Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Oh yes, I'm picking up what you're putting down. :D Indeed, Dirty Danny is a wonderful thought, whether he's in the shower or [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]. :devil:

Ah, yes, such lovely imagery. Too bad the PG-13-o-Meter won't let us elaborate on it. :p

You know, I noticed that and wondered if the blocking was on purpose. I mean, doesn't he usually yell at the criminals in the interrogation room? Why was this time different? Was it supposed to be significant or am I just overanalyzing it?

It could be symbolic (or foreshadowing?). Looking at it now, I think it's fitting blocking because he really was a bad boy in that episode. But then, he is on the correct side of those bars, so who knows.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Danny ponders the Locker Room conversations...


"These girls are like a dog with a bone about that shower scene..."

HA! Love it! The funny thing is, given the e-mail thing, that could be the expression he has on his face if he reads this thread. (Carmine, obviously, not Danny.)

Danny's thinking..."Gee, these girls sure are persistent!"

You'd better believe it, Danny. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time


Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Please stop yelling! :p

I dont know actually..I Just came here tonight...sorry :(
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Ah, yes, such lovely imagery. Too bad the PG-13-o-Meter won't let us elaborate on it. :p


It could be symbolic (or foreshadowing?). Looking at it now, I think it's fitting blocking because he really was a bad boy in that episode. But then, he is on the correct side of those bars, so who knows.

Hmm, he's on the correct side of the bars, but it still looked like he was behind them. It had to be a conscious choice for the director (Emilio!) to place the camera inside the cell, but what were his motivations for doing so? Was it just that the shots looked better from that perspective or was it deeper than that? Was it symbolic in the sense that Danny's got the shadow of doubt lingering over him due to the Tanglewood connections? After all, if his connections do go as deep as are implied, then he's certainly on the "correct" side now. And the fact that such a shot does come up in an episode where he is being a bad boy...does it come back to Tanglewood again in the sense of "Can a leopard really change his spots?"

Or maybe it all just comes back to the shower scene. Get nekkid, Danny. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by lookaboomerang:
Tanglewood? I have no idea, never been there. I've only rode past the exit for it on the Mass pike.

The Tanglewood on the show is the Tanglewood mall in Yonkers, NY. The Tanglewood Boys would hang there and recruit new members, usually hanging around in the parking lot. They are like for the Lucchese Crime Family. I'm from New York, but I've never spent much time in Yonkers or Westchester. Scary guys!!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Or maybe it all just comes back to the shower scene. Get nekkid, Danny. :devil:

Danny, behind bars, in the shower surrounded by Locker Room Groupies - when suddenly his soap slips - bodies fly everywhere as the Groupies battle to get their hands on the precious bar, except JDonne who creeps quietly to get her hands on something else :devil:! All in the name of cleanliness, of course. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^H-O-T. :devil: Danny wouldn't stand a chance. :lol:

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Hmm, he's on the correct side of the bars, but it still looked like he was behind them. It had to be a conscious choice for the director (Emilio!) to place the camera inside the cell, but what were his motivations for doing so? Was it just that the shots looked better from that perspective or was it deeper than that? Was it symbolic in the sense that Danny's got the shadow of doubt lingering over him due to the Tanglewood connections? After all, if his connections do go as deep as are implied, then he's certainly on the "correct" side now. And the fact that such a shot does come up in an episode where he is being a bad boy...does it come back to Tanglewood again in the sense of "Can a leopard really change his spots?"

You know...I wonder how much of Danny's backstory Emilio knew. It was an interesting shot, and maybe it was meant to imply that Danny had been "bad" too. Obviously not in the same way, but that he wasn't squeaky clean either. His indignation at the killer for basically spewing the same crap Danny had been throughout the episode came off as kind of hypocritical, so maybe the shot was set up that way to underscore that, or perhaps to underscore Danny's feelings of guilt about the way he acted.

If there was a connection to "Tanglewood," it could be what you're suggesting. :lol:

Or maybe it all just comes back to the shower scene. Get nekkid, Danny. :devil:

It all comes back to the shower scene. :lol: :devil:

Posted by JDonne:
The Tanglewood on the show is the Tanglewood mall in Yonkers, NY. The Tanglewood Boys would hang there and recruit new members, usually hanging around in the parking lot. They are like for the Lucchese Crime Family. I'm from New York, but I've never spent much time in Yonkers or Westchester. Scary guys!!


ROTFLMAO about the comment! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I was sitting here thinking about the Tanglewood episode, didn't Danny mention playing ball with the Tanglewood Boys at Roosevelt?

If he did, then Danny can't be from Staten Island, he has to be from Yonkers. Because, when you think Tanglewood Boys you think Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. Unless Danny was being bussed from Staten Island to Yonkers, just to play ball, highly unlikely. The character bios at need some serious work. :confused:

However, I guess they could simply take facts and add healthy doses of fiction, which works if you aren't familiar with the New York Crime syndicate. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I’m not overly familiar with the criminal side of New York, I’m just an innocent girl from the Upper W. Side with a thing for history and true crime stories.

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

In the quote's thread, I have that whole conversation between Danny and Mac typed out. Don't ask what page it's on; it's been awhile.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by JDonne:
I was sitting here thinking about the Tanglewood episode, didn't Danny mention playing ball with the Tanglewood Boys at Roosevelt?

If he did, then Danny can't be from Staten Island, he has to be from Yonkers. Because, when you think Tanglewood Boys you think Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. Unless Danny was being bussed from Staten Island to Yonkers, just to play ball, highly unlikely. The character bios at need some serious work. :confused:

However, I guess they could simply take facts and add healthy doses of fiction, which works if you aren't familiar with the New York Crime syndicate. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I’m not overly familiar with the criminal side of New York, I’m just an innocent girl from the Upper W. Side with a thing for history and true crime stories.


Those bios aren't accurate, and I'd bet good money that whoever wrote that one up just took the fact that Carmine's from Staten Island and used it as a detail for Danny. They probably figured no one would pay super-close attention or care.

The bios have changed somewhat--check the interview with AZ for the comment on how Stella's has changed--so it could be that Danny's needs updating.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

this thread has just about hit 100 pages. WOW that's a lot of Danny Love. I am so proud to be a locker room groupie.

Now if I can just get my hands on Danny, life would be perfect!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

We really need t-shirts! :lol:

We're awesome. Locker Room Groupies rule! :D
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