Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

BTW JDonne, you shouldn't have mentioned that bit about Carmine speaking in a whisper... you sent all sorts of mental pictures through my head! I am daydreaming now, not getting any work done. I keep thinking I just heart him whisper in my ear. Oh baby, oh baby, oh.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lookaboomerang:
Well, really the only thing left to the imagination is the front side...don't know anyone who hasn't seen his butt. And to quote George from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss; "That's a good ass..."

Heh, if he wants to do full frontal, I'm sure none of us will mind. :lol: I'm all for the imagination, but you know, it never hurts to see something before you imagine it...erm, ok, that sentence started out clean, but it was heading into the land of being censored by the PG-13-o-Meter. :lol:

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
You reckon it's about time to drag up this pic again? :D Seriously though, the man has a nice ass.

I love it when you post that pic! Bitten, you are a scholar and a lady. In other words, you rule. :cool:

Hmm, I wonder what Carmine thinks of us posting that pic periodically, just so we can objectify his hot bod?

Hey, you know what they say...don't do the crime if you can't do the crime! :lol: Or in this case, don't pose for the naked picture if you aren't prepared to see it posted all over the internet. :lol:

Posted by CSIMelissa:
Yeah - mom and I shipped our winter clothes home before we went to CA. Didn't want to cram them all back into the suitcase!

That was a smart move! I hate lugging heavy suitcases on vacation, especially when it turns out half the stuff isn't necessary.

Don't know about the other soaps as AMC is all I watch. The fan club events are very small, imtimate and hard to get in to!


Who runs the fan clubs? So it's not the kind of thing anybody can join? Well, cool that you got to go in the past, and that you're going again.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Various people run the fan clubs for the individual actors and they can be "joined".... As for the fan club events, only a limited number of tickets are available and sell out fast. For example, all the parites that I'm going to in August are already sold out, with the exception of the luncheon with the cast.

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
You reckon it's about time to drag up this pic again? :D Seriously though, the man has a nice ass.

Hmm, I wonder what Carmine thinks of us posting that pic periodically, just so we can objectify his hot bod?

Oh my!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
Various people run the fan clubs for the individual actors and they can be "joined".... As for the fan club events, only a limited number of tickets are available and sell out fast. For example, all the parites that I'm going to in August are already sold out, with the exception of the luncheon with the cast.


I bet! It sounds similar to stuff that goes on at Star Trek cons...small breakfasts/parties with the stars always sell out quickly.

I rememeber when I was watching Sunset Beach there were a couple of events at shopping malls, which I'd never heard of before but I guess aren't all that uncommon. Man, I miss Sunset Beach!

And another :devil: smiley for Carmine's assets. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

If you ever want to hear more about who I've met from AMC you may want to post it in the "CSIMelissa" thread under the Misc section... Don't want to alienate any Carmine fans talking about soaps! LOL

I remember Sunset Beach - mom watched it some...

Can't wait to watch CSI: NY tonight! If I don't fall asleep that is... I am so exhausted when I come home from work some weeks I can't stay up long enough to watch CSI:NY... I'm anxiously awaiting it to come out on DVD.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Cool--I'll have to check it out! I admit, I'm long overdue for a visit to Misc...I rarely make it out of NY, and if I do, it's usually for a visit to Miami.

Alas, I'm referring to the fora, not the locales. :lol:

Yeah, Sunset Beach was great fun. A lot of Sunset Beach people have been in the CSI shows, too! I don't think any have been on NY yet, but several have been on CSI and Miami.

Heh, yeah, I'd better be good and not get too off topic...I'm sure there's plenty of Danny stuff to talk about! I wonder what kind of trouble he's going to get himself into tonight...the ep description says Mac tries to get him off a case and Danny refuses! *sigh* Difficult Danny... :D

That reminds me, I gotta start the grading thread! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

LOL yes, plenty of other Danny topics to discuss!

Geez, I'm at work now and I find it hard to concentrate! I like it here too much!!!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Posted by Grissom_Cainefan2005:

Why the sad smiley, Grissom_Cainefan2005?

Because I don't get to watch Danny tonight and I really want to. Its not fair. *starts to cry*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Why don't you get to watch CSI: NY tonight? I'm sorry to hear that. :( Can someone tape it for you?

CSIMelissa, I'm in the same boat! At work, can't concentrate! I love posting on this site! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

LOL - glad to know I'm not the only one!!

I mean - I have more important stuff to do than my usual legal secretary activities! Like talk CSI!

Wonder if the CSI: NY office needs a secretary? I'd be more than happy to be Danny's personal secretary. perhaps he needs someone to keep him in line?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ :lol: That's how I feel! :D

Yeah, would be fun to keep Danny in line. He really needs field managing, though. Someone to keep him from getting out of line with that big, beautiful mouth of his! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

All he needs is something to keep his mouth occupied.

*Eyes PG-13-o-Meter* What? I was gonna suggest gum.
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