Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

My mantra for the day: "Showersceneshowersceneshowerscene" :lol:

If CSI:M can show girls walking along the beach with their butts hanging out then I think showing some skin on Danny isn't going to break any indeceny laws. I mean, even if it's just his chest...there's no harm in that, right?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^Yeah, exactly. I mean, he could have a towel around his waist afterwards. Or a washcloth. :devil:

Did you guys see this photo of Carmine and Hill from the People's Choice Awards. :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Or a washcloth.


Aww! That picture is cute.

You know, last night I accidentally stumbled onto a website where you can make up a petition. I came this close to making one asking to put Danny in the shower just to see how many people would sign :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

A washcloth? Where is he holding the aforementioned washcloth? :devil:

That pic from the Awards Show is kinda scary actually LOL
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

^How come? Because of his freakishly blue eyes or the arched eyebrow. Either :D

And the washcloth I'll leave to everyone's imagination... ;)

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

Aww! That picture is cute.

You know, last night I accidentally stumbled onto a website where you can make up a petition. I came this close to making one asking to put Danny in the shower just to see how many people would sign :D

I've heard of that site. It would be funny, but I wonder if an actual petition would raise a lot of eyebrows. :lol: Amid calls to lighten up the show, develop the characters, and use more NY-specific stories, here would be a petition about...seeing Danny in the shower. :lol: Well, no one can accuse us of not having our priorities straight. :lol: :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

That pic from the Awards Show is kinda scary actually LOL

I think he looks kinda devilish.

but I wonder if an actual petition would raise a lot of eyebrows. Amid calls to lighten up the show, develop the characters, and use more NY-specific stories, here would be a petition about...seeing Danny in the shower.


And the washcloth I'll leave to everyone's imagination...

Pity this is a PG board.

You know, if they don't give us a shower scene tonight, the least they could do is *cough* show us his gun :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

I like the picture. His eyes seem really blue, but still it looked great! With regards to the petition, I totally support it, 150% :D Since CSI:NY is going though some changes (which are good changes), it would be nice to show a little skin... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Pity this is a PG board.

You know, if they don't give us a shower scene tonight, the least they could do is *cough* show us his gun :D

Actually, he did show us his gun, in the diner. OK, so not that gun... :lol:

What did you guys think of this episode? I thought Danny was quite sexy in it--even the bike messenger chick wanted a piece of that. :lol:

Does anyone else crack up when Danny says "boom"? I know it's a weird little detail, but he said it in this episode and the last one and it just cracks me up. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Actually, he did show us his gun, in the diner.

Ooh, I know! I posted that message a couple hours or so before the show came on. Freaky yo! :lol: God, that was kinda hot too...his badge and his gun all settled nicely on his hip... :devil: And of course he was sexy in that scene, Bitchy!Danny is always sexy with his attitude.

He looked so babyfaced in this episode! It should be a crime for a man to be that hot.

"Hey, don't kill the messenger." *Pause* "You see what I did there?" :lol:

He does say "boom" a lot doesn't he? Hmm.

*Sigh* I suppose I ought to get back to my ever wonderful "Theories of Literary Criticism" textbook, rather than acting like a fangirl, huh?
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Ooh, I know! I posted that message a couple hours or so before the show came on. Freaky yo! :lol: God, that was kinda hot too...his badge and his gun all settled nicely on his hip... :devil: And of course he was sexy in that scene, Bitchy!Danny is always sexy with his attitude.

Heh, you're a little bit psychic! :D It was very hot. And yeah, a big part of his sex appeal is that bitchy atttitude he always cops.

He looked so babyfaced in this episode! It should be a crime for a man to be that hot.

Yeah, funny how that works even though he always sports stubble. There is something kind of young and earnest about him. Very sexy combo.

"Hey, don't kill the messenger." *Pause* "You see what I did there?" :lol:

:lol: Like Stella said...very cute. :D

He does say "boom" a lot doesn't he? Hmm.

*Sigh* I suppose I ought to get back to my ever wonderful "Theories of Literary Criticism" textbook, rather than acting like a fangirl, huh?

Heh, I suppose...or not. :devil: I'm a bad influence--I'm avoiding doing work, too. But this is so much more fun... :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Ok then, so which is sexier? Bitchy!Danny or Funny!Danny (he always seems to be making bad puns :lol: )

Young and earnest. Yes. I wonder what Danny's backstory is. Wish they would at least put up bios on the website like they have for the other two shows.

Was it just me or was there a lot of Danny in this episode? I mean, he had, I think, two scenes where he was testing something and he did most of the questioning (except for when Stella went to see the messenger girl, and I have a feeling that scene played out the way it did so as not to cut Stella out completely.) Not that I'm complaining, mind you, in fact, I'm considering it a blessing (I really don't like Stella) but, well, do you think maybe the writers are perusing these boards? Or this forum in particular? *Hums Twilight Zone theme* :lol:

Heh, I suppose...or not. I'm a bad influence--I'm avoiding doing work, too. But this is so much more fun...

Well, I do have until 3pm and it's not even 1pm yet. :lol: Sometimes I think I'm actually majoring in procrastination. Guh, I'm sure the rest of the textbook is fascinating but the first chapter is just...dry.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Ok then, so which is sexier? Bitchy!Danny or Funny!Danny (he always seems to be making bad puns :lol: )

Veeeeerrry tough call. I'm going to give the edge to Bitchy!Danny just because I like a guy with edge. But the sense of humor is key, too, cause Bitchy with no humor is just no fun. What do you think?

Young and earnest. Yes. I wonder what Danny's backstory is. Wish they would at least put up bios on the website like they have for the other two shows.

Me, too. I want to learn more about him and what makes him tick. There have been a few hints--Stella once asked him if he wished he'd gone to law school instead--but I want to know more.

Was it just me or was there a lot of Danny in this episode? I mean, he had, I think, two scenes where he was testing something and he did most of the questioning (except for when Stella went to see the messenger girl, and I have a feeling that scene played out the way it did so as not to cut Stella out completely.) Not that I'm complaining, mind you, in fact, I'm considering it a blessing (I really don't like Stella) but, well, do you think maybe the writers are perusing these boards? Or this forum in particular? *Hums Twilight Zone theme* :lol:

I noticed it, too. I'm not crazy about Stella myself, though she's slowly growing on me. If they could figure out how to make her more tough and less plain mean and heartless, I think she'd be a better character.

I think this promotion thing that's been talked about is a big deal for Danny and he's taking the lead on more cases because of it. He's actually a good CSI when he goes with the evidence and not based on what his gut tells him. Because he's 100% guy when it comes to intuition--he doesn't have a drop of it! :lol:

Well, I do have until 3pm and it's not even 1pm yet. :lol: Sometimes I think I'm actually majoring in procrastination. Guh, I'm sure the rest of the textbook is fascinating but the first chapter is just...dry.

One of my friends in college once told me that I had a Procrastination Gold Card. I used to write my papers the morning they were due. I was that bad. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

But the sense of humor is key, too, cause Bitchy with no humor is just no fun. What do you think?

Hmm, I love a funny guy, especially one that knows he's being silly when he says something lame (for example, the "don't kill the messenger" remark...that totally cracked me up.) But a guy with an edge is definitely a plus too, I mean, attitude is sexy. I think I can settle this question by saying this: Danny has it all :lol:

I noticed it, too. I'm not crazy about Stella myself, though she's slowly growing on me. If they could figure out how to make her more tough and less plain mean and heartless, I think she'd be a better character.

I was ok with Stella at first. Actually, I just didn't really notice her, I didn't like her but I didn't dislike her either. Then there was "Officer Blue" and I realized I couldn't stand her snottiness. Mac had a valid point about the gun and the bullet and the horse. That's fine to want to have the bullet to match to the gun but there was no gun yet so why not let the horse live a little longer? And I had no problem with her going to find the gun. It had to be done. But no need to be snarky to him for making the decision he made.

Tough is good. Catherine Willows rocks my socks for this reason. Stella is just a bitch and I don't like that.

Because he's 100% guy when it comes to intuition--he doesn't have a drop of it!


I wonder if he's going to mess up on anything soon. He's been going with the evidence thing a lot lately, which is good because he's focused on the promotion, obviously...but why introduce the fact that he often goes by gut instinct if they weren't going to expand on it?

One of my friends in college once told me that I had a Procrastination Gold Card. I used to write my papers the morning they were due. I was that bad.

I can't tell you how many times I've started a paper the day before or the morning of. And starting a paper early, to me, is doing it the weekend before it's due. My greatest feat though, was a paper entitled "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Lady MacBeth" Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten that the due date was that afternoon, for some reason I had been sure it wasn't due until the next week. Luckily, that morning I just decided to check my syllabus on a whim and saw the due date. I nearly freaked and sat at my computer for the next 3 or 4 hours and typed like the wind. I got an A on it though :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Hmm, I love a funny guy, especially one that knows he's being silly when he says something lame (for example, the "don't kill the messenger" remark...that totally cracked me up.) But a guy with an edge is definitely a plus too, I mean, attitude is sexy. I think I can settle this question by saying this: Danny has it all :lol:

Yep, settled. :D He's just a scrumptious specimen of manly sexiness. :D

I was ok with Stella at first. Actually, I just didn't really notice her, I didn't like her but I didn't dislike her either. Then there was "Officer Blue" and I realized I couldn't stand her snottiness. Mac had a valid point about the gun and the bullet and the horse. That's fine to want to have the bullet to match to the gun but there was no gun yet so why not let the horse live a little longer? And I had no problem with her going to find the gun. It had to be done. But no need to be snarky to him for making the decision he made.

Tough is good. Catherine Willows rocks my socks for this reason. Stella is just a bitch and I don't like that.

You're really spot on with the Catherine vs. Stella point. Catherine takes the hardline sometimes but she's never needlessly mean or cruel about it. Forceful and to the point, yes. But she doesn't belittle Gil like Stella did Mac. I didn't like her in that ep at all.

And she's just cold. Remember "Rain," the ep where the baby was kidnapped? The mother kept asking Stella if she thought her baby was okay and Stella just looked at her blankly. She could have said something to be kind (she wouldn't even have had to lie--she could have said they'd do everything they could to find the baby). But she didn't say a thing.


I wonder if he's going to mess up on anything soon. He's been going with the evidence thing a lot lately, which is good because he's focused on the promotion, obviously...but why introduce the fact that he often goes by gut instinct if they weren't going to expand on it?

I think (and I hope, for continuity's sake!) that that is what will end up getting Danny in trouble. Because I still think he doesn't get that going on his gut just isn't the right way to go. He's a smart criminalist, but he's not so good at guessing ("A Man a Mile," "Outside Man" are good examples). If he goes back to that, he could make a big mistake.

I can't tell you how many times I've started a paper the day before or the morning of. And starting a paper early, to me, is doing it the weekend before it's due. My greatest feat though, was a paper entitled "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Lady MacBeth" Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten that the due date was that afternoon, for some reason I had been sure it wasn't due until the next week. Luckily, that morning I just decided to check my syllabus on a whim and saw the due date. I nearly freaked and sat at my computer for the next 3 or 4 hours and typed like the wind. I got an A on it though :)

LOL! Yep, sounds like's so easy to mix-up due dates and stuff like that--I've done it before. And I'm totally there with you--if I ever touched a paper more than a day or two before it was due, that was amazing! I always came through though...'tis the gift of the procrastinator, I think. I write best under pressure.
Re: The Locker Room: All Carmine, All The Time

He's just a scrumptious specimen of manly sexiness.

Hey, works for me!

But she didn't say a thing.

Yeah, I remember being irritated with her for that.

Yes, for continuity they can't just drop the promotion thing, nor can they just promote him without conflict because that's not good entertainment. I think it'll be interesting to see how this pans out and I hope we get to see more of Carmine's range as an actor.

I blame elementary school for procrastination. Yes, I do. Why? Because in elementary school, the majority of your homework is due the day after it's assigned. You know you have to go home and do it that night. You don't get into having to schedule due dates and "do" dates until high school and by then the pattern is set: You do homework the night before it's due and not a moment before.

I'm happy to report that the rest of Chapter 1 that I had to read wasn't as dry as the first few pages. I think this class is going to totally rock and I'm nerdy enough to be excited about it :D
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