Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: Newbie!

I think my favorite pairings are when Danny and Stella work together and when Mac and Aiden (and Flack) work together. For some reason, I just really like those team-ups.

Mac/Aiden! Yeah! :D

I would like to welcome xxbandgeek! We keep on growing, the force of the Danny love is strong!

Danny vs. Carmine. I have to say, I bet Carmine is actually a pretty cool guy, but it's Danny that I'm halfway in love with (and totally in lust with!)

Hmm, Danny naked. It's an image that runs through my head on a daily, nay, an hourly basis. However, Danny naked with a book...are you trying to kill me? :lol:
Re: Newbie!

Bitten, I have noticed that you are located behind the potted plant, excellent location ;)

I still think that Carmine's ego could be 'larger than life', but I am sure that he is a nice guy. But like you stated earlier, like everyone else I am in love with Danny hotness Messer
Re: Newbie!

Posted by ThumpyG:
Bitten, I have noticed that you are located behind the potted plant, excellent location ;)

:lol: I wondered how long it would take someone to notice.

I still think that Carmine's ego could be 'larger than life', but I am sure that he is a nice guy. But like you stated earlier, like everyone else I am in love with Danny hotness Messer

I suppose he could be getting a big ego lately, especially since it seems to be known that he's a hit with the lady fans, but I still get the feeling that he has enough of a sense of humor to laugh at himself. I mean, he dissed his own painting in Tri-Borough.

:lol: Danny "THE HOTNESS" Messer. God, that just cracks me up.
Call me Eagle Eye!

Last night episode used the same traffic scene as last weeks episode! Last week there was a traffic scene that showed a black VW passat wagon making a left hand turn. It was the scene right before Danny and Flack found the Loomi reciept in the apartment. Last night the same scene was used right before the scene where Hawkes, Danny and Maka are at the street corner where the guy collapsed and died. I only noticed because I drive a VW Passat....and have too much time on my hands. I also have to watch all of Carmine's scenes over and over and over and.....
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

First, welcome xxbandgeekxx to the crazy, wacky, wonderful world of The Locker Room. :D

Posted by ThumpyG:
however on a new Carmine subject: I was just thinking, frightening as that sounds, Carmine was at one point training to become a pro baseball player. Imagine if you will that fine piece of Carmine in those baseball pants? Baseball season has started, and HMMM I think that we not only need a shower scene, but a baseball scene, so we can see his hotness in action and in those pants. and afterwards..... a SHOWER... OH YEAH

Carmine's butt looks so good in Yankee pinstripes! :devil:
*faints momentarily from the memory*

Sorry, 'bout that. Wonderful memory!
Check out For Love Of The Game. He's in it for a bit as a minor leauger who's just been called up by the Yankees. He's talking to Kevin Costner and then he turns to walk away. Oh my, Carmine's butt looks fabulous. It's sad, but I love to watch that man walk away. ;)

You can see the clip at It's in the bottom left, on the main page, second icon, "Video Clips". You can also see his butt, minus the pants :D, in Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss.
Re: Call me Eagle Eye!

Posted by msgiovinazzo:
Last night episode used the same traffic scene as last weeks episode! Last week there was a traffic scene that showed a black VW passat wagon making a left hand turn. It was the scene right before Danny and Flack found the Loomi reciept in the apartment. Last night the same scene was used right before the scene where Hawkes, Danny and Maka are at the street corner where the guy collapsed and died. I only noticed because I drive a VW Passat....and have too much time on my hands. I also have to watch all of Carmine's scenes over and over and over and.....

That's the one thing that sucks about the show. Since they film in LA the NY shots get recycled. They seriously need to do something about that. That same church from Blink shows up all the time and the continuity suffers. It makes it look like that poor church is the center of all evil in NY. To draw on a Buffy and Carmine reference, that church must be on a hellmouth. :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

You know, I have seen For the Love of the Game, and I had forgotten about his butt with that Yankee uniform on. Thanks for the reminder :D and I do remember rewinding Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss a number of times just to see his bare ass!

OK, I have to admit, I have been attempting to watch all of Carmine's movies just so I can see him in action. I just finished Fallen Arches,and it wasn't too bad- great shot of him in tight pants, and his shirt is off for quite a bit of the movie- I was happy :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I just experienced seeing Carmine's ass in that Yankee Uniform. *sigh* All I really wanted to do was reach out and grab it. I will have sweet dreams tonight!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome xxbandgeek!! You've come to a great place, place where we all can talk about The Hotness (aka Danny Messer) :D I hope you'll enjoy to be here :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome to the Locker Room xxbandgeek! Here, you are among others of your kind, others that understand you. We will support you in the midst of your greatest loving-of-Danny fits. Welcome.

Ahem, anyways, on topic. Does anybody find it strange that I sat in my room for about half an hour, pronouncing Carmine's last name over and over again. Even though I am in lust with Danny, not Carmine himself, I couldn't help it. He has such a nice last name.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

No,completely normal behavior. Everytime I see Carmine's last name, I pronounce it a number of times, both ways, just so I can hear how it sounds.
Re: Newbie!

Welcome xxbandgeekxx! :D I see what you mean about Danny's's a little dull, but I think there are few things sexier than a guy in a button-downed shirt and a nice pair of slacks. :D NY's style overall is definitely the most toned down, but at least no one is sporting a red and orange shirt combo like poor Ryan was over on Miami! :lol:

Posted by ThumpyG:
thats it. That is why I like Danny so much, is because he is safe. I know that the character only exists on television and not in real life. (too bad :()

It is a psychological thing with me, I lust after something that I know will never happen ( or exists) and it keeps me from dealing with reality- with relationships (to a point) I like these deep, intellectual discussions ;)

Well, it's always fun to lust after a doesn't hurt anything and generally the character won't disappoint you. Not always true of real people, but then there are plenty more rewards of RL relationships that more than make up for it. :devil:

The discussions are fun--it's kinda like English class, only we're discussing a TV character and not one from literature.

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Mac/Aiden! Yeah! :D

I would like to welcome xxbandgeek! We keep on growing, the force of the Danny love is strong!

Danny vs. Carmine. I have to say, I bet Carmine is actually a pretty cool guy, but it's Danny that I'm halfway in love with (and totally in lust with!)

Same here. There's something so adorable and sexy about Danny...mmmm... :devil:

Hmm, Danny naked. It's an image that runs through my head on a daily, nay, an hourly basis. However, Danny naked with a book...are you trying to kill me? :lol:

With those glasses and that body...well, pair that with a book and yeah, that's an English major's fantasy! :D :lol:

Posted by Aglarelen:
That's the one thing that sucks about the show. Since they film in LA the NY shots get recycled. They seriously need to do something about that. That same church from Blink shows up all the time and the continuity suffers. It makes it look like that poor church is the center of all evil in NY. To draw on a Buffy and Carmine reference, that church must be on a hellmouth. :p

I've noticed there's a fly over of some buildings that gets repeated all the time. This might happen in Miami, too, but I've noticed it in NY quite a few times and we've only had half a season.

As for Carmine on Buffy...I think it's hilarious and awesome that Carmine was in the very first scene of my very favorite show ever. :D For those of you who have never seen it, it's worth checking out. Carmine isn't in it for long :lol: but it's a surprising little bit. :D
Re: Newbie!

No,completely normal behavior. Everytime I see Carmine's last name, I pronounce it a number of times, both ways, just so I can hear how it sounds.

:lol: So do I! But, uh, I have an excuse, being a Linguistics student and all...I'm just, you know, really interested in the dialect differences. Yup.

Well, it's always fun to lust after a doesn't hurt anything and generally the character won't disappoint you. Not always true of real people, but then there are plenty more rewards of RL relationships that more than make up for it.

Top41 you rock! You just said everything I was thinking but was too exhausted last night to articulate.

The discussions are fun--it's kinda like English class, only we're discussing a TV character and not one from literature.

Well, the script is literature and Danny is in the script. I mean, we study plays in English class, why not TV shows? Yay! We found the Danny/English connection! Woo-hoo!

Last night episode used the same traffic scene as last weeks episode!

Yeah, the shows keep stock footage for filler. Cracked me up when I saw the same Hummer limo go by in two separate Miami episodes. :lol:

With those glasses and that body...well, pair that with a book and yeah, that's an English major's fantasy!

:lol: The Secret Fantasies of an English Major!

Imagine if you will that fine piece of Carmine in those baseball pants?

What a beautiful image.
Re: Newbie!

^How's that potted plant doing? Love your location--I just noticed it! :lol:

Viva the potted plant! :D
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