Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I was such a girl for that entire scene!

:lol: I was grinning like an idiot. And Danny with the bondage toys...could my mind be any more in the gutter? :devil:

I bet the writers put him on that case on purpose.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I bet the writers put him on that case on purpose.

I wouldn't be surprised. They have to have noticed Danny's...appeal by now.

Plus, Danny's kind of like Nick on Original Flavor. It's fun to give him the weirdest, most twisted cases because he's still a little naive and easily wigged out. But I do think Danny got into the swing of things as the episode wore on. Shoot, I think he was having a little too much fun in the end! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Just to cover my backside. ;) I decided to save this post until now since I talk too much and the west coast won't finish watching until 2 am my time.

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Aww, lament, I hope you're feeling better!

Minor spoilers for those on the west coast...

Dude. The Danny/Aiden shippers are having a cow right now. But I still only see them as friends.

Danny. Pulled. His. Gun.


How hot was that? And he totally tackled the guy.

All in all I'd say The Hotness lived up to his nickname in this episode. :lol:

Bitten, I'm with you on the just friends thing. They are cute as a team, but they seem to be more like best buds who flirt alot. And I should know since I'm always just the friend. This was just a great episode, from the Stella saves Mac moment (which was in the commercials) to Danny and Aiden processing the "gadgets" in the lab.

Ok, the gun thing: I was so in heaven. The look of pure trained readiness and concentration on his face as they prepared to bust into the shop, oh that was devine. So, so hot! The tackle was great. See I knew the boy could play football.

I loved all the joking around that he did. Nothing is sexier than a good sense of humor and Danny has got a great one. This episode was just a "torture the Danny fans" night. All the references, naughty remarks, and no shower scene? Come on!

Two things kind of off the Danny topic:

1) That wacky detective annoyed the crud out of me. I so wanted to pop him upside the head.

2) Those coats looked warm and cozy, not to mention that Danny made it look so good. I want one.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Will anyone (meaning people that deal w/CSI: NY) actually recieve that?

I don't know....maybe :confused: But if they do, we will definitly need more signatures, so go! Tell all your friends! Spread word of The Hottness! :lol: :lol:

Wow! How hot was Danny tonite! (thats not a question)
The writers are just teasing us right now!

Loved when he sassed that asshat detective "Aiden, tell him what's what." All authoritative and in a sexy accent :D

Seriously, when I saw the sex toys, my first thought was (okay, my second thought ;)) the boards are going to be very busy tonite. Is that sad at all?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by GOTHICcheerNERD:
Wow! How hot was Danny tonite! (thats not a question)
The writers are just teasing us right now!

Loved when he sassed that asshat detective "Aiden, tell him what's what." All authoritative and in a sexy accent :D

Seriously, when I saw the sex toys, my first thought was (okay, my second thought ;)) the boards are going to be very busy tonite. Is that sad at all?

How hot? Take the sun and multiply it by a million. :lol:

I so loved it when he was all like "don't even be questioning me and trying to tell me how to do my job". I love "Take charge" Danny, makes me get all girly.

Yeah I so couldn't wait to get on here and talk about this episode. The content of this episode was just too much.

I so loved his "submissive position" :devil: comment, but I'll not go into that here. PG-13 area! I'll put something about the episode in my LiveJournal later, once I've had time to process it.

And you aren't sad. You're right on the mark. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Authoritative Danny was nice. Rowrr!

Ok, so here are some fresh Danny pics, hot off

Licking his lips...


Aww. God, he looks so innocent...!


And how could I resist this one? I almost cracked up in the middle of the computer lab when I saw this...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Great caps! I can hear him screaming "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" in the last pic :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I saw that man with those bondage toys and the thoughts that were running through my mind were great, so X-rated, I was in love.

Especially, the slapping machine.... the locker room knows what I would have loved to have done with that machine, with Danny on the other end!

BTW, those pics, as usual are the best!
A couple more things: The detective on Danny/Aiden's case was a real piece of work, what a jerk (is that PG-13, enough? :lol:) I to loved how Danny took charge, what a man. 2. Chasing the garage Joe character, Danny can pull is gun anytime for me :devil: THE HOTNESS RULES
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^I was thinking the same thing. :devil: C'mon, who didn't want to spank Danny? :lol: Aiden should have done it when he was standing by the table.

Danny was seeeeexxxxxy. :D I loved his reaction to weird-ass detective. But what was with that guy? And the lab guy? How many weirdos are they trying to put on this show? Bring back Maka!

OK, gotta do it:

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Danny: You wanna do what?

Yep, that's right, Danny. The gals in the Locker Room want to spank your fine ass. :lol:

Heh, I like that picture, too. I didn't catch that expression in the episode--must be time for a rewatch... :lol: ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

C'mon, who didn't want to spank Danny?

Well, seeing as how I'm more of a masochist than a sadist, I'd prefer, well...:lol:

I loved his reaction to weird-ass detective.

That was hot. I love Dannitude.

Danny: You wanna do what?

Yep, that's right, Danny. The gals in the Locker Room want to spank your fine ass.

:lol: And what a fine ass it is!

I've been sitting here looking at the picture, trying to remember why he looked like that but I can't. I think it was in the second half of the episode, though.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Well, seeing as how I'm more of a masochist than a sadist, I'd prefer, well...:lol:

LOL...whatever works for you! :D I just know I wouldn't mind putting my hand on that fine ass of Danny's.

That was hot. I love Dannitude.

Dannitude! I love it! He's so snarky. It's just...yum. :D

:lol: And what a fine ass it is!

Hell yeah! It looks :devil:

I've been sitting here looking at the picture, trying to remember why he looked like that but I can't. I think it was in the second half of the episode, though.

Yeah, I can't recall it either. Maybe in the lab when he and Aiden were playing around with all of the sketchy sex toys? It would have been the perfect expression if Aiden had spanked him with that Robospanker thing, but I don't think she did. Sheesh, girl--talk about a missed opportunity! Silly Aiden! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:

OK, gotta do it:

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Danny: You wanna do what?

I'd say more like that would be [now] his first reaction when he has found out this Locker Room.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by GOTHICcheerNERD:
Will anyone (meaning people that deal w/CSI: NY) actually recieve that?

I don't know....maybe :confused: But if they do, we will definitly need more signatures, so go! Tell all your friends! Spread word of The Hottness! :lol: :lol:

I signed twice :D And forced my friend to sign by typing "sign it" non-stop on AIM. :lol: I'm evil.
I really do hope someone gets it though.

Loved this episode :) Loved the commment at the end about putting Aiden on the hood :lol:

Unfortunately, because I was an idiot when I set the VCR, I didn't get to see the previews for next week. (the channel I watch it on always cuts off the preview for lottery junk so I hafta tape the last few mintutes on another channel with kinda crapp reception..and of course I forgot to change the channel! :mad: ) (to keep this on topic) Is next week going to be a good Danny episode? I think I read somewhere Flack has a big part...not that that would be awful :devil:... but he's not Danny. :( :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^In the next ep, Danny is investigating the murder of a movie mogul. I think the thing with Flack has to do with his mentor or something. It's in the other plot.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I just know I wouldn't mind putting my hand on that fine ass of Danny's.

Presented with his fine ass I could, perhaps, be swayed to, erm, change my...position. And I mean that in the cleanest way possible, of course. :lol:

Oops. That picture is from last week's episode, I forgot to mention that, my bad. It's when he and Mac are in the lab doing something, but I still can't remember what. And yes, it was from the second half, near the end, actually.
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