Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I wouldn't spill to the board if I got a hookup from Carmine. Even if it didn't happen in Vegas! :lol:

It would be hard, but damn that's personal.

*frantically searches for handcuffs, whips, and leather dominatrix suit.* :devil:

So, the fun thing is that, yes there is no chance a hook up would ever happen, so at this point I don't really care how dirty it is :devil: Because I am a dirty girl, first and foremost
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Springmoon said:
Sh*t, if there's no hope of an actual hookup, why worry about what I say in a personal ad? :lol:
Exactly. This is a sport we can all enjoy. But just so you all know, if Carmine ever did want to test the accuracy of any statement I may make in a personal ad, I'd find some way to get my husband to agree to that. I'd probably bat my eyelashes, drop to my knees and say, "Baby, give me one night with Carmine and I will [CENSORED] your [CENSORED][CENSORED] all day, every day." :lol: If that doesn't work, I'd promise that he'd never have to pick-up the drycleaning or return another movie to Blockbuster for as long as he lives. Everyone's got their breaking point. I'm sure we could work something out. :lol:

You could always strike a deal that if he had the opportunity for one night with his ultimate fantasy actress then you'd let him do his thing. hehe
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Question: Will these entries be read by anyone other than the intended recipient? I was wondering if his agent/publicist/manager/makeup artist/costumer might get a hold of the book and jot down a few numbers. LoL
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Springmoon said:
Sh*t, if there's no hope of an actual hookup, why worry about what I say in a personal ad? :lol:
Exactly. This is a sport we can all enjoy. But just so you all know, if Carmine ever did want to test the accuracy of any statement I may make in a personal ad, I'd find some way to get my husband to agree to that. I'd probably bat my eyelashes, drop to my knees and say, "Baby, give me one night with Carmine and I will [CENSORED] your [CENSORED][CENSORED] all day, every day." :lol: If that doesn't work, I'd promise that he'd never have to pick-up the drycleaning or return another movie to Blockbuster for as long as he lives. Everyone's got their breaking point. I'm sure we could work something out. :lol:

You could always strike a deal that if he had the opportunity for one night with his ultimate fantasy actress then you'd let him do his thing. hehe
Already got that covered. ;) We borrowed the concept of the 'Celebrity Top 5' list from "Friends" years ago. I don't actually have 5 celebs I could be bothered to do should the occassion arise, but the hubby is very well aware Carmine tops the list. It's not really a list. It's more just Carmine. :lol: In return, my hubby is more than welcome to battle Brad Pitt for a night with Angelina Jolie any time he pleases. Should he ever meet with success in that endeavor, I would wholeheartedly applaud him.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
You've got youth on your side. At 18, everything should still be high and firm and perky. :lol:

Hope you girls have fun with this one. :D

Lol, hahahahahah!
Btw, I saw somewhere about offering a class -- hahahah. Since I'm a college student and at the middle of shifting courses, maybe I'll just opt for that lol!

A flyer promoting a college course/program or an organization/club!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
In return, my hubby is more than welcome to battle Brad Pitt for a night with Angelina Jolie any time he pleases. Should he ever meet with success in that endeavor, I would wholeheartedly applaud him.

Hmmmm. I think my hubbie's with yours on the Angelina Jolie front (no pun intended ;)).

But then again, while we'd happily be sharing the Carmine goodness they'd be busting each other's guts over Angelina.

Anyways, that would be their problem. I've got more serious things to think about - like how to lure hot little Carmine into my hot little arms/bed/love nest....
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Oh my God! This is right up my alley. Or, should I say down in my gutter. :devil: I am all about this one.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Mrs G .... I love it! I never get back to this board enough to catch the fun projects but glad I didn't miss this one. Of course I represent the much older ladies that are in awe of him...but you know they say that 50 is the new I guess that means 40 is the new 20....Oh its great to be 20 again and have all this knowledge!!! LOL I'm sure Carmine would appreciate some of my knowledge....Kiss Kiss
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn said:
Question: Will these entries be read by anyone other than the intended recipient? I was wondering if his agent/publicist/manager/makeup artist/costumer might get a hold of the book and jot down a few numbers. LoL
Sorry I forgot to answer this when I posted last night. It's probably safe to assume that in the process of getting from your hands to Carmine's, other people will read it. Me -- for one. :lol: However, after years as a defense attorney, trust me when I tell there is nothing I haven't seen or read before. From there, I imagine his publicist will at least take a gander at it before forwarding it to Carmine. Hell, maybe she'll even add a page for herself. :lol: Seriously, though, just write whatever best represents you and don't worry about anyone else. Write it as if only Carmine will see it. ... But if you receive an anonymous phone call from a heavy-breathing male, know that it's not Carmine. It's more likely the kid who works in the mailroom of his PR firm, who did indeed decide to jot down a few numbers. :lol:

Glad you guys are all into this one. And, justfriends, I'd agree that 40 is the new 20. There are many 'older' hotties out there these days. Demi Moore is hotter than most 20 years. And Madonna's bod at 50 smokes the hell out of most at any age. Age is just a number. It's all about how well you take care of yourself and how young you are on the inside.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

But if you receive an anonymous phone call from a heavy-breathing male, know that it's not Carmine. It's more likely the kid who works in the mailroom of his PR firm, who did indeed decide to jot down a few numbers.:lol:
:eek: O well if you make the day of that lonely mailroom boy :lol: :cool:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

It's all about how well you take care of yourself and how young you are on the inside.

tachnically, that would make a lot of people pedophiles as my inner child is soon celebrating her 4th birthday. :lol: :D :p
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Well, I just finished my first draft & all I can say is that even Mother Teresa can come up with better & kinkier shit. I'm gonna have to glance at the stash of Cosmo magazines under my bed. I wanna write an ad for a real man, not something for a high school boy :(.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Surely you're being too harsh on yourself. Half your posts on this board would kill Mother Teresa, if she weren't dead already. ... In fact, I believe you just posted in the Viper Room thread about your nipples being so hard they could cut glass. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

She'd probably demand that I get an exorcist to remove the horny demon in me. Holy water ain't got nothing on me. My first drafts are usually whatever is on my mind but as the weekend ends I'll write an add worthy of a porno's worth of the Nobel Prize.

It's hard writing something dirty with me giggling like a school girl. I have the day off tomorrow so I'll head to the local bookstore & browse the Kama Sutra. I'll remember some kinky positions & add 'em in the add to really make it XXX rated. It's either that or read the Danielle Stelle books my mom owns.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

jorja_fan86 said:
Well, I just finished my first draft & all I can say is that even Mother Teresa can come up with better & kinkier shit. I'm gonna have to glance at the stash of Cosmo magazines under my bed. I wanna write an ad for a real man, not something for a high school boy :(.

Dirty Girl, you are my neighbor in the gutter, remember? :lol: You are one of the dirtiest girls on this board! You make me proud, remember? ;) I know that what you have is amazing, and you are one kinky biaaatch. :D
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