Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

A common love of literature and naked Danny.

I wonder if the two are related? And, I was just reviewing through some of my old you realize we have been begging for a shower scene since before Christmas? Oh, the writers are diabolical!

Carmine brings new meaning to "That's why they call me Thumper."

:lol: Man, ya'll crack me up!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I wonder if the two are related?

Well, they could be. Picture this...Danny with a book, and not much else. :devil: Now that's freakin' hot. :devil:

And, I was just reviewing through some of my old you realize we have been begging for a shower scene since before Christmas? Oh, the writers are diabolical!

We're persistent! And you know what they say about pays off. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

The Danny/Maka stuff was cute, and I definitely think the timing was hinting at something. I'm tentatively in favor of Danny/Maka, but only to get to Danny/Stella. What can I say--I'm stubborn! But I love the idea of Danny and Maka going out, and Stella realizing that she's got feelings for Danny. I know love triangles are as cliche as they come, but hey, if they're done well they can be great.

I'm still wavering on this. I like the chemistry between Danny and Maka, and if rattling Stella's cage a little would bring her knocking on Danny's door, then I wouldn't mind it. My one concern though is that any romantic triangles would mushroom into a vast, weeping soap opera.

But Danny and Maka long-term? Nah. Danny belongs to Stella (or Flack ;) :D). I could see Danny and Maka as close friends, though.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by lament:
I'm still wavering on this. I like the chemistry between Danny and Maka, and if rattling Stella's cage a little would bring her knocking on Danny's door, then I wouldn't mind it. My one concern though is that any romantic triangles would mushroom into a vast, weeping soap opera.

I know...I'm always reluctant about triangles, too. But sometimes they really work well, especially if the third person in the triangle is obviously just a temporary romantic interest like Maka would be. In that case, the third person is more of a catalyst--getting Stella to snap to it and make a move on Danny.

But Danny and Maka long-term? Nah. Danny belongs to Stella (or Flack ;) :D). I could see Danny and Maka as close friends, though.

Danny and Stella all the way. :D But yeah, I like Danny and Maka as friends. They seem comfortable with each other--a smidge flirty, but in that way guy and gal pals sometimes are. I'm still not sure how to read her comments from last night--she might like him, and I think he'd reciprocate if she made a move. But long term? I want Danny and Stella together.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I know my mind is just as dirty, shoot, if my mind weren't dirty, I would think that there was something wrong with me!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

oh yeah, my ears perked up immediately when I saw that. I know though that this is just another ploy that the writers are doing to us just to see how far they can get with us- in regards to Danny and that shower.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

HHHHHHHOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT! Danny with a book and nothing else? My mind is already out of control with naughty, naughty, thoughts! :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

To be quite honest, I would like to see more Danny /Stella interactions to make a decision about the two of them. I can however see the Danny/maka being close friends with a little flirting on the side. I think that I prefer that for the two of them, over a full romance.

of course, what I would really want is Danny/Carmine (whoever he wants to be is fine by me) for myself! ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
To be quite honest, I would like to see more Danny /Stella interactions to make a decision about the two of them. I can however see the Danny/maka being close friends with a little flirting on the side. I think that I prefer that for the two of them, over a full romance.

I think my favorite pairings are when Danny and Stella work together and when Mac and Aiden (and Flack) work together. For some reason, I just really like those team-ups.

of course, what I would really want is Danny/Carmine (whoever he wants to be is fine by me) for myself! ;)

:lol: Carmine's a different story than Danny, though. That's real life, though, and well, I guess none of us know what he's like IRL. Hopefully his ego isn't growing exponentially because of this thread. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

oh yeah, I bet Carmine is night and day from his character Danny. granted, if I am attracted to him, he is a player, or a total loser! :lol:

Carmine's ego has to be inflated somewhat if he reads these threads, I mean the way we talk about him and the things we want to do to that man... I would be very surprised if it weren't.

I like Flack/Aiden pairings. They work real well together and I love the camradere between the two. I also like Mac/Danny pairings as well.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
oh yeah, I bet Carmine is night and day from his character Danny. granted, if I am attracted to him, he is a player, or a total loser! :lol:

I would guess player because he's so good-looking. Guys who are that hot tend to lean that way. That's why I like raving about Danny, but I'm a tad more hesistant about Carmine. I don't really know the real guy--if he's great, then cool, but I hate to think I'm inflating some player's ego. :lol:

Now Danny...he's cute and funny and fictional. :D Totally safe.

Carmine's ego has to be inflated somewhat if he reads these threads, I mean the way we talk about him and the things we want to do to that man... I would be very surprised if it weren't.

Yep, I know. I feel the same way.

I like Flack/Aiden pairings. They work real well together and I love the camradere between the two. I also like Mac/Danny pairings as well.

Flack and Aiden are fun. I like that--they have a unique kind of rapport. And Mac and Danny are always interesting to watch.

I guess I'm new...I've been lurking here for a while but never felt the need to post :p But....after looking at all the Danny pics, I am compelled to ask: Does Danny ever where anything but light colored shirts? Sadly, I have only watched 3 episodes of CSI: NY, (long story as to why :( :mad:) and thats counting the crossover with Miami (the only thing I remember about that is I cannnot stand Horatio..the way he said his name...Oh I can't stand him at all. :mad:) so I can't be sure. At first I thought he only wore white shirts. I've spent quite a while trying to get my friend who watches it to be concerned about this but somehow she doesn't find the idea of a closet full of white dress shirts to be as horrifying as I do. :lol: Anways, while rewatching last weeks episode I realized he's not always wearing a white shirt, but it always seems to be light colored. Would it kill him to wear something different? Or has he and I just haven't seen it. I only thought about it because I quite like analyzing what Danny on Without A Trace wears and its far more interesting than what Danny on CSI:NY wears.

*sigh* I get too obsessed about these things. Which is why I love this thread... :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

thats it. That is why I like Danny so much, is because he is safe. I know that the character only exists on television and not in real life. (too bad :()

It is a psychological thing with me, I lust after something that I know will never happen ( or exists) and it keeps me from dealing with reality- with relationships (to a point) I like these deep, intellectual discussions ;)

however on a new Carmine subject: I was just thinking, frightening as that sounds, Carmine was at one point training to become a pro baseball player. Imagine if you will that fine piece of Carmine in those baseball pants? Baseball season has started, and HMMM I think that we not only need a shower scene, but a baseball scene, so we can see his hotness in action and in those pants. and afterwards..... a SHOWER... OH YEAH
Re: Newbie!

To answer your question. I myself have thought that his wardrobe was rather boring, and have asked why doesn't he wear anything else. I think it might have something to do with a uniform appearance. Perhaps giving him some kind of a uniform to wear, that is consistant with the job. Because to tell you the truth, those CSI's dress way to stylish for the job. I personally think that Danny needs less clothing to adequately perform his, uh, duties

BTW, Welcome to the locker room xxbandgeekxx !
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