Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I got my submission in. Now I want to throw up, and no, it's not the virus. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Faylinn said:
:lol: MrsG, you are my hero! :lol: I'm going to love reading that one in all its uncensored glory once BC gets its head out of it's ass and we're back online. :p
Glad ya like it. Yes, when BC comes back, you'll have to check out the uncensored version. I only used my favorite word (hint: starts w/"F") once and that's actually not what I offered. Most of the references are oral in nature. :p

Can I put you on my list of hawt ladies I'd like to [censored]? :devil:
Absolutely. :devil: I know I've got my "List of CDG Fans to Nail," so I'm always appreciative of making it onto other people's lists.

I got my submission in. Now I want to throw up, and no, it's not the virus.
Received it. Emailed you back. I really like your ad. It's always nice when that rare clean one pops up.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

You know, MrsG, as my best friend says: "I'm the good yin to your evil yang!" :devil: Do you think I should post the text of my ad? :confused:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Sure. Everyone loves reading what others wrote. Fire it up.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Southern California girl would like to say thank you for bringing appointment TV back in to her life.

I’m well aware the purpose of the book is to bestow personal ads upon you, but that’s just not my style. I will let you know that your entire fan-base is not comprised of teenyboppers. I’m 34 years old (don’t tell) with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Minor in Sociology. I attended one year of law school, with Deborah in fact, but left since the law-school reality didn’t compare to my ideal. I do hope to one day work with the Republican National Committee. If you’re not a Republican, please don’t tell me. That would shatter my illusions. Just kidding. :)

I live in God’s country, as I call it: Southern California. Here it’s never too hot, nor too cold. Please don’t take into account last summer; that was a total fluke. If you ever want to throw your Harley for a cruise, ride up to Ventura’s pier or the Channel Islands National Park. They are beautiful locations, and we don’t have a lot of stalkerazzi nimrods skulking around. People are low-key, and you should be able to relax.

I appreciate the effort you put into making “Danny Messer” come to life. CSI:NY is appointment television for me, and my Mom as well. Your portrayals leap off the screen and imbed themselves into the audience psyche. That’s intense!

I’m grateful you found what you wanted to do in life. Life’s too short to waste. You seem to be sincere, with a good work ethic. Please don’t let Hollywood change you. I think you’re one of the good guys.

Best wishes,
Joanna B
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Nice job! See Carmine, not everyone is mindless enough to want to [CENSORED] you in the car on the way to your Mama's house. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

PrettyEyes said:
Southern California girl would like to say thank you for bringing appointment TV back in to her life.

I’m well aware the purpose of the book is to bestow personal ads upon you, but that’s just not my style. I will let you know that your entire fan-base is not comprised of teenyboppers. I’m 34 years old (don’t tell) with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Minor in Sociology. I attended one year of law school, with Deborah in fact, but left since the law-school reality didn’t compare to my ideal. I do hope to one day work with the Republican National Committee. If you’re not a Republican, please don’t tell me. That would shatter my illusions. Just kidding. :)

I live in God’s country, as I call it: Southern California. Here it’s never too hot, nor too cold. Please don’t take into account last summer; that was a total fluke. If you ever want to throw your Harley for a cruise, ride up to Ventura’s pier or the Channel Islands National Park. They are beautiful locations, and we don’t have a lot of stalkerazzi nimrods skulking around. People are low-key, and you should be able to relax.

I appreciate the effort you put into making “Danny Messer” come to life. CSI:NY is appointment television for me, and my Mom as well. Your portrayals leap off the screen and imbed themselves into the audience psyche. That’s intense!

I’m grateful you found what you wanted to do in life. Life’s too short to waste. You seem to be sincere, with a good work ethic. Please don’t let Hollywood change you. I think you’re one of the good guys.

Best wishes,
Joanna B

:lol: PrettyEyes , I love your ad, and the majority of my male friends are Republican and would love you. I believe that they would marry you if given the chance. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Now that's funny!!! My Mother's cool with the fact that I am 34 and not married yet, but some, well OK, all of my aunts keep "reminding" me that I'm not married. Well, no $***. :lol:

OT True story: When my Dad passed away, I asked my only biological Uncle if he would give me away whenever I got married. He said he'd be honored. His wife apparently misunderstood, because when they got home, she read him the riot act for not giving me a clear answer. Then she told him they had to go buy him a suit, and she proceeded to go out and buy me $300 worth of "wedding" presents. When she called and asked to meet my "fiance", I almost $*** my pants laughing. I told her Mom would call her back, because she wouldn't believe me. :eek:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: PrettyEyes , that is a funny story about your aunt misunderstanding that you were 'getting' married as opposed to 'when I get' married!

Did you get to keep the 'wedding' gifts?

My mom is also ok, so far that at 31, I am not married yet, as I have made it clear that I will not settle, like so many I know have and do. (I almost was one of those) but, I still get the 'what's new in your life' speech and anytime I breathe a guy's name I do get the third degree. So needless to say, I keep the private life to myself, usually. :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
You need a girl who can advise you on tax strategies, educate you on contracts, copyright your creative works and fire off cease and desist letters fierce enough to put the fear of God into anyone every time your personal info hits the ‘net, all while skillfully [CENSORED] you senseless and occasionally making you laugh.

[spitting up coffee on the keyboard] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! MrsG I ... LOVE ... YOU!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now if that entire ad doesn't get him, nothing's gonna. It gets me :D

Female wise, there is nothing sexier than a beautiful, brainy woman with fanf***ingtastic taste in books and film, AND balls .

[Rest on post deleted by Mrs. G on 1/07/07 per request of Crankyjules.]
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Funny Jules, you're just how I visualized you. Also, don't know if you realized it, but it's supposed to be "float" her boat, not "flat" her boat. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Oops. Thanks for the heads up - I've fixed that now :lol: Fushing typos :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

crankyjules said:
[spitting up coffee on the keyboard] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! MrsG I ... LOVE ... YOU!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now if that entire ad doesn't get him, nothing's gonna. It gets me :D
Sweet! That's exactly how I felt about your ad. And I'm so glad you posted it because I really, really enjoyed the hell outta that one. Girls, what you can't see is that her layout is gorgeous and artsy. Simply posting the text and pics doesn't do it justice.

CSI_in_training - I did not receive your submission in the mail today. Please email me ASAP.

CynRyn - Please make sure you resend your email pronto.

I'll be putting the last pages together in about an hour and I'll check back. But this project really is absolutely, positively going out in the mail tomorrow morning. I've made arrangements with Carmine's publicist and the only possible hope that he may even potentially receive this before the holidays is if I absolutely stick to this deadline. Hope you guys understand. You've had 6 weeks to get it to me.

BTW - Forgot to mention, GodofMediocrity - I got yours. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

ThumpyG said:
:lol: PrettyEyes , that is a funny story about your aunt misunderstanding that you were 'getting' married as opposed to 'when I get' married!

Did you get to keep the 'wedding' gifts?

My mom is also ok, so far that at 31, I am not married yet, as I have made it clear that I will not settle, like so many I know have and do. (I almost was one of those) but, I still get the 'what's new in your life' speech and anytime I breathe a guy's name I do get the third degree. So needless to say, I keep the private life to myself, usually. :)

I can totally get that. I'm only 28 but I have some machista cousins who believe that if you're a woman and you're not married by 25 then you need to snap up watever offers you get because you're on the road to spinsterhood. LoL

I recall one day in the car with my mom and sis when this song I love came on the radio, "I'll Be There" by The Escape Club, and I told them that when I die I want that song played at my funeral along with "I Hope You Dance" by Leann Womack because I don't want people mourning my passing but celebrating my life. My mom freaked out and said I should be planning my future wedding. My sis and I had the same response which was that you never know if you're gonna get married but you sure as hell know you're gonna die. LoL Plus I argued that you might wake up one day and get hit by a drunk driver but you're never gonna wake up one day and unexpectedly get married. :lol:

I'd personally rather be single the rest of my life and be the kind old cat lady who lives at the house on the corner than be the bitter woman who got married just to be married and ended up with the wrong guy.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ahh, the ads are getting posted here because BC is down? The submissions posted so far are sweeeet.

MrsG is hawt. :eek: And jules, I really, really like that photo of you with your guitar. :D Aw, heck, everybody's piping hot. :) I seriously can't wait to see pictures of the final product. Knowing MrsG's finesse, it's gonna be gorgeous.


CynRyn said:
I can totally get that. I'm only 28 but I have some machista cousins who believe that if you're a woman and you're not married by 25 then you need to snap up watever offers you get because you're on the road to spinsterhood. LoL

In Asia, the 'cut-off' age seems to be 30. Here where I am, society believes that the instant a woman becomes 30, the chances of her having a husband is nearly zero. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of stupidity and bad mistakes that result from that mode of thinking. Some women practically marry the first guy they come across, thinking having a man in their life will guarantee them a secure and happy future. Biiiiig mistake. Some go on dating sprees the closer they get to that age, and settle for whatever comes along, whether or not she actually loves him or vice versa. And the worst? They decide to become another man's mistress in the hopes he'll dump his wife some day.

Yeah, you can tell I'm very jaded and pissed off about this ignorance. :p
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