Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Awww *hugs*

You are so right! I am a kinky biaatch. I think once my effing cold goes away I'll be writing shit that'll make even porn stars blush. Carmine is frigging lucky that I don't live in America 'cause I'd be living in his bushes & having Italian sausage & meatballs every night.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

jorja_fan86 said:
It's either that or read the Danielle Stelle books my mom owns.
Those novels are boring, not enough action ;). Try V.C Andrews :lol:. I can't come up with nothing I think i gotta look around.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I have the latest Cosmo and have thumbed through it looking for some good s***. I have to say that there is some great stuff in there that I might use. :D

I don't have any real racy novels, I don't really read them anymore, I wouldn't even know where to begin with novels anymore. :lol: I prefer to live it as opposed to reading about it :devil:

jorja - I could seriously use an Italian sausage and meatballs too ;) Nice kinky thinking there :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

feenx said:
jorja_fan86 said:
It's either that or read the Danielle Stelle books my mom owns.
Those novels are boring, not enough action ;). Try V.C Andrews :lol:. I can't come up with nothing I think i gotta look around.

I agree that they are pretty boring. You pretty much have to use your imagination & the action scenes majorly suck. I'd make those girls look like saints if Carmine gave me a chance :devil:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

feenx said:
jorja_fan86 said:
It's either that or read the Danielle Stelle books my mom owns.
Those novels are boring, not enough action ;). Try V.C Andrews :lol:. I can't come up with nothing I think i gotta look around.

Heck, try Mills and Boone hahahahah!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I really want to this one..but I totally suck at creative things :(
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ C'mon, Ella, it doesn't have to be anything extraordinarily creative. Just take a peek at some personal ads for a little guidance and then write your own, or you can even just explain in a simple paragraph why you'd make the perfect girlfriend for Carmine. It can be as short and as simple as you like. From past projects, I can tell you that the amount of time, effort and creativity that goes into each submission varies greatly. Some will likely be quite elaborate, while others may be just "For a good time, call 555-1212." Really, it's just the idea that he doesn't have to be lonely. He's got a whole world of fangirls who'd kill to be with him. Submitting anything at all shows your support.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

EllaJ said:
I really want to this one..but I totally suck at creative things :(

Awww you don't need to be creative to get naughty. All you need is a good libido, a stash of Cosmo or Playgirl magazines & if you're really bad, a porno or two. The kama sutra is good but it is definitely not recommended if you live at home :eek:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ You're cracking me up, jorja. As always. For those who aren't as naughty as jorja, this doesn't have to be a dirty personal ad. Apparently you all reside in the gutter and just assume that all a girl would want to offer him is a good hard [CENSORED]. Some may prefer to seek a sensitive artist for philosophical discussion over tea. Take whatever route you like.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ You can also talk about food. For instance, say you never tried Italian. Just let him know that you never had Italian but you want some in you, preferbly his. The four course meal is the way to go as you get four different varities.


feenex if that's the case you should be worried. It means your parents are one step sexual wise ahead of you. To beat them at their game make your very own copy with Carmine :devil:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: Thanks for inspiring me, jorja_fan86. I could make a joke about being Italian, or him being Italian...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Wow, you stay away from the thread for a couple of days and there's all sorts of talk about nipples and some Italian in you?

I'm working on this project like there's no tomorrow. I'm also thinking that I'm not quite dirty enough - will have to work on it. Anyone care to post part of their early drafts?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ you know, I have been working on mine as well and this is harder than I had originally thought. :lol: I am a very dirty girl, but putting it on paper has been difficult to do. I know what I want to say, but making it dirty enough seems to be my problem :lol:

But I do like your idea, Springmoon about posting drafts, that way we can see what others are saying...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Posting drafts sounds fun. Just be sure to censor anything that might require censoring.
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