Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said: Sunday is my birthday and between birthday festivities and the usual holiday rush that kicks in a week before Christmas, any online time will likely be limited to some quick posting but no significant computer time until Monday.

Happy Early Birthday to you!!! Let's hope you're husband decides to run some errands so Carmine can sneak in your window. hehe
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Loved every word of your ad, Cyn, great job!

And uh, girls, add me to the list of 30ish women without a partner and not really hoping to find one...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn, great ad!!! You wrote a lot :eek:
And I LOVE the photo manipulation :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn, love that photo manip ... got a good laugh out of that :lol: :lol: Good work ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Everyone's ads are great!!! :D Sadly, I am not the creative type, I am just an education geek.

:lol: Interesting off topic discussion about marriage, indeed. What did we start here? I just remember 6 and a half years ago when I was engaged to be married to a very controlling, demanding guy who I allowed to treat me bad. I was in this relationship for four years. I was young and nieve to the world and everything in it. I also thought that all men treated women like that, and it was ok, because I was desperate to be married, as I was getting older. (I was only 24). It took a trip abroad (UK), and him breaking up with me for the umpteenth time, for me to be strong enough to not give in to him when he came crawling back- again. After that, I realized that I was better than that, still working on the 'type' of man I need, but I have also seen that I am just as at fault with who I choose to date, but after that experience and another one we won't go into, I know that I will not settle- ever. If I get married, great, but I will be just as happy being with the love of my life in a committed relationship, or alone :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ladies, your ads are fantastic and you all look lovely! :D

CynRyn, that "Escape from the Locker Room" manip is hilarious! :lol: I love it! :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Good for you, ThumpyG! Life is way to short to spend with manipulative @$$ like that. I for one am proud of you. :)

CynRyn, love your ad, and your photo manip is funny as all get-out! Great job. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

ThumpyG said: still working on the 'type' of man I need, but I have also seen that I am just as at fault with who I choose to date, but after that experience and another one we won't go into, I know that I will not settle- ever.

I completely believe that everything happens for a reason and this part of your post totally reminds me of a discussion I had with friends one day. We were talking about the bad relationships we'd had and that we'd seen our friends and family in and in the conversation we would say things like "that taught me..." or "I realized I..." and based on the "everything happens for a reason" premise we came to realise that with each experience we had a better definition of what our "type" was as you said. You rule out the things you didn't like and look for the things you did like. I figure you can't find Mr. Right until you know who he needs to be. By that same token, I don't think you're ready to find "the one" until you know yourself and your past experiences teach you about that, too.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Nim said:
CynRyn, great ad!!! You wrote a lot :eek:

Yeah. I kind of started and then just... kept... going... LoL

I went back through and tried to trim it down to the basic points I wanted to make and it still seemed long so then I started re-wording things to use fewer words. All those years of having to write papers with a certain word count for school really paid off! LoL :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn, that was truly great...I really liked your ad...It was alot to read, but it was definately worth it, and I sure as hell hope Carmine feels the same way. :)

Now, my computer is having trouble with my picture, so I'll just post it later, but I can at least post my ad for now...MrsG and the other mods will have to forgive me if I miss something that should be censored because I just got back on the board, and I'm simply not used to censoring anyway. ;) Anywho, without further ado-do...

36-56-76, giant damn tee-pee. Farter, belcher, nose picker, wedgie digger. In search of a geeky honky. If you don't mind the constant smell of Doritos or booty funk, fell free to give me a call anytime it strikes your fancy.

If you don't recall, my name is Opal Norris or GodOfMediocrity to those from the board. I'm a 25 year old stage manager with a profound love for (playing Carmine's human blanket) music, film, theatre, and art. My other interests include fine dining, long walks on the beach, and hiking (my legs). What? There's nothing wrong with territorial pissing, my dear. I'm sure there's women from all over the world that would (want you to use their thighs as ear muffs) talk, hang out, or date you at your bidding, so why complain of being lonely? Of course it's difficult to find someone whose motives are genuine (just look at that lovely picture...I'm a cute bitch, no?). In fact, I believe love is like a rollercoaster. You pay a lot of money just to be tossed around, and before you know it, the ride is over. You lean over, and you vomit. To top it all off...If you aren't tall enough, they don't even let you get on!

Oh (CENSOR) it...Let me put it to you this way...I'm in no way good at selling myself (don't forget to look at that picture). I could never do anything I'm interested in justice by trying to spend the rest of my natural life typing them all out (Wouldn't you just love to play motorboat with those perky whites?). Also, seriously, I'm not one to kiss ass just to get a piece of it, so if you're ever truely interested in getting in touch with a sardonic, intelligent, non-male thingy who enjoys philosophical discussions (possibly riding or in multiple positions while in such deep discussions) with intelligent/geeky honkys, feel free to give me a holla, home slice. Plato said that the physical world was unreal and needed to be discarded in order to reach true understanding. Have you ever proved an ancient Greek philosopher wrong? If not, would you like to? Brings back fond memories, no? If anything, at least I'll know I put a smile on your face. ;)

Peace, Love & Bulletproof Carrots,

Opal Norris = GodOfMediocrity
Phone #
Snail Mail Address

P.S. Did all this subliminal psych (CENSOR) work on you...or what? :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^^ You so rock, Opal!!! :D I'm laughing so hard, my Mom came running in here from the living room to make sure I wasn't falling off the chair or something. :lol:

Edit: I LOVE your email!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

GodOfMediocrity said:
CynRyn, that was truly great...I really liked your ad...It was alot to read, but it was definately worth it, and I sure as hell hope Carmine feels the same way. :)

Now, my computer is having trouble with my picture, so I'll just post it later, but I can at least post my ad for now...MrsG and the other mods will have to forgive me if I miss something that should be censored because I just got back on the board, and I'm simply not used to censoring anyway. ;) Anywho, without further ado-do...

36-56-76, giant damn tee-pee. Farter, belcher, nose picker, wedgie digger. In search of a geeky honky. If you don't mind the constant smell of Doritos or booty funk, fell free to give me a call anytime it strikes your fancy.

If you don't recall, my name is Opal Norris or GodOfMediocrity to those from the board. I'm a 25 year old stage manager with a profound love for (playing Carmine's human blanket) music, film, theatre, and art. My other interests include fine dining, long walks on the beach, and hiking (my legs). What? There's nothing wrong with territorial pissing, my dear. I'm sure there's women from all over the world that would (want you to use their thighs as ear muffs) talk, hang out, or date you at your bidding, so why complain of being lonely? Of course it's difficult to find someone whose motives are genuine (just look at that lovely picture...I'm a cute bitch, no?). In fact, I believe love is like a rollercoaster. You pay a lot of money just to be tossed around, and before you know it, the ride is over. You lean over, and you vomit. To top it all off...If you aren't tall enough, they don't even let you get on!

Oh (CENSOR) it...Let me put it to you this way...I'm in no way good at selling myself (don't forget to look at that picture). I could never do anything I'm interested in justice by trying to spend the rest of my natural life typing them all out (Wouldn't you just love to play motorboat with those perky whites?). Also, seriously, I'm not one to kiss ass just to get a piece of it, so if you're ever truely interested in getting in touch with a sardonic, intelligent, non-male thingy who enjoys philosophical discussions (possibly riding or in multiple positions while in such deep discussions) with intelligent/geeky honkys, feel free to give me a holla, home slice. Plato said that the physical world was unreal and needed to be discarded in order to reach true understanding. Have you ever proved an ancient Greek philosopher wrong? If not, would you like to? Brings back fond memories, no? If anything, at least I'll know I put a smile on your face. ;)

Peace, Love & Bulletproof Carrots,

Opal Norris = GodOfMediocrity
Phone #
Snail Mail Address

P.S. Did all this subliminal psych (CENSOR) work on you...or what? :)

That was GREAT! Now if Carmine doesn't send a smiling pic after reading THAT I'll be shocked! :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: :lol: :lol: That was freaking hilarious! Wanna see the White Queen photo though ... sounds intriguing :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Project update time. It went out in the mail yesterday. :D There were 27 submissions. Some serious, some funny, some artsy, some dirty. There's a wide variety that really shows how different we all are. You ladies rock! Thank you so much for your participation. Fan projects can only work with your support.

I'll post a couple pics right now so you can see the book itself and the message on the first page. As for posting the actual pages themselves, I don't want to post anything without permission. I'm going to send out a few PMs in a minute and get permission to post some pages. I put yellow sticky paper over the personal info before taking pics and took them at a slight distance so you won't be able to read the content necessarily. The pics would be just you can see what the pages look like. As for the content, I prefer to leave it up to the individual to post the content of their ads if they're willing to share it, as many of you have.

I'll start at the outside and work my way in. Here's the finished, wrapped project. I liked this wrapping paper because it reminds me of Carmine's tattoo.


Here's the scrapbook itself. In case the color isn't very clear in the pic, it's a dark metallic navy blue.


And here is the message on the opening page of the scrapbook. Not sure if you'll be able to read it, so I'll type it out beneath the pic.


It reads:

December 2006

Dear Carmine -

Your bachelorhood is one of life's greatest tragedies. Please know you don't have to go through another year single and lonely. May 2007 be the year you find exactly what you're looking for.

If in doubt as to where to begin your search, why not start with your loyal and devoted fan base? We're charming, creative and already in love with you.

Fondly -
The Ladies of CSI Files

There'll be pic of the pages to come. As soon as I get permission. You are all amazing and have given the man some fantastic girlfriend (or other 'arrangement' :devil:) options to consider.

Again, thank you all for your time, creativity and participation. This project is bound to put a smile on the man's face.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Aww, it looks great, MrsG! :D Lovely wrapping paper, too. ;) I can't wait to see some of the pages. :)
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