Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Now who's lips are we talking about here?

Heh. Well, Danny's sexy when he's licking his own lips, but...let's just say I'd be glad to help. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

You all had to go and bring up that sexy man's lips, and licking them no less! His lips, especially wet ;) make me think of the so many naughty things that I need to do to that man.

I am glad that my mind is always appropriately in the gutter!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

His lips, especially wet make me think of the so many naughty things that I need to do to that man.

But what happy thoughts to go to sleep with. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

:lol: Every night ;)

I noticed that the thread has slightly changed to ALL DANNY ALL THE TIME, as opposed to ALL CARMINE ALL THE TIME.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ :lol: Yeah, I did that. I had Carmine up there when we first christened this place the Locker Room but with the conversation the other day I figured that there were conflicting views on Carmine, whereas we all agree with the Danny-love. So I changed it.

Mmmm, Danny's lips. The things I would do to that man given half the chance...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I watched the clip and awwwwwww The Hotness is so darn cute. GRRRR baby grrrrr...

anyways, there was also my Eric Cloce, whose clip made me laugh even it's serious subject.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

:( I can't see it because I don't have RealPlayer :(
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^I think you can download RealPlayer for free or at least for trial version. Just try to search for it.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Lots of Danny love this weekend, I see! :D Love the Bronte/Danny in the shower jump--just the kind of thing my mind would do.

I *finally* saw that PSA--it didn't play quite right but at least I was able to get to play. It was like two seconds long, but yeah, very sexy. I love his deep NY accent.

Anybody got any guesses as to if he's a natural blonde or not? For some reason, his hair looks like it was highlighted to me, but it's hard to tell if that's natural or not. Either way, it's hot. :D

All hail the potted plant! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I just might have to park myself in front of the the TV and watch CBS until I see that PSA!

I think his hair is highlighted too, it looks like the roots are a bit darker than the tips so I'd guess his hair is naturally brown-ish.

All hail the potted plant!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I think his hair is highlighted. In 'Til Death do we part, I didn't notice any blonde whatsoever in his hair. Of course, that man could shave his head, and I would think it was sexy. But naturally speaking, I also think that his hair is brown.

I first saw his PSA around when the people's choice awards were on, I think, but I was so busy talking to someone I almost missed it! He looked so HOT, hence, Danny THE HOTNESS Messer!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hey guys, was I the only one that immediately thought of Danny when the Staten Island case came up last episode? (Yes I know its been a full week, so what, I have a bad memory :)) I mean, I reread Danny's bio around 6 times after TPTB finally posted it, so I know that's where he's supposed to be from. I kept on expecting Danny to be brought into that case as a source of information. But yeah, it was probably just me. :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Anybody got any guesses as to if he's a natural blonde or not? For some reason, his hair looks like it was highlighted to me, but it's hard to tell if that's natural or not. Either way, it's hot. :D
Is there still such a thing as a natural blonde? hmm...I'm still kinda sorta one, but still.... :lol: :D
Anyways, for those looking for a compare/contrast:

My guess is that these pics show him au natural (okay, I know where most of your minds went, but I'm still talking about hair here! ;)):
Pic1 Pic 2

ETA: Okay, the first one doesn't seem to be working as inserting an image, so just follow the link.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
I think his hair is highlighted. In 'Til Death do we part, I didn't notice any blonde whatsoever in his hair. Of course, that man could shave his head, and I would think it was sexy. But naturally speaking, I also think that his hair is brown.

His hair looks like mine, naturally a dark blonde to medium brown. He does live in LA, which is usually sunny so, it could be natural highlights. But there is nothing wrong with a man the gets his hair highlighted. I think it's sexy for a guy to keep up with his appearance.

His hair was pretty much gone in Black Hawk Down and yet he still looked amazing. I still want to see the boy in full dress uniform somewhere. Fatigues just don't cut it.

Posted by IvoryRaven:
Hey guys, was I the only one that immediately thought of Danny when the Staten Island case came up last episode?

No, you weren't the only one but...well, I thought of Carmine not Danny. I wonder if Carmine ever visited there as a kid. Although it doesn't look quite like that on the outside. The inside was good from the pics I saw, but the outside looked a bit too industrial. It needed more woodsyness (is that a real word :p) and overgrowth.

That PSA?!?!?! I caught it during Cold Case and man was he sexy. I know that was supposed to be a serious thing, but all I could think was "OMG! There he is and without the glasses." My mom yelled from downstairs asking if I saw it and by that time I was out on the landing asking her the same thing. We were giddy like school girls. I think I watched it a hundred times online. It's the whole having Carmine on demand concept that I love. That's mostly why I download the episodes every week.
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