Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I love the man's arms. They're, like, perfectly sculpted. Not too bulging, but just that right amount of definition. It's so damn sexy--arms get me everytime.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

yes, that was one thing that I noticed about him as well. I am not into big, muscle types, but Carmine body is just so well proportioned, and he looks so damn hot- in anything!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Thumpy G: "You ladies want a piece of this?"

Locker Room Groupies: "HELL YEAH!"

*Stampede ensues*



:lol: Ain't that the truth!

Great arms and a great chest get me everytime.

and he looks so damn hot- in anything!

And out, I'm sure ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
yes, that was one thing that I noticed about him as well. I am not into big, muscle types, but Carmine body is just so well proportioned, and he looks so damn hot- in anything!

Yeah, I used to like my guys scrawny thin until I got into Tae Kwon Do in college and started liking guys with visible (but not bulging) muscles. Kinda like the ones Carmine has--they're there, they're visble, and you just want to run your hands up and down them. (His arms, before someone gets a whiff of something R-rated. ;) :lol: )
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Riiiiiight, his arms, I Know that you were specifically talking about running your hands up and down those :devil:

R-rated, here in the locker room? no way not ever ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Sorry, I just had to drag DaWacko's quote in here to giggle about it cause I'm sure ya'll would appreciate my amusement more than most of the people in the "Till Death Do We Part" thread.

Hee! He's got a nickname now!

:p I think that suits him well :lol: :devil:
[Just like I call Bruce Wills as Tha Man]

In other forum where my ID is Danny Messer, I asked can I call myself the hotnessssssssssssssssss then :p (there I got that name to my head first time)


But...uh, I think it's good name for him. I'm not lying or anything.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I love it here, a little intellectual stimulation (love literary theory); a lot of stimulating Carmine :devil:. I mean stimulating in the PG-13 way, of course ;)!

Looking at the pictures just makes me think my what arms you have, my what a chest you have, my what abs you have, my what .... I'll stop there.

No school today, so I'm home grading papers for my students short story assignment. But, I just had to say - how cute was he last night!?

Welcome to all the new people.

Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^He was adorable last night. Love the way he reacted to Mac's comment about love, but I think Danny's BSing. I think he's totally soft at heart. I bet he falls hard.

Bitten and ThumpyG: :eek: Guilty as charged! :eek:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I bet he falls hard.

Confirmed bachelors always do. But that's what made it so cute. When he said that I was all "Aww, Danny we know you want a house with a white picket fence and two cats in the yard..." :lol:

Guilty as charged!

See? You can't fly under the radar around here, our minds are just as dirty!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Has anybody seen the next episode preview ? It is on the CBS website and it is said to have a "sex puzzle" (!!!!!) to solve... I don't know if it is related but lots of Danny in this preview :D . Unfortunately, I never understand what it is said in these previews... I have had to wait for the transcript...
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Ok, first I'd like to say welcome to Medulla, ghostinthemachine and msgiovinazzo. This place is so much fun.
ghost, I love your wps. They are wonderful. And I keep wanting to type ghostintheshell instead. Just my blasted anime fixation talking. :p

Posted by Top41:
^Unless Danny's the "football," yeah. :lol: ;)

Well...the sport is all about posession, and posession is 9/10ths of the law. :devil: :devil: :devil:

You guys make my day. :lol:

PS: Thanks Bitten for the oh so hot "Thumper" :p pics. I love him. So funny!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Thumpy G: "You ladies want a piece of this?"

Locker Room Groupies: "HELL YEAH!"

*Stampede ensues*


:devil:! *laughter slowing*

Answer: "You bet, baby! Break me off a piece of that!" :lol:

Carmine brings new meaning to "That's why they call me Thumper." :devil:
Man, now I'm corrupting Disney!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Confirmed bachelors always do. But that's what made it so cute. When he said that I was all "Aww, Danny we know you want a house with a white picket fence and two cats in the yard..." :lol:

Yeah. :) It's what makes them so sexy. I was thinking something similar when he said that. :lol:

See? You can't fly under the radar around here, our minds are just as dirty!

That's why we're all such a great bunch. A common love of literature and naked Danny. :lol:

Posted by Medulla:
Has anybody seen the next episode preview ? It is on the CBS website and it is said to have a "sex puzzle" (!!!!!) to solve... I don't know if it is related but lots of Danny in this preview :D . Unfortunately, I never understand what it is said in these previews... I have had to wait for the transcript...

I did see that, but I couldn't make out much of what it was about. You might check the episode guide here...I think the ep is called "Hush." It did look like Danny and Aiden might be on the main case, which would be cool.

Posted by Aglarelen:
Carmine brings new meaning to "That's why they call me Thumper." :devil:
Man, now I'm corrupting Disney!

I love it! :lol: I love hanging out with people whose minds are as dirty as mine is. :devil:
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