Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
All he needs is something to keep his mouth occupied.

*Eyes PG-13-o-Meter* What? I was gonna suggest gum.
Uh huh. Yeah. Sure you were. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Ok, you're right. I was originally going to suggest a lollipop but I thought that could be misconstrued as a double entendre so I suggested gum, instead.

Now, who believes me?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Not I, but Danny licking a lollipop is a sexy image. :devil:

Still, yeah, there are so many comments I could make that would have the PG-13-o-Meter's head spinning right now... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Lol, for once I'm telling the truth. I went out of my way not to sound as dirty as I possibly could. And no one believes me. Does this mean I have a rep? :lol:

But you're right, Danny sucking on a lollipop is a hella sexy image.

Ok, writers...a list* of things we want to see Danny do:

-Fire his gun
-Suck on a lollipop

*This list is by no means conclusive and is subject to change without notice based on the whims of the Locker Room Groupies.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Lol, for once I'm telling the truth. I went out of my way not to sound as dirty as I possibly could. And no one believes me. Does this mean I have a rep? :lol:

I believe you, really I do, I myself have often been misconstrued by other members of the Locker Room, simply for implying that I would help lather Danny up - I just want to make sure he's clean. ;) Do you believe me?

However, just because you went out of your way not to type something dirty, does not mean dirty wasn't dancing all around, through, and on top of your brain!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by JDonne:
However, just because you went out of your way not to type something dirty, does not mean dirty wasn't dancing all around, through, and on top of your brain!

:p I wasn't thinking dirty. *Raises hand* Scout's honor. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
Posted by lookaboomerang:
Yeah. I don't think it is either. But I just realized that I've never really heard Carmine speak outside of CSI.....

I have! :D (See the home page of my web site)

ok so i know i am late in replying but i just saw the pic on your site with Carmine!!! you are soooooo lucky!! wow!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lookaboomerang:
For some reason, seeing Carmine in a tshirt seems odd to me...In my little fantasy world, he's always in CSI attire. I need to snap out of that. :p

again i am late in replying but same here! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Not I, but Danny licking a lollipop is a sexy image. :devil:

Still, yeah, there are so many comments I could make that would have the PG-13-o-Meter's head spinning right now... :devil:

:lol: now there are many thoughts going through my head now!! :devil:

but i don't think the PG-13-o-meter would appreciate them!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

The image of Danny and licking a lollipop is something that I now seem to not be able to get out of my head. Thanks Locker room groupies!

Crime and Misdemeanor is on tonight!!!!!! I am sooooo excited, just like you all are!!!!!! :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

lol, perhaps an extra personal assistant? I know that I would love to be extra personal with him, and just think CSIMelissa, you MET him (yes I am jealous, but that is soooo exciting for you! :)) so you already have one up on that one.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Lol, for once I'm telling the truth. I went out of my way not to sound as dirty as I possibly could. And no one believes me. Does this mean I have a rep? :lol:

But you're right, Danny sucking on a lollipop is a hella sexy image.

Ok, writers...a list* of things we want to see Danny do:

-Fire his gun
-Suck on a lollipop

*This list is by no means conclusive and is subject to change without notice based on the whims of the Locker Room Groupies.

Bitten, I believe you.

The lollipop sounds wonderful. Just thinking abo....
Sorry, I went off into Dreamland there for a minute.

I'd like to add an ice cream cone to that list thank you. Oh how great it would be to see that tounge at work. PG-13-o-meter, I'm stopping there, so you can go back to your corner. :lol:

With a list like that I think I need to start writing some Danny visuals. :devil:

CSIMelissa, nice name. I'm Melissa too. Congrats on meeting Carmine. I always thought he'd be a nice guy.
Edited because I forgot to ask something. Melissa, does he smell good?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

CSIMelissa, nice name. I'm Melissa too. Congrats on meeting Carmine. I always thought he'd be a nice guy.
Edited because I forgot to ask something. Melissa, does he smell good?


LOL - what a question. I really didn't notice - too busy talking.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
LOL - what a question. I really didn't notice - too busy talking.

Well, it was worth asking. I just notice things like that. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Aglarelen:
I'd like to add an ice cream cone to that list thank you. Oh how great it would be to see that tounge at work. PG-13-o-meter, I'm stopping there, so you can go back to your corner. :lol:

Consider it done:

The Official "Things We Want To See Danny Do" List
-Fire his gun
-Suck on a lollipop
-Lick an ice cream cone

You know, they could make a special episode of him doing all these things (and add the extended scenes onto the DVD) and I think we'd all be doing good... :devil: Ooh, and he could drip ice cream on his shirt and then have to take it off. :lol:
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