Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Wow, are the writers really going to give us some backstory or are they just being mean?

That said, hmm, Danny has a dark past? Not that I'm surprised, though. I wonder if this will, in any way, relate to the trouble he's going to get into.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

OMG I think this episode might top the "Recycling" one, at least for us Danny lovers. It seems as though this episode might bring up some info about Danny's past. But what could it be..???? hmm maybe Danny has family in the mob, or when he was younger he needed money and so he did some odd jobs for them........ hmm whatever it is, i just hope it brings Carmine TONS of screen time!! Maybe even a tense argument with Mac. I bet he looks real hot when he's mad :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by FirstimeLast7:
I bet he looks real hot when he's mad :devil:

He looks real hot when he's happy too. And, this is just a guess here since we've never seen it (darn you writers!) but I bet he looks real hot when he showers too :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

He is hot whatever he does and whatever he looks like :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by FirstimeLast7:
OMG I think this episode might top the "Recycling" one, at least for us Danny lovers. It seems as though this episode might bring up some info about Danny's past. But what could it be..???? hmm maybe Danny has family in the mob, or when he was younger he needed money and so he did some odd jobs for them........ hmm whatever it is, i just hope it brings Carmine TONS of screen time!! Maybe even a tense argument with Mac. I bet he looks real hot when he's mad :devil:

Mafia stuff was what I was thinking, too. I thought I read somewhere that Danny's family was in the mob. But it could be just that--that some of his relatives are criminals, something Danny probably doesn't want brought up.

Heh, Danny a Mafia Prince. :lol: Yeah, I don't think he'd want any of his fellow CSIs to know about that.

Anybody got any other guesses?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Mafia connections. I could maybe see it. To be perfectly honest though, I'm not coming up with any good guesses cause really, all we know about Danny so far is that he's got attitude and that can piss anybody off so it's hard to say what has happened in his past.

But...going with the Danny has attitide thing and the fact that we were actually speculating as to whether or not Danny could possibly get into a fight cause of it, I wonder if it's going to mean anything that the person who suggests this dark past is the suspect in a beating death?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^You know, it's possible that it will be. I was watching the "Tanglewood" preview again, and at one point I noticed what looked like Danny pushing some guy through a window. So I wonder if this is indeed the episode where Danny gets himself into trouble. I'm not totally sure he was actually pushing the guy through the window (it sure looked like him behind the guy), but if that's what he does, then maybe that's somehow related to the dark secret.

Would Danny himself ever have been in the Mafia, though? I mean, I can't imagine that he was and then would be allowed to have a career in law enforcement. That seems to be taking things too far. Then again, if he does push the guy through the window, that's pretty extreme as well. And a pretty dumb thing to do--I imagine he could get fired and even sued for that, easily.

There's always the possibility that it's more like Sara's secret on CSI--that something bad happened to Danny rather than that he did something bad. But you're right--we don't know much about him so it's hard to make a guess.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
^You know, it's possible that it will be. I was watching the "Tanglewood" preview again, and at one point I noticed what looked like Danny pushing some guy through a window. So I wonder if this is indeed the episode where Danny gets himself into trouble. I'm not totally sure he was actually pushing the guy through the window (it sure looked like him behind the guy), ....
To me, it looks like the guy crashes into the window himself to get to whatever is on the other side and Danny is just behind him trying to stop him, grab him.
From the preview transcript:
[A man in a white shirt shouts in distress.]
[He smashes a window and tries to reach a girl behind it.]
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time


CSI NY Fans won't want to miss the new Jan 26th
episode "Tanglewood" as Danny's backstory begins to develop and his connection to the Tanglewood Gang is revealed.  We may even see a "Tanglewood" sequel later in the season as Danny's interesting character begins to unfold..  So don't miss this one!
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Interesting...guess this one will be a big episode. So Danny actually knows the Tanglewood gang...? Maybe he used to run with them and that's the secret. I could see Danny having a bad boy past.

Posted by ThisIsMe:
To me, it looks like the guy crashes into the window himself to get to whatever is on the other side and Danny is just behind him trying to stop him, grab him.

Yeah, that could easily be it, too. It's hard to tell from the preview since it's just shown for a split second.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Yeah, nothing like a reformed bad boy. Especially if he's still a little bit naughty. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

This is just too cool... I guess I can't call him an angel now :( Oh well... doesn't matter as long as I can enjoy his hotness in CSINY and being a little bit of bad boy doesn't do anything bad :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Well, he *looks* like an angel...a naughty one at least. :lol: ;)

We still don't know for sure that he's done anything bad...after all, it could be a relative of his that was invovled directly with this gang, and maybe Danny bailed him (or her, but prolly him) out. Or not...I'm quite curious to see.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Now im really excited for this weeks episode :eek:

i know this is a little off topic, but has anyone read the Mac/Danny fan fic on omg i think this is pairing we never could imagine CSI:NY FAN FIC
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