Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Aiden should have turned on the Robospanker right then. :devil: What? He's totally leaning over for it. :lol:

JDonne, I'm glad you had a fun birthday celebration! :D

As for Cuervo...

"I went one round with Jose Cuervo..." :lol:

Does anyone know that country song? I'm listening to REM right now so I totally can't remember the lyrics or who sings it, but damn, it's one of the best drinking songs. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Phillie, the screen caps are everywhere! You just have to look around! Welcome!

"I walked in, the band just started
The singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
Was on a mission to drown her memory but
I thought no way with all this ruckus

But after one round with Jose Cuervo
I caught my boots tappin along with the beat
And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo
That band was soundin purdy darn good to me"
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

"Then some stranger asked me to dance
And I revealed to her my two left feet
Said 'don't get me wrong I'm glad you asked
But tonight's about beating an old memory'

Then after 3 rounds of Jose Cuervo
I let her pull me out on the floor
And after 4 rounds of Jose Cuervo
I was showin off moves never seen before

Well round 5 or round 6
I forgot what I came to forget
After round 7, or was it 8
I bought a round for the whole dang place!

And after 9 rounds of Jose Cuervo
They were countin me out and I was countin me in
And after 10 rounds of Jose Cuervo.....
I lost count and started countin again!"

That song is so funny... even though I hate country, I love those lyrics!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I love country music, and I love that song insanely! I love to sing it in my car. Thanks for finding the lyrics, jess! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
As for Cuervo...

"I went one round with Jose Cuervo..." :lol:

Does anyone know that country song?

Yep, sure do. Dunno off the top of my head who sings it, but yeah, I know it.

Was having a bit of a CSI:NY conversation with my dad and I deftly steered it onto the subject of Danny. This is what resulted...

Dad: He doesn't speak English.
Me: What do you mean, he doesn't speak English?
Dad: He doesn't speak English!
Me: Yes, he does!
Dad: *Imitates a New York accent. Badly.*
Me: Ugh, you've got a terrible New York accent. It sucks.
Dad: What do I care? I'm not from New York.

This from the man that was born in Queens. :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

HA! I love that your dad says Danny doesn't speak English. :lol: That's hilarious. A little borough rivalry?

As much as I love Danny's NY accent, I think of the regular cast, his annunciation is the worst. His accent is also the thickest by far. Out of all of them, I miss things he says more often than anyone else. What about you guys?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I don't care at all! Hearing his voice just makes me swoon anyway. I love the thickness of his accent, it makes him more sexy I think. Isn't that how he normally talks? Ok, so sometimes we miss things, but I am certainly not missing his gorgeous face on the tv screen!

That is so funny the convo you had with your dad Bitten!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

You know, in the first couple of episodes I missed the occasional word or two but having worked drive thru for so long (in Florida no less, where NY and Spanish accents abound) I learned to listen to the words, not the accent, and applied it to my Danny-watching. I have no problem understanding him.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by jesstiger81:
I don't care at all! Hearing his voice just makes me swoon anyway. I love the thickness of his accent, it makes him more sexy I think. Isn't that how he normally talks? Ok, so sometimes we miss things, but I am certainly not missing his gorgeous face on the tv screen!

That is so funny the convo you had with your dad Bitten!

I think it's sexy too! I've always had a thing for New York accents, and I like his because it's noticable, but not too thick.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Shoot... I never really cared for NY accents until Danny! It's not that I didn't like them, I just didn't think anything of them. But now... ooh bring it on!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
HA! I love that your dad says Danny doesn't speak English. :lol: That's hilarious. A little borough rivalry?

As much as I love Danny's NY accent, I think of the regular cast, his annunciation is the worst. His accent is also the thickest by far. Out of all of them, I miss things he says more often than anyone else. What about you guys?

I don't think it's Danny's enunciation, but his talking speed. I've never had a problem understanding him, but I'm from New York. His accent is truly sexy; I think it is Staten Island's proximity to the Jersey shore.

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Maybe it's just me then--I don't miss many words but if I do it's usually his diaglogue. Then again, I used the wrong 'annunciation/enunciation' so maybe I'm not one to talk. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Yeah, definitely. And the big day isn't even until Thursday, so it's kind of nice. My last Three Cubed hurrah. They even brought me a sparkler and a candle. I made a great wish. It was a really good time! :D

I have the Jose Cuervo song in my head now. I'm going to have to go home and pop that CD in...I've got it on a mix and it's fun to sing along with that one.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Haha... I have had such a stresseful day/week, I am going to go home and HAVE some Jose Cuervo!!! Actually, I am going to go to the store and pick me up some Bailey's. My favorite drink, I love to just drink it straight up on some ice.

My boss had surgery this week, so I have had to handle EVERYTHING here at the conservatory. It's been stressful because I can't pay the teachers, and I can't do some things, but I still have to hold down the fort! I have to answer all of these questions that I normally consult my boss about, and she's laid up in the hospital getting Morphine... she's like "no, no... aoij woefjowejf f"!!


Edit: I just realized that this post was completely off topic, so I had to put something in there about Danny. hehe.
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