Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Hey everybody, just thought I'd introduce myself (I'm new here). I must say that so far your discussions have been quite... erm, interesting. ;) Also, it's refreshing to read a series of posts that actually make gramatical sense! (Not that it's particularly surprising with what seems like 3 or 4 english majors around.) And I definitely agree on the idea of the shower scene. I was actually daydreaming about how the writers would react if a petition for the shower scene (thousands of names long, of course) ended up in their mailbox. Anyways, it's been great (and hilarious) reading all your posts so far, and I hope to contribute in the future.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Welcome IvoryRaven! Always good to have another Carmine/Danny admirer around. Maybe the writers will take notice and finally give us the shower scene we're all salivating for.

Unofficial Locker Room Groupie? Hon, you're one of us! Now, if you could just nick a vein and sign this contract... Heh. Just kidding. Sort of :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Hello IvoryRaven! Welcome to The Locker Room! It is so nice to see so many more people basking in the hotness that is Danny! YUMMY. I myself cannot wait to be able to post pictures of his studliness... ahhhh. Pure beauty like his shouldn't be wasted on just anyone or on anything. He needs to proceed to The Locker Room thread and look at what he has done to us.

Hmmm, petition for the now infamous shower scene, You are definately onto something IvoryRaven
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Ditto on the art as a possible minor for Danny. He did appear to know more than the average person would.

What is interesting about this thread is that a few people are English/History majors and I was not in college. But I will say that if I were to be a teacher, I would have taught History (one of my favorite classes) or English Lit (I am a total bookworm) and have loved literature since I was introduced to it wayyyyyy back when I was like 12 years old.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Hi IvoryRaven ! :D Come splash around in the shallow end! :lol:

ThumpyG: A lot of my profs majored in both English and History. The fields are really more alike than different.

Danny definitely has some kind of background in art/art history. It could be a minor, or just well-chosen electives. Or perhaps he has a parent who introduced him to art.

What about his major? I would guess Chemistry or possibly Criminal Justice. Or would his major have to be in a science? Nick Stokes was a CJ major according to the CBS bio, wasn't he? Of course, the bios change like the wind, so who knows? :rolleyes:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Yeah, I was a Criminal Justice major in college (masters in it too!) and I am now trying to go back for another masters in Forensic science. ( I have some science- both Bio/Chem as well.)

He would have to have some science, as I do for some of it. But like I said I have a CJ degree and some of it is also field experience as well. Mac hand picked him for his team, so he found him somewhere! He could have majored in CJ, but he needed some science somewhere :)

CSI is so not even close to real life (sorry, soap box here!) I love the show, but a lot of the things that the CSIs are doing they would not do. Most of it is drama, which for it to be the #1 show of television, it needs to be!

Yeah the CBS bios are a trip, I still think that we need to write them for CBS, for a fee... lets say, Carmine in the shower, with The Locker Room directing... no body doubles, we want the real deal, and nothing on Carmine but a smile :D Just the thought of it makes me hot :lol:

I didn't think that there was a shallow end in The Locker Room.....
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Lament, is there going to be a chapter two with Patience? I really enjoyed the Danny/Flack Slash- even though I am still on the fence about slash to begin with, anything that has Danny showering, getting naked (ALWAYS), dumpster diving and licking those sensuous lips makes Thumpy G very happy! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Lament, is there going to be a chapter two with Patience? I really enjoyed the Danny/Flack Slash- even though I am still on the fence about slash to begin with, anything that has Danny showering, getting naked (ALWAYS), dumpster diving and licking those sensuous lips makes Thumpy G very happy!

Yeah, I think I'll continue it. ;) I might switch back and forth between Flack's POV and Danny's POV. I have three other stories going right now, and so I wasn't going to write a NY one in the first place, but after "Blood, Sweat, and Tears," how could I resist? :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Welcome IvoryRaven! Always good to have another Carmine/Danny admirer around. Maybe the writers will take notice and finally give us the shower scene we're all salivating for.

Unofficial Locker Room Groupie? Hon, you're one of us! Now, if you could just nick a vein and sign this contract... Heh. Just kidding. Sort of :D

Yes, Yes! Welcome IvoryRaven! We have so much fun here and it's almost all in correct grammar. :p

Now as for Bitten...
Tsk, tsk. For shame. :lol:
Don't scare the newbies.
What am I saying! This thread is a trial by fire! :devil: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

don't know if posting it that way would be considered hotlinking
Hotlinking is pretty much posting an actual image from a site that's not your own

Thanks for looking out for me guys :) I wouldn't want to get busted for copyright infringement or anything.

it's refreshing to read a series of posts that actually make gramatical sense! (Not that it's particularly surprising with what seems like 3 or 4 english majors around.)

Let it never be said that this thread has no educational value! :lol:

*Waves* Welcome IvoryRaven, nice to see another fan out there.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I always thought that this thread has a great educational value. I find that our discussing of Carmine/Danny and everything about him as getting an education, very intellectually stimulating :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Aglarelen:
Now as for Bitten...
Tsk, tsk. For shame. :lol:
Don't scare the newbies.

Aww, why not?

intellectually stimulating

Well...stimulating, at least :lol:

*Sigh* I know I promised more pictures, but dangitall, it's late, I just got in, I'm tired, I'm cranky, my legs hurt from climbing up and down the ladder all evening at work, and...oh what am I saying? Pictures of Carmine can only make me feel better...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...these Locker Room Groupies...they want me to do what?!


Oh man, this is the stuff dreams are made of...


And then...

Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

yes,yes,yes!!! Bitten, those pictures are just what I needed to start my long day! thanks :D

Especially: Dumpster Diving! Woo Hoo, that is what hot dreams of Carmine are made of! MMM, now if we could just get a glance of that tat on his right shoulder...
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Hi, everybody !
I've been following this thread since its beginning and found it quite interesting. I can't wait to see this new CSI show. Unfortunately, I'm not living in USA but in France so no Carmine / Danny for me yet :(
I only hope that CSI:NY (that will be called The Experts : Manhattan in France) will be aired soon...

Thanks to all the people who keep posting these cute photos !!!

Lament : I've read your "Patience" fanfiction and I've found it really good, funny and cute. I hope you'll write a second chapter (and many others !)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Thanks Medulla, and welcome! I hope you get to see Danny onscreen soon. He's even better when you can hear that gorgeous voice. :)
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