Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by JDonne:
No, no we can save you on this one - Annunciation is most often related to Christianity; from Christianity we get the Bible; from the Bible we get you obviously thinking of getting to know Danny in the biblical sense. See it all works out, even the mistakes! :D


Now that sounds like an English major argument to me! :D I like it. I always told people that I studied the art of BS in college--they teach us how to make anything sound totally on the money. :devil:

But you are mind is in the gutter, and I would like to get to know Danny in the biblical sense. (Where's a smiley with waggling eyebrows when I need one??? ) :devil:

Speaking of getting to know Danny in the biblical sense, no one has brought up the shower scene in like, four posts! What's with that, people? :confused:

Get that boy to the shower! :devil:

Posted by Shellbell2525:
I know I'm a little behind on this, but the title is "10 Rounds" and it's sung by Tracy Byrd.

Tracy Byrd! I knew it was a big name in country. Thanks for clearing that up, Shellbell, and welcome to the Locker Room! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

My dad moved down here to Florida from NY when he was still a kid. He doesn't have an accent anymore. My mom's best friend moved down here roughly 20+ years ago when she was in her 30s, I believe. To us she still has a bit of an accent, although it's not as thick as when we first met her, but to her friends still up in NY she sounds "so southern!" Carmine's accent might soften while he lives out there but I doubt it'll go completely away. Especially since every day he's playing a part where he's expected to play it up. I don't think we should worry about it.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, my dad grew up in North Carolina and has lived in the north for 30 or so years, but he's still got a bit of his southern accent. I doubt it's as pronounced as it used to be, but it's still there.

And you make a good point about him playing up his NY accent in CSI: NY...if anything, he's probably trying to sound more NY rather than less. I don't think Vanessa and Eddie really have New York accents. In the Insider interview I saw with Eddie, I couldn't really pick up any kind of accent (same for his performances in Glory Days, Felicity and Friends).

As for Vanessa, in 24 she had a different kind of accent entirely! She was playing a Mexican woman in that show and her accent was very convincing (at least for me--I'm no accent expert!). I kinda wonder what she really sounds like--I've never seen a TV interview with her.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

He's not really playing it up - maybe a *bit* - but he definitely still has a NY accent.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Oh, yeah, I wasn't implying that he didn't still have the accent. I was just saying that given that he's playing a New Yorker, even though he's living in LA he's probably not going to lose that accent anytime soon. I was agreeing with Bitten.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I didn't think you were implying that - just following up saying he really isn't playing up his accent much, if any, for the show as I recall...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I think he might have been told to play it up at the beginning because it was awful thick in the first few episodes. I think I even mentioned it once, waaaaaaaayy back near the beginning of this thread. :lol: I don't know as he's playing it up so much anymore, he sounds rather normal to me based on listening to the people I know that are from NY.

As for Eddie, he grew up in NY so I doubt he's "putting it on" with regards to the accent. It could be that he can just switch very easily between a straight accent and his hometown dialect. I do it. For the most part I speak with a straight work, school, etc. However, you get me around people I'm most comfortable with (or get me angry) and you'll hear me drawl with the best of them. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, that accent of his just drives me wild! It's so gorgeous. I've always had a thing for accents though, but never really American ones. But after I heard Carmine speak, I fell for it! Hahaha.

Accents do deteriorate after a while though. I moved from the States to Hong Kong about five and a half years ago, and am in a British school now. My friends here constantly tell me how strong my American accent is, but when I visit the States, my friends THERE tell me how I sound British. So in any case, it seems accents do stick around, but it's only been 5 years for me, so I don't know.

Anyway, Carmine's accent's one of the most attractive things about him I reckon. And he's brilliant with it. It's really strong even in interviews and stuff so it's going to take a while before anything happens to the accent, I'd think.

(Argh, the Locker Room's not good for me. I must work. Papers due in tomorrow. AHHH. - However, I have been telling myself, Carmine's hot, the world is in order, we're okay!!!)

Oh and Top, check out Les Experts: Manhattan - CSI : NY (New York) it's a French NY site (though I don't know French; and if you haven't seen it before) with a few video interviews with the cast, where you could have a listen to Vanessa's voice if you're interested.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah. I don't think it is either. But I just realized that I've never really heard Carmine speak outside of CSI. I mean, I've seen Fallen Arches, but his character was from NY, transplanted to LA. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lookaboomerang:
Yeah. I don't think it is either. But I just realized that I've never really heard Carmine speak outside of CSI.....

I have! :D (See the home page of my web site)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I thought both Venessa and Eddie were actually from New York though?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
As for Eddie, he grew up in NY so I doubt he's "putting it on" with regards to the accent. It could be that he can just switch very easily between a straight accent and his hometown dialect. I do it. For the most part I speak with a straight work, school, etc. However, you get me around people I'm most comfortable with (or get me angry) and you'll hear me drawl with the best of them. :lol:

Yeah, that's a good point. Eddie seems better able to switch than Carmine does. Has he ever played a role w/out the NY accent? He probably could. I haven't seen everything he's been in.

I've seen Eddie in a lot of roles--I guess I'm unused to the NY accent because in everything else I've seen him in, he hasn't had it! Even though three of the shows--Friends, Sex and the City, and Felicity--were set in NY. I just realized Eddie's been on a lot of shows I like. :lol:

Thanks for the link, sock! I will have to check that out! I'm curious to see if Vanessa really has a NY accent!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I'm curious about Vanessa too - - Besides NY I've only seen her on 24.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by CSIMelissa:
I'm curious about Vanessa too - - Besides NY I've only seen her on 24.

I loved her on 24--I'd love to talk about her role more, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it! She was really good in that show, though. I saw her in Spiderman 2 as well.

How did you get onto the CSI:NY set, Melissa? That's pretty cool!
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