Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Prettyeyes - lovely ad ... those last two paragraphs are a really good touch! We know the man loves praise about his work more than anything else :) Well done!

MrsG - We seem to have a little mutual admiration society happening here :lol: Thanks for the lovely words :D

Kimmy - That photo of the guitar has a more honest and naked 'here I am' feeling to it I think. Although I cringe every time I see it really because the posture is WEIRD. I look like my shoulder is up near the top of my head BWAHAHA! I had to do some really weird posturing to get the guitar held steady in the right place.

Now Kimmy, we've HEARD all about how hot yours is but you won't share (pouting and chucking a mini-tanty). Can't you PM it?? pawlllllleeeeeease? (batts eyelashes)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsG, that ad...Wonderful...Luv to {censored} ya, sweet cheeks!

MrsGiovinazzo said:BTW - Forgot to mention, GodofMediocrity - I got yours. :D

:D YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I was hoping it would get there on time. You like? The "White Queen" look is one I've come to love. Everyone complimented me on it at the convention. Maybe it's just that I like wearing corsets.

Perhaps I should post it, the ad that is...I hate showing pictures of myself because methinks I'm not too purddy, but I thought he'd like to put a face with all my wackiness. :lol: (Ponders)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

To all those who recently posted their ads, well done, love them all.

Mrs.G - don't forget to post pics :D :D :D

And to add to the whole marriage thing, I'm 32, never married and not likely to be since I don't believe in the legality of marriage, I think it's a big load of bullshit. God did not invent marriage, Man invented marriage to enslave women, god couldn't give a crap how many people you sleep with or how many "wives" you have. I've read plenty of bible stories in my Joseph and his technicolor dreamcoat days, and all the men had many "wives", so god certainly didn't give a crap.
And for all those that say marriage is an institution, yeah it is, a mental institution of which I don't care to be commited into. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My mother couldn't care less if I'm married either, she's widowed and divorced and will NEVER do it again, so she doesn't care if her 6 kids do. I'm the youngest, I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. 1 sister is married, 2 are married and divorced, my oldest sister and my brother have never been married but have been with their partners for years.

I personally like the whole commit yourself to the person you love and your life together and the children you'll have, but who gives a crap about marriage. Weddings are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy, and then the divorce is 10 times more costly :lol: :lol:

so WHY BOTHER :lol:

Just thought I'd add my rantings :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not so Gung-Ho about it, but I'm in agreement...For the most part anyway. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:CynRyn - Please make sure you resend your email pronto.

I shrunk it and sent it. I really hope you get it in time. I wish I'd known earlier but I spent all day with my mom, sis & bro-in-law at the mall cuz my nephew was getting his first professional pics done today.

Well, if it's meant to be then it'll happen. That's my motto and I'm sticking to it. =)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

tiara4carmine said: I personally like the whole commit yourself to the person you love and your life together and the children you'll have, but who gives a crap about marriage. Weddings are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy, and then the divorce is 10 times more costly :lol: :lol:

so WHY BOTHER :lol:

Just thought I'd add my rantings :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well unfortunately the way things work now, a lot of benefits don't go to your partner unless you're married. I agree though that it should be a marriage based on love and should not be rushed into.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ahh, the ads are getting posted here because BC is down?

The BC board is back up now
so you can post your ads now. MrsG, I wanna see your full uncensored ad on BC ASAP.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Yes, BC is back in town, baby! :lol:

Oh, and I'm only 21, so I don't really care about marriage at this point, kthanxbai. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

tiara4carmine said:
I personally like the whole commit yourself to the person you love and your life together and the children you'll have, but who gives a crap about marriage. Weddings are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy, and then the divorce is 10 times more costly :lol: :lol:
Interesting little off-topic marriage discussion we're having here. I am totally in agreement with you. Odd for a married woman to say, I know. However, I think it's all about the relationship and not a piece of paper. Having a man committed to you for the rest of his life and having a man legally bound to you for the rest of his life are not necessarily the same thing and, frankly, I'd rather have the former. Whether or not your relationship survives the test of time has absolutely nothing to do with it's legal status. A strong relationship will thrive without marriage and a weak one will only be for the worse when one or both parties feels chained to it.

So ladies, don't ever marry a guy because you think that's what society expects of you. I have a healthy dose of respect for strong, independent women who feel no compulsion to marry. Why am I married? Because 10 years ago, my views on most aspects of life were different. Which is exactly why you should exercise caution. Fortunately, I'm in a fantastic relationship so my evolving life philosophies don't change that.

As for the legal benefits of being married - don't go there for those. Most of them are economic, which should never be an incentive to marry. A tax credit? Not a reason to marry. Being on a spouse's health insurance? Again, not a reason to marry. Social security survivor benefits? Ditto. The only things that might matter, such as being able to make life or death health decisions or handle financial decisions if incapacitated, can be addressed by giving your partner a Power of Attorney. ... Alrighty, end of OT rant. Just thought I'd get my two cents in. Marriage? Ya don't need it. ;)

BC is back up? Woo hoo! Will run right over after this and post my uncensored version. I'll confess I like the uncensored version better ... naturally. But not for the crudeness. Rather because it bothers me when people can't tell what the censored word is and some of mine aren't what you think. In the example of I'll "lick 1,000 calories of hot fudge off your [CENSORED]," literally no one would correctly guess the precise word censored and words matter to me.

GodofMediocrity - Post that puppy and the pic. :D

CynRyn - Same for you. Great ad and gorgeous pic.

Everyone loves reading these, getting to know a little more about each other and having a face to associate with the posts.

CSI_in_training - While it's now Saturday morning (a lovely 4:30 AM my time - insomnia blows!) and I didn't receive yours, if you can possibly email me within the next few hours, I'd love to include it. I'll check my email for a final time about 8:00 AM PST. After that, well, I'll be out for the day and this project is going out the door with me. :(

I'll be sure to take pics and post them for you all. Bear with me, but I probably won't have time to post the pics until Monday. Sunday is my birthday and between birthday festivities and the usual holiday rush that kicks in a week before Christmas, any online time will likely be limited to some quick posting but no significant computer time until Monday.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Glad to see I've got some company. I'm 33 and marriage at this point is like the impossible dream.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I'm in the 'older generation' on this board too (those that the whippersnappers on here say 'need depends' :rolleyes:)

Never had a wedding ring on my finger, never expect to. Been engaged (shrug). To have a close, intimate relationship, married or not, is more important to me than whether I've got the ring and a certificate, IMO.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I have to agree with everybody on the marriage deal. Even though I've been married 17 years, if I had it to do over again..I'd pass on it. I too am in the "older generation" category. We see things differently than the younger generation. Besides, if your partner is committed to you, it doesn't matter if you're married or not. Single couple break up and so do married couples. That D word called D-I-V-O-R-C-E, which is way more complicated than just breaking up. And like MrsG said, power of attorneys work just as good as being married.

MrsG, read your uncensored version on BC. You're right. The censored word that went with the hot fudge was definately not what I was thinking but definately gives me something else to think about when it comes to Carmine. :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Wow, we're so jaded when it comes to marriage! Although, I do have to agree, either way is fine by me, but if I had to do it again, I probably wouldn't (damn that wild child in me! :lol:) I'm watching my younger brother struggle with his and he only married because he had a child by this woman. Stupid, especially since our parents did not marry and when it came time for them to go their separate ways, it was a whole lot easier.

Any, enough OT. I hope we get some photographic documentation of him getting this project because it would be sweeeeeet.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn said: I'd personally rather be single the rest of my life and be the kind old cat lady who lives at the house on the corner than be the bitter woman who got married just to be married and ended up with the wrong guy.
I'm the same way. I'd rather never be married, than to be married and then be divorced. Although, I'm allergic to cats, even with the twice-a-week allergy shots. :( I love cats too. Oh well. I hear ya'll. It's nice to have the sisterhood, even though none of you would get married again. :lol:

Springmoon said:Any, enough OT. I hope we get some photographic documentation of him getting this project because it would be sweeeeeet.
Let's hope the poor man isn't exhausted and can offer a sweeeeet smile for us this time...or maybe a little smirk. :) He needs to go home to NY for the holidays and get some rest. Geez, I sound like his Mom, and that's not so good. :rolleyes:
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