Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I have a slow connection at home and pictures posted on this site haven't given me problems.

Aren't they just beautiful?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I hope that there is a naughty streak in Carmine and/or Danny, to keep it interesting of course!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Mmmm...more Danny pics. Top41 is a very happy girl. :D

Bitten, I feel for you with that chapter title. U-G-H. When I was in college, I had one history book that I hated so much (it was terribly dry and dull) that when the course was over I took a hammer to the book (just a few swings). I'm a book lover, so that was pretty extreme! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

:lol: Don't get me wrong, I'm loving my literary theory class, but right now I've got a splitting headache and it's gorgeous outside (80 degrees baby!) and I can think of a million things I'd rather do than be stuck here at school.

The only books I've ever really intentionally harmed were my math books :lol: I can't tell you how many times I threw them across the room while doing homework.

Heh, Carmine finds the Locker Room...


Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
:lol: Don't get me wrong, I'm loving my literary theory class, but right now I've got a splitting headache and it's gorgeous outside (80 degrees baby!) and I can think of a million things I'd rather do than be stuck here at school.

It may have been a visceral reaction on my part--I hate the word "deconstruction." I prefer analysis, examination, reading...anything but deconstruction, which implies taking the text apart and remaking it. Not a big fan of the deconstructionist movement--I'm a purist. :lol:

The only books I've ever really intentionally harmed were my math books :lol: I can't tell you how many times I threw them across the room while doing homework.

Math sucks. :p

Heh, Carmine finds the Locker Room...



ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Damn, what a face! :lol:

If he was by some chance reading this thread, he'd better be cracking up right about now. I am, big time.

The second one is kind of a monkey face. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving my literary theory class, but right now I've got a splitting headache and it's gorgeous outside (80 degrees baby!) and I can think of a million things I'd rather do than be stuck here at school.

Are you sure it's not the lit theory that's giving you the headache? :lol: Kidding. ;) I always like theory as an undergrad, but sometimes I had to you have to theorize everything?

The only books I've ever really intentionally harmed were my math books I can't tell you how many times I threw them across the room while doing homework.

Math is torture. Why do they force it on unsuspecting humanities majors? :confused:

Heh, Carmine finds the Locker Room...

:lol: :lol: OMG! That's just priceless! I imagine that would be his reaction, too! :lol:

Well, I'm off to play the dutiful TA and update my grade books. I'm really enjoying these pictures (distractions!). More, please. :D :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

If he found this place, he'd better have the good sense to blush. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Hmm, I think I kinda like deconstruction. From what I can tell you basically take the binary oppositions, recognize them in terms of the collective worldview, and then reverse them (almost like being a devil's advocate, in a sense) thus getting a totally different interpretation of a text. Of course, I could be reading it all wrong, luckily I have class in 15 minutes and can find out for sure.

Math sucks.

I have a love/hate relationship with math. I love the logic and neatness of formulas and I get immense satisfaction from it when I do a problem right. However, I suck at basic math stuff, you know, adding and subtracting and all that. Go figure.

If he was by some chance reading this thread, he'd better be cracking up right about now.

Cracking up or thinking we're a bunch of psychos. Whichever.


do you have to theorize everything?

Um, call me the stereotypical English major but, uh, yes? :lol: Just the way the mind works :D

More, please.

Heh. More tonight when I should be doing my comparitive reconstruction of some long lost Hawaiian language. *Sigh* My lit class asks me to rip a text to shreds and my linguistics class asks me to build a mother language from it's known daughter languages. I'm gonna have issues before too long!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Hmm, I think I kinda like deconstruction. From what I can tell you basically take the binary oppositions, recognize them in terms of the collective worldview, and then reverse them (almost like being a devil's advocate, in a sense) thus getting a totally different interpretation of a text. Of course, I could be reading it all wrong, luckily I have class in 15 minutes and can find out for sure.

I like the devil's advocate idea, but I guess I don't like reading things into texts that aren't there to begin with (except in some college professor's mind). I'm very into interpreting what the writer put in there. The reader can take something beyond that, of course, and will have his/her own personal view of the text, but I'm not crazy about deconstruction in general. I guess I'm a traditionalist.

I have a love/hate relationship with math. I love the logic and neatness of formulas and I get immense satisfaction from it when I do a problem right. However, I suck at basic math stuff, you know, adding and subtracting and all that. Go figure.

Hey, if you can do the formulas, you're way beyond me! I suck at all of it, from basic checkbook balancing to the quadratic equation (and beyond, but I just get lost at the beyond ;) )

Cracking up or thinking we're a bunch of psychos. Whichever.

Probably a little of both. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Um, call me the stereotypical English major but, uh, yes? Just the way the mind works

I'm a little anti-theory. That's probably why I drove my English profs crazy! :lol:

Heh. More tonight when I should be doing my comparitive reconstruction of some long lost Hawaiian language. *Sigh* My lit class asks me to rip a text to shreds and my linguistics class asks me to build a mother language from it's known daughter languages.

Now that sounds fun!

Cracking up or thinking we're a bunch of psychos. Whichever.

Maybe either contacting his lawyer or...contacting tptb to push for a shower scene! :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

I have a slow connection at home and pictures posted on this site haven't given me problems.

ok then :D I have 2mb connection so I don't mind :p

Heh, Carmine finds the Locker Room...

:lol: :lol: LMFAO! :lol:
*falls on the floor* My roommate is looking at me with a weird look because I'm laughing so hard. :lol:
Thanks Bitten, you cheer me up every day :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Well, so much for class. It was cancelled. Blah.

I'm very into interpreting what the writer put in there.

Yeah, I can see the problem with that from a writer's standpoint. I mean, I'm usually horribly paranoid that I'm not clear enough and that the point I'm trying to make isn't coming across, so to have someone just up and say "well, it doesn't matter anyways" is a little upsetting. But I like the idea of taking a different view of a text, so long as you acknowledge what's really there, because then it might unlock a new way of thinking in general.

I'm a little anti-theory. That's probably why I drove my English profs crazy!

I get what you mean though, back in high school I was very much a "Dude, why can't a bird just be a freakin bird?" type person. Honestly, I've been a bookworm all my life but it really was a shock to me and my family when I decided to be an English major, they all thought I was headed for Broadway and really, I never liked most of my English classes anyways. Life is strange sometimes, eh?

Now that sounds fun!

Actually, the comparitive reconstruction really is! Basically you take a list of cognates from two or more daughter languages and then methodically go through and figure out where the changes took place and when you're done you have the same list of words in the mother tongue. For example, you could take French, Italian and Spanish and reconstruct Latin. It's so logical and scientific, it's beautiful, really! Yeah, I'm more of a Linguistics person than an English person. The problem is that UCF only offers Linguistics as a minor. But never fear, I have plans for transfer when I start working on my MA.

Maybe either contacting his lawyer or...contacting tptb to push for a shower scene!

Here's hoping for the latter!

Thanks Bitten, you cheer me up every day

Aww, I try!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Honestly, I've been a bookworm all my life but it really was a shock to me and my family when I decided to be an English major, they all thought I was headed for Broadway and really, I never liked most of my English classes anyways. Life is strange sometimes, eh?

With my family and friends, it was the opposite. I double majored in English and History as an undergrad, and until, like three months before I applied to grad school, I thought I was going to get my PhD in English (maybe I still will). But then one day I just walked into my advisor's office and said, "What do you think about me getting my PhD in History?" Boom. I had well-thought-out reasons for the change, but to my friends who were English majors, it was quite a jolt.

Yeah, I'm more of a Linguistics person than an English person. The problem is that UCF only offers Linguistics as a minor. But never fear, I have plans for transfer when I start working on my MA.

Linguistics is the bomb! I love it. I keep trying to justify taking a Linguistics elective toward my MA. ;)

On a Danny-related note...considering the depth of his knowledge and interest in "Tri-Borough," what do we think he might have major and/or minored in? Obiously, he must have a strong background in science, but what else?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Given Tri-borough, I'm thinking Danny has to have some sort of art background. He knew way too much about art--that's not something the average person, or average CSI, would be an expert in.

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Yeah, I can see the problem with that from a writer's standpoint. I mean, I'm usually horribly paranoid that I'm not clear enough and that the point I'm trying to make isn't coming across, so to have someone just up and say "well, it doesn't matter anyways" is a little upsetting. But I like the idea of taking a different view of a text, so long as you acknowledge what's really there, because then it might unlock a new way of thinking in general.

I can understand both points of view. As a writer, yeah, you sit there and hope you got your point across and that readers pick up on the subtlties. As a reader, it's nice to be able to bring your own analysis. I just think that when it gets too far out in left field, it's not necessarily applicable. But that's a complex debate indeed.
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