Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

ROFLMAO!!!! Awwww please??!!! JKladis you HAVE to allow MrsG to do it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

At the very least, he'll remember you forever :D One way or another ;)

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ladies, it is official -- jkladis rocks! Hard. He's given me permission to include a banana eatting pic with his personal ad. :D Perhaps I should print out a copy of jkladis' avatar to include with it, so Carmine is sure to get the reference. :lol: ... Ah, now the tricky part is making sure it's even clear what the hell jkladis is doing in the banana eatting pic. Naturally I'm gonna crop myself out and zoom in on kladis, but since we're laying down, I'm not sure it's the best angle. :( *kicks self for not having the forethought to have jkladis pose for a little something special for his honey* Ah, well, I'll see what I can do. Jkladis' address and pic will now occupany his words of love. :D

For anyone who hasn't participated yet - deadline is tomorrow. Still plenty of time to email me a submission.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:devil: :lol: JKladis, goodonya, mate :D (dirty snickering going on down under)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Just a quick note to say - Lookaboomerang - YOU SUCK!!! Coulda used FedEx or UPS or some other carrier that knows how to leave a freakin' envelope at the door when a girl isn't home. But noooooooo. Had to use the regular post office, didn't ya? They left me a little note to tell me they're holding the envelope at the main post office (not my local one) that is a half hour away from my house. Bastards! The good news is that your ad has arrived and I'll go get it tomorrow. The bad news is that I'm gonna be cursing your ass the entire way. :lol: :lol: End of rant. Know that I love ya. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

i think this is a great idea i was laugh :D wheni was reading it made my day but i dont think ill ever have the guts to do it. :lol:

i was also thinking that if the writers c this thy might have aa idea for Danny where he is reading the news paper
and sees his name next to an personal ad and they pick one of the ads that u guys wrote :devil: .And some1 will start Stalking him lol :devil:
i think my brain is turning evil :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Just a quick note to say - Lookaboomerang - YOU SUCK!!! Coulda used FedEx or UPS or some other carrier that knows how to leave a freakin' envelope at the door when a girl isn't home. But noooooooo. Had to use the regular post office, didn't ya? They left me a little note to tell me they're holding the envelope at the main post office (not my local one) that is a half hour away from my house. Bastards! The good news is that your ad has arrived and I'll go get it tomorrow. The bad news is that I'm gonna be cursing your ass the entire way. End of rant. Know that I love ya.

Well, that is a two way street my friend. :) I cursed you the entire way home from the post office yesterday, forcing me to participate like 3 days before the deadline. :p It's funny, but I was looking for a post office on my way to work, because mine wasn't open. At 3:30 when I got out of work, I saw a UPS store that was seriously right across the street and I was like, "Hmm. Maybe I'll go there..." then I decided not to. :lol:

Ok. I'm glad it made it though, and I left you a nice little love note with it too. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

lookaboomerang said:
I cursed you the entire way home from the post office yesterday, forcing me to participate like 3 days before the deadline. :p
Dude, you had the same 6 freaking weeks notice everyone else had. You simply chose to sit on your ass until 3 days beforehand. :p ... But I love ya and am glad you decided to participate. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

jorja_fan86 said:
:lol: That is very true. However, I'm sure every mom wants to ensure that their son has a good, lifelong f*ck buddy. I'm young so I have stamina. He should pick me.

Not very nice girls are the best. I mean, we're the sole reason why pornos & Playboy magazines are so successful. They wouldn't exist if it wasn't for us. Imagine if nuns ruled the world? Carmine & I would both die virgins :lol:.

A lady in the street but a freak in the bedroom... or as a variation for here, a freak when you won't get caught. LoL

It's been a long while since I've posted. Final projects and exams have been kicking my arse. I haven't sent my submission yet I know but I'm typing it up as we speak (time constraints did not allow for me to send in the handwritten one as I wanted) and I have the photo all ready to go too.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Alright guys, this seemed like the best place to mention this, since it's why you guys have been heading over to BC. We've had a little issue over there, and until we get it fixed I don't think we'll have BC open. Tragic, I know, since it's where we've been posting the personal ads and everything, but we need to get the problem remedied and we can't do that without some help from the host site. So we don't know when it'll be back up. :(

By the way, MrsG, I'm sending you a PM here that I sent over there--since you can't get on BC, you can't read it. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

OK I just sent u my submission Mrs.G. I included my cell so u can txt me if there's any probs. The text portion is in works .wps format and I know sometimes people can't open those files. The image is in jpg, hopefully the size is good.

I didn't do a typical personal ad. Eerything I would think of just sounded so corny and cheesy, like something out of a National Lampoon's movie or something so I took a different approach. Let me know what u think.

The pic wasn't racy but I like that it looks like I could be laying in bed next to him. LoL
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn said:
I didn't do a typical personal ad. Eerything I would think of just sounded so corny and cheesy, like something out of a National Lampoon's movie or something so I took a different approach.

:lol: :lol: Same here ... took a very different approach myself. It basically was the only way I felt comfortable doing it
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Okay, if you don't get mine by snail mail tonight, I will email it to you. I'm really hoping it gets to you though, cause I bought nice paper for it. But on the plus side, if you print it off it might be in colour.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

CynRyn - I didn't get your submission. :( Just checked my email and checked my bulk folder as well. Can you please try resending it?

CSI-in_training - Hopefully your ad arrives in the mail today. Just in case, will you please go ahead and email it to me so I'm not trying to get ahold of you online tomorrow and await your response before heading to the post office. Hopefully the one on your fun paper arrives today, but just in case.

For all others, TODAY IS THE DEADLINE. If you haven't participated yet, but would like to, there's still time to email me.

No one has posted their ads in a while, so let me share mine with you. In true MrsG spirit, many words will be censored. :devil: When BC comes back up, I'll post the uncensored version over there in case inquirying minds want to know what precise profanities are censored. I mean, they don't all start with an "F." :lol:

I included a pic taken at the MrsG / JKladis smackdown and then the following ad:


Just What You Need

Beautiful and brainy attorney, 35, with bigger balls than most men. Ambitious, competitive and goal-oriented. Attracted to the same qualities in others.

Vital stats (the s**t men really care about): 5’5”, 115 lbs., 34-26-34. Sweet size 2 ass. As for t*ts -- hopes you’re an ass man or it’s game over for me.

Perfect girl for you. From the hood, but kept my head buried in the books while hell reigned supreme around me. As a commercial liability defense litigator, I’m something of an anomaly. With electric blue painted toenails, tattooed back and penchant for blasting heavy metal when working under pressured deadlines, I’m often the talk of the office. But with a survival instinct greater than that of my better-bred colleagues, I always come out on top. Some credit my brains; others my looks. In truth it’s the ‘white trash’ underlying the polished exterior that enables me to fight harder than most.

Loves vividly written fiction, edgy independent films, warm sand between my toes, heavy alternative rock, witty banter, good friends and a great roll in the sack.

Addicted to clean living. Runs 30 miles a week. No drugs, alcohol or smoking. Follows a mostly organic Zone-like diet, but not a freak about it. Enjoys a good ballpark hotdog as much as the next girl and will gladly indulge in a 2AM post-[CENSORED] pizza or lick 1,000 calories of hot fudge off your [CENSORED].

Only real vice is a mouth filthy enough to make a sailor blush. Classy enough to take home to Mama, but class-less enough to [CENSORED] you in the car on the way to her house.

Refuses to tolerate drama, dishonesty, games or bulls**t.

You need a girl who can advise you on tax strategies, educate you on contracts, copyright your creative works and fire off cease and desist letters fierce enough to put the fear of God into anyone every time your personal info hits the ‘net, all while skillfully [CENSORED] you senseless and occasionally making you laugh.

Am frequently in LA. Shoot me an email if interested in pseudo-intellectual dialogue or a championship [CENSORED].

Deborah Fujiwara
(aka “Mrs. Giovinazzo” from CSI Files)
Sacramento, CA XXXXX
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: MrsG, you are my hero! :lol: I'm going to love reading that one in all its uncensored glory once BC gets its head out of it's ass and we're back online. :p

Can I put you on my list of hawt ladies I'd like to [censored]? :devil:
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