Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
The next Carmine project starts January 15th. That date is chosen because it falls six weeks prior to an important date for CBS. I'll ask you all not to take the whole six weeks, but rather to get your butts on the task ASAP. I'll leave your pretty heads to puzzle over what it is. The only thing I will tell you at this point is that the beauty of the next project is that it is solely for Carmine. By that I mean that this last project was designed as something fun for the fans. We get as much out of that as he does. The next one isn't for our amusement and is 100% non-sexual and non-flirty. Imagine that. :eek:

I'm totally intrigued. I think I have an idea where this is going and well, given my non-that-naughty nature I should be fine with a "serious" project. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I'm with you Orison :) Although this one was a heap of fun, I still felt a little uncomfortable actually doing it.

I'm all over this one, whatever it is. Can't wait fo find out!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I guess this means the new project falls under the category of "Something Carmine can tell his mom about", huh? :lol:

I'd have to agree with crankyjules... I wasn't too keen on sharing much about myself in the personal ad. But it was a hell of a lot of fun to do, and I'm honored that my ad is somewhere among the pages of all you lovely ladies.

OT-lookaboomerang, I've missed ya! Thanks for sending me your address... courier picked up the package earlier while I was out so the secretary handed it over but forgot to ask how many days it would take to get to you! Expect it between 2... 5... or 12 days! :lol: :D

Eee, the scrapbook looks so classy (in spite of the literature inside :lol:), I can't wait to find out what cdg will have to say about it. :) You rock, MrsG!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Oh you guys are so great! I hope he likes it... *hits self on head* stupid! Next time i get my act together and send it express!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

tala said:
I guess this means the new project falls under the category of "Something Carmine can tell his mom about", huh? :lol:
I'd even take it a step further and say it's one his mom can participate in. :eek:

CSI_in_training - Your personal ad submission arrived yesterday. :lol: I'm sad it didn't come sooner. It's really cute.

If I hear anything about how Carmine likes this project, I'll definitely be sure to share.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^Ooh... by the way, another little project for the newcomers/semi-newcomers to participate in. This is something I started last January... :)

Have you given Danny Messer a Lovemark? Register, vote and say a little something. Carmine has told me he has seen this site, so let's keep it going! :)

Danny's page has been up for almost a year now so it would be nice to see the new fans send in their love here as well. :)

Vote here.

Crankyjules, your comment is up. Thanks for voting! :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Sorry, CSI_in_training, it went out on Saturday. :( I felt bad not waiting for you, but I really did need to stick to the deadline if there's any hope of getting it to him before he goes home for the holidays.

This reminds me: I don't know if you've already posted this somewhere before but out of curiosity how did you send it (i.e. USPS Priority mail, UPS Ground, FedEx, DHL, etc)?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CSI_in_training - Your personal ad submission arrived yesterday. I'm sad it didn't come sooner. It's really cute.

If I hear anything about how Carmine likes this project, I'll definitely be sure to share.
Well, I'm glad you like it, that makes it a little better. Jan. 15th for the new one? I will be part of it! I promise! And now that I know about how long it takes to get mail to you, I might actually get it done on time. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

tala said:
Have you given Danny Messer a Lovemark? Register, vote and say a little something. Carmine has told me he has seen this site, so let's keep it going! :)

Danny's page has been up for almost a year now so it would be nice to see the new fans send in their love here as well. :)

Vote here.

I love that you started that. He does deserve a Lovemark. Anyone who hasn't voted yet really needs to.

This reminds me: I don't know if you've already posted this somewhere before but out of curiosity how did you send it (i.e. USPS Priority mail, UPS Ground, FedEx, DHL, etc)?
It was sent by USPS Priority Mail and has already been received by his publicist. No word yet as to whether Carmine has it or not. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Hey...The new one starts on my birthday.
What a perfect opportunity to thank him for your 'birthday gift.' :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
It was sent by USPS Priority Mail and has already been received by his publicist. No word yet as to whether Carmine has it or not. I'll let you know if I hear anything.
Cool!!! :D I'm still thinking if she'll add her ad to it :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

That would be hilarious! Actually, I gift wrapped it intentionally so she wouldn't see the crude ones. :lol: But perhaps that won't be enough to thwart her and she'll open it to include her own submission.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Actually, I gift wrapped it intentionally so she wouldn't see the crude ones.
You evil genius... :devil:
Next time, a note on inside the scrapbook; "Carmine, dismissed your publicist if seals are broken" :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ :lol: No kidding! Maybe he's seen this thread though and noted the pic of the wrapped scrapbook. Then when he receives it without wrapping, he'll go, "WTF?" :lol: Carmine, If it's unwrapped when you get it, look for the submission from someone who seems to know more about you than the rest of the girls and doesn't include a pic. It's your publicist. :lol:
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