Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Wow! That's amazing Melissa! You're so lucky! Heehee. It sounds like they were both really awesome. And yeah, to be able to actually *talk* heehee. I would have probably just opened my mouth and no words would come out, and looked like a big idiot! But seems like you had a great time!

And yeah, it's always great to find out that they ARE real people. I mean, it's great how you can just talk to them and can strike up conversation -- just like that.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Guess you could say he was "out of uniform"!
That's for sure. I fear for my dignity if Carmine and I should ever cross paths. The chances of it are slim, but still. I have no clue how you kept it together.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
:lol: You sound like me, I love listening to and imitating accents. When I worked drive thru I used to pick an accent for the evening and take orders in it to practice. Let me tell ya, it got some strange looks from my regulars!

I've done that before. I read aloud using accents too. I read my Harry Potter books in accents, changing them with the different characters. It's just so much fun. You should have heard me reading Da Vinci Code with all the French. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lookaboomerang:
Guess you could say he was "out of uniform"!
That's for sure. I fear for my dignity if Carmine and I should ever cross paths. The chances of it are slim, but still. I have no clue how you kept it together.

LOL - over the past few years I've met several celebs and I have friends who are in television... Trust me - I'm usually squealing like a 16 year old girl on the inside but it's best not to show it. :cool:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
Can't remember everything we talked about but talked about NYC because I had just come from there (I started my vacation in NYC and then headed out to LA). Also talked about the show and other basic small talk. My mother was with me so we were both talking with him.

Wow, what a vacation! From NYC to LA...that's a long flight! Did you have fun in NY? I notice you went to an All My Children event as they film in NY or LA? That looks like fun--I had no idea that soaps had fan events...that sounds awesome.

With Gary I mainly talked to him about his work and how I admired his USO work.... He had a great sense of humor. Very disarming.


I really admire Gary's dedication to his USO work...he really puts a lot into it, and I think it's great that he takes his band around to play for the troops.

Glad you had fun and got to meet Carmine and Gary!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Wow, what a vacation! From NYC to LA...that's a long flight! Did you have fun in NY? I notice you went to an All My Children event as they film in NY or LA? That looks like fun--I had no idea that soaps had fan events...that sounds awesome.

NYC was great - visited some friends there. Was there for about 2 days. It was very cold. The non-stop flight from Newark to LA was 6 hours so yeah, it was long. Longest I've ever been on. I love flying but I was happy to get off the plane! We were in California for 6 days.

Didn't go to any All My Children evnts this NYC trip. Teh actor I'm pictured with on my web site asked me and mom to come by the studio to see him for a quick hello. (We're big supporters of his.)

Going to some AMC events in August. A luncheon with the whole cast and then some private fan club events. They are lots of fun. Super nice people! I've met 13 of the cast members so far...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
NYC was great - visited some friends there. Was there for about 2 days. It was very cold. The non-stop flight from Newark to LA was 6 hours so yeah, it was long. Longest I've ever been on. I love flying but I was happy to get off the plane! We were in California for 6 days.

What a weather change, huh? I love California weather! NY is pretty cold in the spring--I went in April of 01 and it was just getting nice then. That is a long flight about going from one end of the country to the other!

Didn't go to any All My Children evnts this NYC trip. Teh actor I'm pictured with on my web site asked me and mom to come by the studio to see him for a quick hello. (We're big supporters of his.)

How cool! He's really hot! :D Do you keep in touch with him?

Going to some AMC events in August. A luncheon with the whole cast and then some private fan club events. They are lots of fun. Super nice people! I've met 13 of the cast members so far...

Oh my...I didn't know they did that for their fan clubs. That's really nice for both the fans and the actors/writers. I wonder if all soaps do that or just AMC. I only watched one soap regularly in college, Sunset Beach, but it got cancelled after a few years.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

In my little fantasy world, he's always in CSI attire.

Heh. Can't say that's how I see him in fantasies... :devil:

Posted by Aglarelen:
I've done that before. I read aloud using accents too. I read my Harry Potter books in accents, changing them with the different characters. It's just so much fun. You should have heard me reading Da Vinci Code with all the French. :lol:

:lol: French accents are fun, that's one I've been perfecting for years due to all the classes I've taken. My English accent I can attribute to my obse-- I mean devotion to Harry Potter, I can't tell you how many times my sister-in-law and I have watched the movies so that we could analyze them in relation to the books. :lol: I can do a pretty mean Spanish accent too, but seeing as how I live in a town that's nicknamed Little Puerto Rico, that's not surprising. In all honesty, the hardest accent I've come across so far is NY and I think it's partly because I am so used to hearing it from half my family that it sounds kind of normal to me, and it takes me longer to distinguish exactly what's going on inside the mouth as they speak. I will conquer it someday, though, and then move on to the next accent. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

hey melissa just had a peek at your website how did you meet all these celebs? and were they all nice and humble!
what was carmine like?

hi everyone
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Ha! Yeah, in my fantasies, he's wearing nothing but the lab coat and the glasses...and then nothing at all. :devil:

I've tried British and southern accents, and NY/New Jersey ones. I don't think I'm very good at any of them, except maybe the southern one because I lived in Virginia for four years as a kid and did have a little bit of an accent then.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Trust me - I'm usually squealing like a 16 year old girl on the inside but it's best not to show it.
Yeah. I can totally see myself getting just out of earshot and letting loose the biggest squeeee of my life. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

have you ever tried a birmingham accent,(like Ozzy) i have lived in the different parts of the uk and europe and i cant shake my accent, it is so strong man!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

and then nothing at all.
Well, really the only thing left to the imagination is the front side...don't know anyone who hasn't seen his butt. And to quote George from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss; "That's a good ass..."
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

You reckon it's about time to drag up this pic again? :D Seriously though, the man has a nice ass.

Hmm, I wonder what Carmine thinks of us posting that pic periodically, just so we can objectify his hot bod?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

What a weather change, huh? I love California weather! NY is pretty cold in the spring--I went in April of 01 and it was just getting nice then. That is a long flight about going from one end of the country to the other!

Yeah - mom and I shipped our winter clothes home before we went to CA. Didn't want to cram them all back into the suitcase!

Oh my...I didn't know they did that for their fan clubs. That's really nice for both the fans and the actors/writers. I wonder if all soaps do that or just AMC. I only watched one soap regularly in college, Sunset Beach, but it got cancelled after a few years.
Don't know about the other soaps as AMC is all I watch. The fan club events are very small, imtimate and hard to get in to!

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