don't know Carmine, possibly ( I'm an optimist) never will, but I would have no problems staring at him naked for a few days, weeks, etc; and if he wanted to talk while standing nude before me that would be okay too.
The man's arms are just sooooo ... I have no words. I did just have a thought though - it involved my tongue and biceps and triceps :devil:.