Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Girls can sit around in locker rooms and talk about hot members of the opposite sex just as well as guys can.

Can and do :lol:

Wow, I had no idea you could shoot a video in a day!

For the sorts of projects I've done, yeah, pretty much in a day because I plan it out. I mean, most of the people I use have lives and stuff so I want to be as efficient as possible :lol:

Heh, if it was a co-ed locker room and I was working there, I know I'd make it my business to 'accidentially' walk in on Danny in the shower.

*Walks in* "Oops, sorry Danny!" *Pauses* *Looks* *Big grin* *Walks out* :devil:

I wonder if the writers realize what a ruckus they've raised by implying Danny has a TB tattoo?

They so did that on purpose.

As if we weren't already mentally undressing him...

...again and again and again...

imagining danny without a stitch of clothing...

Is something I do on a regular basis.

Carmine should feel so loved and honored to be the topic of our locker room. (or scared)

:lol: Sometimes I wonder what he would think, seriously, if he came around here. I mean, he's gotta be curious enough to Google himself, right? Maybe?

Well, whatever, if he's reading (Hi, Carmine! *waves*) then he knows we, uh, admire him...quite a bit :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I mean, he's gotta be curious enough to Google himself, right? Maybe?

If he does stumble across the Locker Room, let's just hope he doesn't get too big an ego! :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I have always wondered about Carmine and whether or not he has an overinflated ego.

I would just crush me if he did... because you know that I have built him up to be this amazingly humble, soulful person. Anyone that plays the guitar and writes poetry can't be a total egomaniac
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Well, the fact that he dissed his own painting in Tri-Borough tells me that he can laugh at himself. That's a good thing.

Edited because, apparently, being dosed on allergy medication messes with my ability to use proper written grammar.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

:lol: Gosh, we're turning into a regular little club or something, aren't we? Well, that ought to count for something with the writers, right?

It better count! You know I was looking at the best screen cap site, Past My Shoulder, and I noticed that the majority of the "Most Viewed" caps are of Danny. Hmmm! :devil:

Ooh, I wanna read it. Have you written anything else?

Well, I'm still working on it and I don't think it's quite ready, but I have written other stuff. I have 2 drabbles (100-500 words) in my LiveJournal Drabble #1 Drabble #2 and a short story here, Original Character Challenge: The Morning Sun.

Just a note to the CSI Powers That Be: I write for fun not profit and I don't claim any of your stuff.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by ThisIsMe:
I would make a sound file of that part for you guys if only I had a better microphone for my computer. All you really end up getting is static.

Fear not my friends. I have your audio hook up. (I'm a sound junkie.) I Line In'd it and I'll have it all cleaned up and posted for you by Monday night. It's too late for me to work on sound editing without waking people up. Keep looking back here and I'll post the link.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by ThumpyG:
I have always wondered about Carmine and whether or not he has an overinflated ego.

I would just crush me if he did... because you know that I have built him up to be this amazingly humble, soulful person. Anyone that plays the guitar and writes poetry can't be a total egomaniac

Any guy can have an ego (even the soulful ones...sometimes especially the soulful ones :lol: ). Let's just hope his isn't huge. :lol: That is indeed a huge turnoff.

I was flipping through the latest issue of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer magazine this weekend and you'll never guess who I saw in there! (OK, maybe you will, given the subject of this thread. ;) )

Carmine was in the very first episode of BTVS, in the very first scene! He played this guy who snuck into the high school afterhours with this blonde girl. The way the scene was set up, you totally expected him to end up being the vampire...but it was the girl! He was the first person to die on the show.

It totally cracked me up because Buffy is my favorite show, ever, and I've probably seen the first episode a half dozen times. So I guess I had seen Carmine before CSI: NY, but I didn't know it!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Aglarelen:
Fear not my friends. I have your audio hook up. (I'm a sound junkie.) I Line In'd it and I'll have it all cleaned up and posted for you by Monday night. It's too late for me to work on sound editing without waking people up. Keep looking back here and I'll post the link.

Ok, Update! I've worked on the sound file. They had this annoying "Cheesy Italian Restuarant" music in the background that didn't want to go away. That music would be the odd sounds you hear in the back of the clip. They also cut him off. He was in the middle of explaining why he gave two ways to say it and the show cut the audio, so I didn't include it.

So, here is the link. Enjoy! ;)
Carmine pronounces "Giovinazzo".
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Thanks for posting that, Aglarelen! :D

So...G-vinazzo (short g) or Joe-vinatzo? I'm terrible at pronunciation of hard-to-pronounce names (or ones that have two different pronunciations, like Hannah or Tara--I can never remember which ones people use!), but that's what it sounded like to me.

Nice sig, btw, Aglarelen! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

THANK YOU Aglarelen for the post!

Yeah, it sounded like the first pronunciation is just G-vinazzo, and then Joe-vinazzo. Whatever the pronunciation, I know I will butcher it! But at least I have something to refer back to when I am having my x-rated dreams about that Italian stud. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Luckily, for the x-rated dreams, you only have to know the guy's first name. :lol:

OK, that was bad, I know. Maybe we should go for the monogrammed 'Locker Room' towels! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

OK, that was bad, I know. Maybe we should go for the monogrammed 'Locker Room' towels!

Ok, so here I am, in the library (cause my silly internet at home decided to have "technical difficulties") and ya'll are just trying to get me kicked out, aren't you? Luckily I'm feeling sniffly, I can just cover up my giggles with a cough :lol:

X-rated dreams about Carmine. Oh, I am so game for that.

Aglarelen, I think I read that first drabble on the CSI:NY fic LJ. I liked both of them :) I haven't read the longer one yet, though, I've been scrambling around trying to edit some stuff for people, I'm hoping I can read it tomorrow though :)

*Sniff* I want to listen to the sound file but can't do so here :mad: It's hot though, right? Tell me it's hot. Carmine, with his gorgeous accent, saying his sexy, sexy name? Yeah, it's totally gotta be hot.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Ok, so here I am, in the library (cause my silly internet at home decided to have "technical difficulties") and ya'll are just trying to get me kicked out, aren't you? Luckily I'm feeling sniffly, I can just cover up my giggles with a cough :lol:

Are we a bad influence? Oh, goodie! :D I hope we don't get you kicked out of the library...just tell them it's important research! That should do the trick.

*Sniff* I want to listen to the sound file but can't do so here :mad: It's hot though, right? Tell me it's hot. Carmine, with his gorgeous accent, saying his sexy, sexy name? Yeah, it's totally gotta be hot.

It's actually only a second long so you might be able to get away with it.

Just about everything the guy says is hot. I never thought I'd like a New York accent so much, but his is just yummy. S'mores yummy. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

If you even remember(or know) the first name!

In my dreams, I will have him repeating his last name for me in his sexy, sexy accent... and that is all I will need...

The Locker Room rules!!!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Are we a bad influence?

Yes! I was a pure and simple girl before I got sucked into this dirty and evil Locker Room! *Tries to look innocent*

Ok, so my internet is working again (Yay!) and I was able to listen to the clip. *Sigh* That man could recite state capitals and I'd be having dirty thoughts...

The Locker Room rules!!!

:lol: Rock on!
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