Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Hell yeah! :devil: That's just what we do. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome to the locker room, Medulla :D

Lament, I read your fic, finally. I wasn't going to, because I'm not too fond of slash, but after all the glowing reviews, I had to. It was very awesome, and I am now a slash convert.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

The shower is a good thing :devil:

Heh. I'm telling ya, I use that devil smilie in here more than anywhere else...
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Bitten, Danny brings out the :devil: in us. Three times over. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Posted by GOTHICcheerNERD:
Lament, I read your fic, finally. I wasn't going to, because I'm not too fond of slash, but after all the glowing reviews, I had to. It was very awesome, and I am now a slash convert.

Yeah, I have to say, it's been NY fanfic that has converted me to the whole slash thing. I guess I never bought into it because I knew we'd never see it on screen, but now I kinda think that's part of the charm of it, really. It really is fantasy so you can kind of go nuts and imagine whatever.

Or you can just imagine Danny in the shower, which is absolutely, 100% not what I'm doing right now... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Or you can just imagine Danny in the shower, which is absolutely, 100% not what I'm doing right now... :devil:

Yeah, and I've got a bridge you've just gotta see... :lol:

I got into slash when I was in the HP fandom, and yeah, the neat part about it is that it most likely won't happen in canon. I wasn't feeling much in the way of any CSI:NY slash until I read lament's Flack/Danny stories. Hee! Flack is so slashable.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Yeah, and I've got a bridge you've just gotta see... :lol:

Touche! :lol:

I got into slash when I was in the HP fandom, and yeah, the neat part about it is that it most likely won't happen in canon. I wasn't feeling much in the way of any CSI:NY slash until I read lament's Flack/Danny stories. Hee! Flack is so slashable.

HP? I'm coming up blank, but I know when you write it out I'm gonna go, oh duh! Right! What else could HP be? But right now, I can't think of it. :lol:

I like the Danny/Flack slash. And the Mac/Danny slash. Heck, Danny with anyone...I mean, if we lust after him, imagine being in daily contact with him? Can't blame a guy/girl/potted plant for that! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

HP? I'm coming up blank, but I know when you write it out I'm gonna go, oh duh! Right! What else could HP be? But right now, I can't think of it.

Harry Potter.

Can't blame a guy/girl/potted plant for that!

LMAO! Potted plant?! And what a lucky potted plant it is!

I bet the potted plant wants a shower scene.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Harry Potter.

Duh. See, I told you I'd say duh! :lol:

LMAO! Potted plant?! And what a lucky potted plant it is!

I bet the potted plant wants a shower scene.

That should be our slogan:

Danny--in the shower! Do it for the potted plant.

Damn, that is one lucky potted plant. :mad:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Danny--in the shower! Do it for the potted plant.


How bout some distraction?

Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Carmine: "C'mon, you guys are trying to convince me a plant wants to see me naked in the shower?"

Thank you, Bitten! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Wow, only been gone a day and already so many posts! Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

I bet the potted plant wants a shower scene.

Maybe we should get it to sign the petition-to-be. Or at least interview it about its experiences with Danny.

(When I said 'experiences', thats not what I meant!)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Carmine: "C'mon, you guys are trying to convince me a plant wants to see me naked in the shower?"

Yes, yes we are. And it does. Honest.

When I said 'experiences', thats not what I meant!

Yeah, but that's what we thought anyways. The board is PG-13 but our minds are most definitely not :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

It's all for the plant, guys. Gotta think of the plants!

And need to censor our minds or our clever puns so long as we keep it clean here. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

The thread has now gone to a new demented level with the potted plant. However, that potted plant is a very happy potted plant, just to be near him everyday.

Bitten I LOVE the pics with the dialogue! I seriously sit at my computer and LMAO after I read them! and I wonder why people think that I am weird., no not weird, 'gifted' :D

but, I know that when I watch Danny tonight on CSI:NY, I will only be plotting ways to get him in the shower, and I will never be able to look at a potted plant the same!
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