Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I await the day Mrs. G....

JustFriends strapping on her chaps and boots in preparaton. Giddy Up Carmine! ;-)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: I will take that pony for a ride. :devil:

Everybody's looks great, (esp Kimmy's assets ;)) :lol: I now wish I would have ponied up my tat on my lower back for the man to see. :( Ah well, soon enough he will be able to see that and much more.... :devil:

:lol: A girl can dream, can't she???

I will just die if he takes that to New York. My ad left little to the imagination and his mother may die if she read it. (and others)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

That's alright MrsG, next time I'll get my act together and get it done sooner! Good job to everyone who got their's in on time! Anyways MrsG, you'll probably end up with mine some time next week, about four days after you get my Christmas card!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I've only got a scrap of my tattoo showing, in my guitar photo. Stupid me cut the rest of it off, trying to get the photo to fit (sigh).
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Kimmychu - you raunchy broad you, loved your ad

GodOfMediocrity - your mum's right,Carmine should definitely procreate, and your ad is good too, I like the dragon image.

Mrs.G - when I asked if ALL my details came out, I meant my email and username which were down the bottom. From the pic it looks like they got cut off in the printing (damn this new software) :( :( :( oh well, at least Carmine has my phone and address, so if he wants me badly, he can call anytime :devil: :devil: :devil:
:lol: :lol:

As for jkladis - :confused: :confused: not sure what to think :lol: :lol: what exactly did he write Mrs.G :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Please to be looking at my current icon for my facial expression.


GodofMediocrity - I remember your ad mentioned you're wearing a corset in the photo? :) I love those darn things. I own a few myself. My favorite one so far is a pink, underbust one with tons of laces in the back. I'd love to see your white one!

Fay - Why, hallo thar. :devil: ;)

crankyjules - Thankies for your sweet words. And noooo, I haven't been ignoring you. :( Been busy with lotsa stuff ... I'll probably post it later at Brokeback Crimelab's thread for this project. (My lame attempt at getting more people to visit the place. :rolleyes:)

MrsG - Oh my. A fem three-way! And a Pet-and-Ride Carmine session coming soon?! Time to break out the PVC dom costume and whip. I mean, saddle. Yes, saddle. And by whip, I mean my hand, of course. :p

ThumpyG - Awww, ya should have! Why not send it straight to the guy via his email? :devil: Uh, if it's still working. Anybody know the status on that?

tiara4carmine - I shall take that as a compliment, my dear. :devil: ;)

Wheeeeee, the project is on its way to Da Man! Gosh, I can't wait to see if he'll send a response back to us about it! A smile is the least of his reactions, I hope. ;)

P.S. jkladis rocks my world. Look at that. The banana pic is in there! Both of them!! :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Fay - Why, hallo thar. :devil: ;)
Hey bay-beh. :devil: (Damn, I need my :spank: icon over here. :lol:)

I hope you do post your ad over on BC, I wanna read it. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Kimmychu said:
GodofMediocrity - I remember your ad mentioned you're wearing a corset in the photo? :) I love those darn things. I own a few myself. My favorite one so far is a pink, underbust one with tons of laces in the back. I'd love to see your white one!

I thought you would be wearing one in your pictures :lol:! Are they both photographs, by the way? I thought MrsGiovinazzo said you painted yours :confused:

e] Thankies for your sweet words. And noooo, I haven't been ignoring you. :( Been busy with lotsa stuff ... I'll probably post it later at Brokeback Crimelab's thread for this project.

I know you weren't really ignoring me, gorgeous! :lol: That was me quietly and jokingly digging at you :D I am looking forward very much to seeing what you wrote.

MrsG - Oh my. A fem three-way! And a Pet-and-Ride Carmine session coming soon?! Time to break out the PVC dom costume and whip. I mean, saddle. Yes, saddle. And by whip, I mean my hand, of course. :p

You can pull my hair if you like (purr) :devil: BTW, I also have a saddle, out in my back shed ... a real one. Also got a bridle, halter, etc .. sould I bring with? :D :devil:

ThumpyG - Awww, ya should have! Why not send it straight to the guy via his email? :devil: Uh, if it's still working. Anybody know the status on that?

The site's down until after the New Year, apparently. I read someone sent an email and got an error message back. Could be any number of things. A long awaited upgrade? (that would be nice) Or maybe his inbox and site have been so overloaded by fan girlies it can't take any more :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

"And why is this man not procreating as much as possible, or at least not at a local sperm bank?"

Donor #69: Decent, intelligent, hard-working, artistic and creative. Loves baseball and punk, not adverse to using a bad word here or there. Not willing to settle for just any woman. Rides a Harley and loves the California sun. Really, really bad eyesight, so you may have to pony up for some glasses or contact lenses. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

PrettyEyes :lol: :lol: that's a good one

Hey I'm putting my hand up, I'm 32, I don't have many good years left to have kids :lol:

wonder how much he'd cost, and if he donates in person
:devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

u know, a thought occurred to be regarding this project: based upon photos we've seen Carmine hangs out with Adam from CSI Miami. Do u thin he would show him the book? LoL :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

crankyjules said:
Are they both photographs, by the way? I thought MrsGiovinazzo said you painted yours :confused:
Maybe kimmy will post them for everyone at BC. I intentionally took the pic of her page at a greater distance than everyone else's just because I wanted to make sure it was far enough that she might let me post her page. Up close, it is more art than actual photograph. I don't know dick about digital art, but I'd say she took photographs then worked her magic on them. They look almost like impressionistic paintings up close. Very cool.

Tiara - My all your info, I only recall that your phone # and address were definitely there. Can't say for sure whether your email there. I remember that your username definitely isn't there because I thought it was a shame you didn't include it, given that it contains his name. :( So I guess some of your info did get cut off. It doesn't look cut off or like it's missing anything though. I didn't realize there were supposed to be any additional lines.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I'm such a dork...I only included my name and address. No email, no username, no phone number. :headdesk: :rolleyes:

Edit: For those who aren't artistically inclined, neither am I. As MrsG can attest, I utilized a Microsoft palm tree border and imported a text box with my message inside it. That was the best I could do. As has been noted many times before, "My stick people don't even look like people." :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Up close, it is more art than actual photograph. I don't know dick about digital art, but I'd say she took photographs then worked her magic on them. They look almost like impressionistic paintings up close. Very cool.

Ahhhhhh ... applied a paint effect then. Sweeeet!

Tiara - My all your info, I only recall that your phone # and address were definitely there. Can't say for sure whether your email there. I remember that your username definitely isn't there because I thought it was a shame you didn't include it, given that it contains his name. :( So I guess some of your info did get cut off. It doesn't look cut off or like it's missing anything though. I didn't realize there were supposed to be any additional lines.

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

crankyjules said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Up close, it is more art than actual photograph. I don't know dick about digital art, but I'd say she took photographs then worked her magic on them. They look almost like impressionistic paintings up close. Very cool.

Ahhhhhh ... applied a paint effect then. Sweeeet!

Nope, I painted them from scratch in Painter, using photographs as reference. ;) I know it's next to impossible to see that in the picture above. But painted as they are, uhm, I don't think I'm gonna post the pictures. :eek: Do I have to explain why?! :lol:
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