Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: Newbie!

Yeah, I wanted to put "Helping rehearse the shower scene" ;) but it's too long. So I decided to live vicariously through the potted plant. :lol:
Re: Newbie!

How about "Hosing Danny down"? :lol:

I like the potted plant, though. It could be our mascot. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
How about "Hosing Danny down"? :lol:

Lmao! Rock on! Hmm, maybe I could put something of the like in my signature, it's time for a change...

I like the potted plant, though. It could be our mascot.

Yes! The potted plant is now officially the mascot of the Danny "THE HOTNESS" Messer Locker Room! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yes! The potted plant is now officially the mascot of the Danny "THE HOTNESS" Messer Locker Room! :lol:

Now, who's going to design (and more importantly, wear) the costume?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I have another Danny-Literature connection. While I was reading the last of my 11th graders papers on the relative feminism of the Bronte sisters and contemplating reading my 12th graders defense or condemnation of the canon I had an epiphany.

If Danny needs a shower; he needs someone to help him lather up after a long hard day of crime solving. So . . . I would like to offer my services to the CSI: NY production team, free of charge, as the official lather person.

My main qualifications are: 1) I am totally hands on :devil:; 2) I am not above manual labor :devil:; 3) I would put my whole body into the task at hand :devil:.

I would consider the job a religious work, since my speech would be littered with “Oh, God.” That’s my plea. Let’s hope the writers and producers take me up on the offer.

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ :lol:

So...these are the kinds of things my English teachers think of while grading papers. That's quite interesting. :lol: Hmm, perhaps I should introduce my Lit Theory teacher to the wonders of Danny before she grades my Huck Finn paper...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

JDonne, I think that anything related to Danny could be considered a religious experience :lol:

I find it humorous that the relative feminism of the Bronte sisters brought you to this epiphany!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, a little Danny love can only improve your grade. ;)

If my students had simply used his picture as their title page, grades would have increased by leaps and bounds. A++++ would become the new norm. Just decorate the edges of your paper with pictures of Danny. You could write diddle diddle moo cow about Huck Finn and receive top marks. It worked for Joyce without the pictures of Danny, only imagine your greatness with the visuals.

Ali :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Not just religious, but a humanitarian effort. I think Danny naked in the shower can only make the world a better place. :lol: Me lathering him, only makes me better.

I'm not a fan of the Bronte's. They are hyped up prepubescent Harlequin to me, all angst and innuendo with no action. I needed some action, thus my epiphany was porn, I mean born! :devil:

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm giddy today and don't know why.

Ali ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

If my students had simply used his picture as their title page, grades would have increased by leaps and bounds. A++++ would become the new norm.

Y'know...Students have a way of finding these things out. I've had history students bring up Star Trek and Kurt Vonnegut in essays after I brought them up in passing. :lol:

By the way, a hearty welcome to all those newbies I've missed! ;) Come and bask in the Danny-love (yeesh--now it sounds like a cult :lol:)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, a little Danny love can only improve your grade.

Lord knows it would need it. I know I bombed it, but dang (and may English teachers everywhere forgive me) I am this close to outright despising Huck Finn.

My teacher's cool though, if I put pictures of Danny on the cover I bet she'd laugh. :lol:

I needed some action, thus my epiphany was porn

Yeah! :D

I mean born!

Aww :(

Come and bask in the Danny-love (yeesh--now it sounds like a cult :lol: )

Well, we have decided that *cough* dealing with Danny would be a religious experience...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I am this close to outright despising Huck Finn

Don't feel bad. Almost evey English major I know despises Huck Finn! :lol:

So...we have Danny/Maka shippers, Danny/Mac slashers, Danny/Flack slashers, Danny/Aiden shippers, Danny/Stella shippers...this guy really gets around! :eek: :lol: What's next?! Danny/Hawkes? :eek:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yes, I thought the same thing when I read your first thread, 'How can the Bronte sisters bring you to lathering Danny in the shower?

I know that you meant to say porn, and not born ;) It's the locker room, your mind is supposed to be R rated in here!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

My teacher's cool though, if I put pictures of Danny on the cover I bet she'd laugh. :lol:

Mine would probably give me a mighty strange look and a barely passing grade. :mad:

BTW Bitten, I like the change to your siggy.
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