Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Sweet! I can't wait to see this, if just for the fact that three NY hotties are in it! :lol: :D
Top41 said:
Sweet! I can't wait to see this, if just for the fact that three NY hotties are in it! :lol: :D

Yup, you can say that again! :p

I just hope the film will get a release here in the UK....

*crosses fingers tightly*
Twinkletoes said:
I just hope the film will get a release here in the UK....

*crosses fingers tightly*
Based on budget ($1 million), the director (Chris Angel- a season 3 guest star on CSI:NY), the talent, etc., I'd say it's likely to be a straight to video or very limited theatrical release. Unlikely any of us will be able to see it in a theater, but the beauty of Amazon and Netflix is that we can all see it eventually.
Chris Angel and Criss Angel are two different people. One directs movies, one is a illusionist. ;) I was kind of confused, so I went to check at imdb and they're not one in the same.
^ So my belief they were the same guy is an illusion, huh? :lol: Thanks for the correction. I had no idea. The Chris Angel director guy doesn't exactly have an impressive list of credits (he's mostly an editor), so I thought perhaps it was a side hobby of the illusionist guy. :lol:
I thought it was a side hobby that I hadn't heard of either, so I went to check it out and they aren't the same person. Can you imagine Criss Angel directing? :lol: I love him, but the lisp gets me everytime. I couldn't ever take him seriously.
On a completely different tack:

In the Chicago radio interview Carmine did a while ago now he said that he had the same management as Lindsey Lohan.

Given that they've done such a great job with her :rolleyes: do you think this is a good thing, or should he think of going elsewhere...??
Lindsay doesn't really lack for work. It's her behavior that makes her look bad, not the management. I don't think there's a whole hell of a lot they can do with her. I may be wrong, but his days of partying the way she does may have been over awhile ago. :lol: I could be wrong though!
^^^Maybe Carmine just parties more quietly :lol:

What made me bring this up is that Jessica Alba has apparently insisted that her managment company (or agent..not sure) stop representing Paris Hilton as she (Jessica A) felt it reflected badly on her...
Oooh, interesting. And kind of harsh if it is true, but at the same time, Jessica Alba does have a point and isn't one of those vapid party girls.

However, Carmine doesn't quite have the star power of Jessica Alba. I imagine if he told his manager to not represent Lindsay Lohan, the manager would have a good laugh and then tell him to go back to playing the pretty detective with the glasses on that CSI show and not worry about Lindsay Lohan. :lol: I can't really see him caring either way.

I do think it's cute/cool that he's not a party boy, though!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I admit it, I totally laughed when the news came out that Paris Hilton was returned to the slammer. C'mon! Did she think she'd get away scot free from any punishment whatsoever simply because she's wealthy and famous? You do the crime, you do the time, babe. I'm not surprised at all that Paris Hilton's agent would dump her now. I'm amazed they didn't do it any sooner!

And for the record, I think Lindsay Lohan is equally bad as Paris Hilton. The sad bit about Lindsay Lohan is that she used to be a cute girl ... and then Hollywood gobbled her up and spat her out in a really nasty way. She's not even 25, but she already looks like she's over twice her age and more whacked out than a druggie on the streets. Tsk, tsk.

Top41 said:
I do think it's cute/cool that he's not a party boy, though!

Huh, we don't really know that for sure, do we? ;) However, yeah, it seems that he doesn't show up at most Hollywood bashes. (He did say something once about not being into the Hollywood party scene, right?) Maybe he prefers to party at Eddie's place instead. :devil: :p But seriously, if he ever says that he's the kind of guy who likes to settle down with a good book or be at his easel painting something or spend time fixing up his motorcycle ... my ovaries will just explode. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

To be honest I'm sure he doesn't really worry about Lindsay Lohan but I'll bet he would rather not be associated with her in the public consciousness. He clearly has ambitions to be a serious actor while she.....well, Gawd knows what she wants to be really.... :rolleyes:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I'm sad...I just found out that This Is Not A Test will probably not come out in New Zealand!!!! I hope it does!!! *crosses fingers*
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

*hauls the thread back from page two*

I was just idly flicking through IMDb and I noticed that both Hill Harper and Eddie Cahill are working on several other projects apart from CSI and This is Not a Test. But Carmine isn't.

I wonder why this is? Surely it can't be for lack of offers of work can it? My thoughts are that he's probably concentrating on his music or his painting, but what do you think? And is this absence from any work other than CSI good for his career????