Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

happy birthday to all!

I turned 29 on my last birthday, in september. BTW, Carmine is a Virgo like myself. I knew he was perfect ;)j/k!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Posted by JDonne:
Happy Birthday to you fellow Aries! :D Like you, I'm going to my favorite restaurant, back in New York, with friends and then dancing at a Cuban Club.


^Oooh, fun! Speaking of, we Aries sure know how to bring it, don't we? ;)

Oh yes, yes we do! ;) :D :devil:
I love going dancing, too.

I love dancing! The heat, the rhythm, its just sexy. Perfectly fitting for an Aries, being the adventurous and sexy creatures we are. ;)

We're going to my favorite Japanese restaurant (it's a steakhouse). Not sure if we'll hit a pub or a club afterwards or not--we're playing it by ear.

I love Japanese food! We're going to a Moroccan place. Playing it by ear leads to spontaneity, which leads to even more fun.

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

*peeks in*

hello I'm back I dissapred for a bit there!
Anyways in Auzzie we just got CSI: NY back which made me supperrr happy! :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Happy Birthday to all those who have had birthdays or having them in the near future.

Woo hoo! We just saw a new episode of NY last night, but stupid channel 9 are showing them in all sorts of weird orders! Last night, we saw the first episode. Bizzare... :confused:

Hey, I was reading a TV Guide type of thing on Monday, and it was saying that CSI:NY isn't rating all that well. I know that they say it's not rating that well in Australia, because they kinda stuck it on and there was no real publicity hype about it....

Any thoughts????

Thanks heaps, Lauren :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hey, I was reading a TV Guide type of thing on Monday, and it was saying that CSI:NY isn't rating all that well. I know that they say it's not rating that well in Australia, because they kinda stuck it on and there was no real publicity hype about it....

Here in the US I'd say that it does pretty well. It usually ends up in the top 15 (most of the time higher) if it's a new eppy.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

They're doing well enough for them to get a second season booked.

At least one more year of Danny!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, they didn't it say that it wasn't rating, but it wasn't doing as well as CSI, and CSI:Miami.

I'm getting paranoid, because then I won't be able to get my Carmine/Danny fix. LOL. And all the shows I love always seem to get axed, just as I'm getting into them. D'oh! :mad:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I mean, what do think it's doing with all the bits it censors. Not getting rid of them I bet.

Somehow, I get the feeling that there's a lot to the PG-13-o-Meter that we don't know. I mean, think of it, the CIA hires people that have criminal minds so that they can think in criminal ways. That's probably how the PG-13-o-Meter is able to censor us so quickly, it's just as dirty as we are.

I'm 22. I can't think of anything special about the number, though.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by LittleMissCSI:
Happy Birthday to all those who have had birthdays or having them in the near future.

Woo hoo! We just saw a new episode of NY last night, but stupid channel 9 are showing them in all sorts of weird orders! Last night, we saw the first episode. Bizzare... :confused:

Hey, I was reading a TV Guide type of thing on Monday, and it was saying that CSI:NY isn't rating all that well. I know that they say it's not rating that well in Australia, because they kinda stuck it on and there was no real publicity hype about it....

Any thoughts????

Thanks heaps, Lauren :D

hiya there ! :D
I thought it was rating well I looked in the tv week and it was in the top 10 for rating and even bet CSI: Miami which I was hugely suprised about !

And I'm also a little dazzed by how there mixing the eposides around too but as long as I get my Danny fix Im fine! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Khrissy_25:

hiya there ! :D
I thought it was rating well I looked in the tv week and it was in the top 10 for rating and even bet CSI: Miami which I was hugely suprised about !

And I'm also a little dazzed by how there mixing the eposides around too but as long as I get my Danny fix Im fine! :D

I hear ya with the Danny fix! LOL. I've been HANGING since Easter. It ticked me off to no end that he was taken off for something like 3 weeks. LOL :lol: I guess the thought that it wasn't rating that well was just one persons opinion, so you can't hang too much on that. After all, it's their opinion. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by LittleMissCSI:
Posted by Khrissy_25:

hiya there ! :D
I thought it was rating well I looked in the tv week and it was in the top 10 for rating and even bet CSI: Miami which I was hugely suprised about !

And I'm also a little dazzed by how there mixing the eposides around too but as long as I get my Danny fix Im fine! :D

I hear ya with the Danny fix! LOL. I've been HANGING since Easter. It ticked me off to no end that he was taken off for something like 3 weeks. LOL :lol: I guess the thought that it wasn't rating that well was just one persons opinion, so you can't hang too much on that. After all, it's their opinion. :)

aww.. i gtg now Im at school its a free period and its coming to a end !

And I 100% agree with ya ! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^^the tanglewood ep last showing gave me a fix of some damn good carmine acting...should hold me over for a while.

aaaand (just an observation)...the locker room thread has officially passed the greg sanders thread in replies, but do we get any shower satisfaction?? noo...greggo gets his shower scene with sara, but we are left in anticipation. :mad:

(yet, good thing i'm a greg fan too.)

also, happy birthday to everyone who's having/had a birthday recently!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

OMG the shower scene idea will certainly spread to NY!!!

Top, I teach voice, clarinet, and piano, privately and in ensemble, at a conservatory here. I love it!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by bluefluorescence:
^^the tanglewood ep last showing gave me a fix of some damn good carmine acting...should hold me over for a while.

aaaand (just an observation)...the locker room thread has officially passed the greg sanders thread in replies, but do we get any shower satisfaction?? noo...greggo gets his shower scene with sara, but we are left in anticipation. :mad:

(yet, good thing i'm a greg fan too.)

also, happy birthday to everyone who's having/had a birthday recently!

Yea Happy Birthday whoever you are!

And whats this about a shower scene???
I soo can't wait until tanglewood eppy I will be in heaven!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

jesstiger81 asked about ages:
Me? Well, I'm 29. Still can't believe I'm nearly 30. Wow! Time sure does fly. :lol:

Man look at that up there! *points up at the stupid thing she did by forgetting the quote tag was there and it booted my siggie*

There. I've mostly fixed it. Anyway. At least I can totally laugh my butt off at myself. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Proud member of The Locker Room Groupies!

"Sho-wer scene! Sho-wer scene!"

Tattoo Search Volunteer - "It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it!" ;)
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