Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
Kimmy, I agree--the romance with Lindsay, and the need to prop her character up, is hampering Danny's development. He kind of stayed stagnent this past season and was pretty muted because it was all about making Lindsay a viable character (which I think they failed at). I hope now that they're in a relationship, we can see Danny move away from just being her crutch.

I think that's what really grates at me about the whole situation these days ... that it was so blatant a move of TPTB to get the relationship on the show solely for ratings' sake and it failed AND they're still forcing it onwards on the show. It's like the neverending train wreck. It just burns and burns and burns. :lol:

Okay. Since it seems TPTB are damn obstinate about keeping D/L on the show but Carmine had mentioned the old Danny was 'going to come back like an animal' ... how do you guys think Danny's going to do that, in spite of what's happening on the show right now? Do you guys think it's even possible at this stage?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:

Okay. Since it seems TPTB are damn obstinate about keeping D/L on the show but Carmine had mentioned the old Danny was 'going to come back like an animal' ... how do you guys think Danny's going to do that, in spite of what's happening on the show right now? Do you guys think it's even possible at this stage?

I have a feeling it may be something to do with the speculation that Danny would maybe cheat on Lindsay. Now I know a lot of people wouldn't like to see that, but really, it doesn't bother me as much as keeping him with Lindsay. In my mind, Danny is a strong and liked character who could bounce back from a little more scandal. Lindsay on the other hand has to have some sort of crutch to prop her up, maybe the crutch this season is the sympathy vote, not from a far flung back story as has been done and failed miserably, but going head to head with Danny and playing the one off against the other.

Oh dear, Danny goes and does the dirty on Lindsay, poor, poor, Lindsay, we must all feel sorry for her and give oodles of sympathy to her character. Bad bad Danny, let him be the shows bad guy for a while, he's strong, he's hot, he's really well liked, he can handle it...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Joolz said:
Bad bad Danny, let him be the shows bad guy for a while, he's strong, he's hot, he's really well liked, he can handle it...

Mmmmm bad, bad Danny.....I think I could handle that too :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:
Okay. Since it seems TPTB are damn obstinate about keeping D/L on the show but Carmine had mentioned the old Danny was 'going to come back like an animal' ... how do you guys think Danny's going to do that, in spite of what's happening on the show right now? Do you guys think it's even possible at this stage?

I think there are two ways TPTB can bring back Danny while still sailing the USS Dindsay.

1)Shove D/L in the background. I mean so far back that what little we do see has no impact on the show whatsoever. Yes, I do know that makes D/L pointless; but that's how it already is.

2)Completely overhaul the Lindsay character and actually make her a character. A likeable character who would believably attract Danny would be nice.

Unfortunately, I think Carmine was speaking to what he'd like to see for Danny in S4 and not what we'll necessarily see in S4. Let's hope he gets what he wants.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

1)Shove D/L in the background. I mean so far back that what little we do see has no impact on the show whatsoever. Yes, I do know that makes D/L pointless; but that's how it already is.
As long as they have to keep DL that’s IMO the best way to go. They could shove it in the background where it might be pointless but at least less painful to watch (or not to watch in this case).
If the writers would then concentrate on the aspects of Danny’s character, which made him unique in season one and two and would give Carmine something good to work with, I’m optimistic that we could see the reincarnation of the real Danny Messer.

2)Completely overhaul the Lindsay character and actually make her a character. A likeable character who would believably attract Danny would be nice.
Somehow I don’t see that happen anytime soon. Honestly I doubt that Lindsay could ever become a likeable character for me… they had the chance when they first introduced her but IMO they failed miserably…

Unfortunately, I think Carmine was speaking to what he'd like to see for Danny in S4 and not what we'll necessarily see in S4. Let's hope he gets what he wants.
From Carmine’s lips to TPTB’s ears…
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Putting D/L in the background is definitely the way to go. And now that they're together, it's the logical move, because it's either got to be cutesy (ooooh, look, they're examining evidence together...awwwwww!) or angsty (OMG, the drama! Is Danny looking elsewhere? Is Lindsay going to have another issue?). Minimalist with them is the best option, I think.

I still don't want to see Danny cheat. It's just...not Danny. He's sweet and good and maybe a little too devoted when he shouldn't be. Him finding out "she's not all [he] thought she was" though, and breaking up with her, I wouldn't mind seeing. I guess we'll see how it plays out.

Either way, I want Carmine to get what he wants...the old, passionate Danny back. I think we need more storylines about Danny's background or cases that hit home for him (rather than Lindsay "It's All About Meeeeee!" Monroe)--that's what's going to bring the old Danny back.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I still don't want to see Danny cheat. It's just...not Danny. He's sweet and good and maybe a little too devoted when he shouldn't be. Him finding out "she's not all [he] thought she was" though, and breaking up with her, I wouldn't mind seeing. I guess we'll see how it plays out.

I have a feeling that if they are to break up (if they are really together at the first place), this is how it will go down. Danny will be the one breaking it off since Lindsey did the brushing off before. Plus, Danny's like that -- decisions contemplated and/or kept to himself (unless the writers want another DF scene lol -- oooh, imagine Danny and Don having a convo something similar to a heart-to-heart girltalk haha).

Putting D/L in the background is definitely the way to go. And now that they're together, it's the logical move, because it's either got to be cutesy (ooooh, look, they're examining evidence together...awwwwww!) or angsty (OMG, the drama! Is Danny looking elsewhere? Is Lindsay going to have another issue?). Minimalist with them is the best option, I think.
Ugh. Are these writers trying to reduce us to squealing preteens? The show isn't about *just them*. In fact, the D/L storyline is the least engaging/interesting of all that's happening in the show.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^It is. I really hope Danny has development outside of Lindsay this season. I can stomach the USS Dindsay (I *heart* Ausiello) if Danny has some development independent of their romance. Louie, Tanglewood, conflict with Mac--any of those would be more interesting than Danny and Lindsay making googly eyes at each other across the lab.

Although...I think Danny and Mac might be past the conflict stage. What do you guys think? Or could it rear its head again if Danny got too involved with a case he felt personally about?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I'd love to see some more conflict between the two. I think TPTB really missed the boat after OTJ. There was a wonderful opportunity to continue tension between the two and they just sort of dropped it. I'd like it to be a different kind of conflict/tension than what we saw in S1. I'm not really sure what kind, just something different than the father figure/supervisor being upset with the defiant son/subordinate.

I do think they've moved past that particular dynamic to a large extent, although there's still some potential for more. Perhaps they could have some more of that type of tension and it could resolve itself with Danny being put back on the promotion grid?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

i wish that this season we'll have the continuation of danny being a brother.. not a love to lindsay.. i'm sick of it..
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I hope Danny ends things with Lindsay after Flack talks to him and brings him to his senses. Kind of what Matt Damon did to Ben Affleck when he was with J-Lo. Wouldn't that be cool, if he chooses his best friend over a girl?

(I'm not entirely sure if I'm joking or if I want this to actually happen...)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Lindsay is the J. Lo!!! I love it! :lol:

I'd love to see Flack say something or express concern. Flack always comes across as chilly to Lindsay, and I don't think he likes her. With the way she's treated Danny, it's easy to see why he wouldn't. I'd love to see him express concern to Danny, or be tough on Lindsay--give her the "If you hurt him..." speech.

As for conflict with Mac--that ball really did get dropped in a big way after season one. I'd love to see Danny get back on the promotion grid and Mac really make it a point to hover over him, making sure he doesn't mess it up this time.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I want another Danny-Don conversation outside the lab. These two men (both characters and actors) have this chemistry between them that every time they're together on a frame, it becomes sooooo friggin' hot! LOL.

Well, on the bright side, now that Danny and Lindsey are "together", we MIGHT see arguments now. I mean, not just battle of the theories or whatnot. Like blow-ups and harsh words and brush-offs. Oh lord, if these writers really are reducing us into preteens-with-mush-for-brains, let it be like that. LOL.

And please... Louie. Is he alive or is he awake or has he met his Maker already?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Top41 said:
Putting D/L in the background is definitely the way to go. And now that they're together, it's the logical move, because it's either got to be cutesy (ooooh, look, they're examining evidence together...awwwwww!) or angsty (OMG, the drama! Is Danny looking elsewhere? Is Lindsay going to have another issue?). Minimalist with them is the best option, I think.

I really hope they can put D/L in the background, i really do, but i don't think they will, or if they can. They've killed Danny's character, all in the name of keeping Lindsay up. If they've gone through all this trouble propping her ridiculously lame character up in season three, I doubt they'll brush D/L in the background too quick =P

I still don't want to see Danny cheat. It's just...not Danny. He's sweet and good and maybe a little too devoted when he shouldn't be.

I agree with you there--Danny is just not the kind of character that would do something like that. With all the compassion toward others he has shown and the devotion he's had for people he's cared about in past seasons, i wouldn't believe that he would be a cheater. (but...going by the shows past record of inconsistency....*sigh* i guess anything could happen.)

Either way, I want Carmine to get what he wants...the old, passionate Danny back. I think we need more storylines about Danny's background or cases that hit home for him (rather than Lindsay "It's All About Meeeeee!" Monroe)--that's what's going to bring the old Danny back.


I have a perfect storyline...Lindsay could be "it's all about meeeeeeeeee! Monroe", decide that danny's not spending enough time with her, and then she could cheat on him, because she's being oh-so-ignored and picked on because she's that po' lil cowgirl from Montana.

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

cSiNyFrEaK30 said:
I have a perfect storyline...Lindsay could be "it's all about meeeeeeeeee! Monroe", decide that danny's not spending enough time with her, and then she could cheat on him, because she's being oh-so-ignored and picked on because she's that po' lil cowgirl from Montana. :D

Yessss! I love that storyline cSiNyFrEaK30. To continue it ... The unfortunate man that she cheats with says 'Come, run away with me', and lo and behold Scrunch Munroe puts in for a transfer to the other side of the country. Et voila.. good riddance to bad rubbish :lol: :)