Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

To answer all the new questions that have arisen

My pets- chooks, aviary full of birds, a dog, and the one that is actually mine- the cat- Josie. She follows me around all over the house.

I'm currently single.

I really need to print out some pics of Danny/Carmine to put in my school notebook. Need to show him off to some friends.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Yeah but dogs have to be like, walked and stuff. :lol: Seriously though, dogs are cool and all but cats are just, I dunno, awesome. My Baby might be a troublemaker but he's such a darling. If I'm not feeling well or something he'll come over and worry around me and finally curl up beside me. Plus cats are hilariously funny.

Yeah, dogs are a lot more work than cats, which is exactly why I don't have one! :lol: My parents have a grayhound and I swear, my mom dotes on that dog more than she ever doted on me or my sister. :lol:

I love his nose, don't you?

Yeah, it's a good nose. Just the right size.

I'll stop now. :lol:

Posted by gin:
Hi everyone! I've been lurking for awhile now. I wanted to point this out in the Anthony Zuiker interview, not that's it hard to miss:

"What I can tell you is that Danny Messer had a lot more involvement with the Tanglewood Boys than he's leading on. I believe if all goes well, "Tanglewood part 2" will air during November sweeps," Zuiker says, and adds, "The Mac Taylor/Danny Messer relationship will get a little more complicated. I always saw Danny Messer as the Sonny Corleone of the show--hot tempered, not trusting. He is right now the most off-center character that we have."

So I guess this won't be what's going on in the next new episode.

Welcome, gin! I wonder what's coming up in the "Tanglewood" followup. So now we know Danny had more involvement with the gang than he admitted, which I think we pretty much figured. But how much involvement? And how is it going to be revealed?

Any guesses?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

So now we know Danny had more involvement with the gang than he admitted, which I think we pretty much figured. But how much involvement? And how is it going to be revealed?

Well, my guess is that a Tanglewood boy is going to cause more trouble, maybe kill someone. And during the interview the suspect will spill it to Mac that Danny used to be a Tanglewood boy, complicating Danny and Mac's relationship further because Mac had to hear it from someone else.

As you can see, I've got it all figured out. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^That's a good guess, chrissy! I think it's definitely a strong possibility. I'm also wondering if Sonny won't be back--maybe he'll accuse the crime lab of being corrupt and framing him, and he'll specifically mention Danny. Danny wasn't involved in the case, but he could try to implicate him/the lab in general anyway.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:

Am I the only one who doesn't have a cat?

Not the only one but it seems most of the Locker Room Groupies own or have owned a cat.

Personality wise I always think of Mac as a dog and Danny more like a cat. Faithful Mac follows the evidence whereas Danny is independent, wants to do things his way and follow his instincts.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Good analogy! Danny's also kind of aloof and hard to pin down, like cats can be. He seems like he'd be a hard person to get to know/get close to, and that's a trait many cats have (not all, I know, but certainly it's the stereotype).
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by gin:

"What I can tell you is that Danny Messer had a lot more involvement with the Tanglewood Boys than he's leading on. I believe if all goes well, "Tanglewood part 2" will air during November sweeps," Zuiker says, and adds, "The Mac Taylor/Danny Messer relationship will get a little more complicated.

Well, it looks like I seriously lost the fight for Danny to be innocent, doesn't it?

This sounds pathetic (even to me) but I'm kinda upset cos I don't want Mac and Danny to fight and not be friends. However, if Danny lied to Mac then he's not going to have his trust any more and the working atmosphere won't be very pleasant.

Also don't know how the writers are going to pull it off because as someone pointed out (sorry, can't remember who)he would have had background checks when he joined up. :confused:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Well, having a sordid past doesn't make Danny a bad person--it sounds like he straightened his life out pretty well and worked hard to get where he is. I suspect Mac will understand that, though I do think he will be upset with Danny for lying to him, which Danny really shouldn't have done.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
^Well, having a sordid past doesn't make Danny a bad person--it sounds like he straightened his life out pretty well and worked hard to get where he is. I suspect Mac will understand that, though I do think he will be upset with Danny for lying to him, which Danny really shouldn't have done.

^^Took the words right outta my mouth! Word-stealer! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^I am wily and crafty like that! Beware of me! :lol: :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
^I am wily and crafty like that! Beware of me! :lol: :D

I was going to say, "You cat people are all like that", but then I remembered you're a dog person... :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^LOL...yeah, I'm totally loyal and sweet. But still a mind-reading thief. What can I say? I'm complex. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Danny's also kind of aloof and hard to pin down, like cats can be. He seems like he'd be a hard person to get to know/get close to, and that's a trait many cats have (not all, I know, but certainly it's the stereotype).

For a lot of people that's one of the many reasons why they love them. Throw a dog a treat, he'll wolf it down and be your friend. Offer a cat a treat and he might eat it, eating it once doesn't mean he'll want that treat again and even if he does it still doesn't mean you've made it into his good books!

Being noticed by a cat is more special I think, but then I am completely biased. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

My parents have a grayhound and I swear, my mom dotes on that dog more than she ever doted on me or my sister.

Just before Christmas my mom decided she wanted a lap dog (we have a husky as well) to keep her company (she's been sick and had to quit working.) We got a little Shih-tzu and the thing is SPOILED rotten! I mean, all our animals are spoiled, but this one is more so. She hand feeds the damn thing!

Anyways, ya'll, I'm feeling a little blue (the end of the semester is drawing near and I'm going into panic mode.) I think I need some intensive Danny discussion (as well as the Danny dirty) to cheer me up. :lol:

I love it when he gets his Dannitude...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

i cant wait to see the tanglewood episode, everyone has raved :p on about it so much. it is gonna be about 3 weeks before we see it in the uk.
is it just me or does anyone else think that the name tanglewood doesn t sound very tuff!
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