Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Top41 said:
Thanks for that transcript! Did he give the interview in a studio?

Yeah, it was footage of him talking against a white background wearing a dark blue, long-sleeved pullover shirt with part of the white tank top visible.
PerfectAnomoly - You rock! Thanks so much for transcribing that for us. :D It is interesting that growing up he rooted for either the Yankees or the Mets. I grew up in the San Francisco area and people rooted for either the San Francisco Giants or the Oakland A's in baseball and either the Forty-Niners or the Raiders in football. People picked one or the other. Going either way just wasn't an option.
It is weird that he straddles the fence. I know that at least upstate, you go either one way or the other. Or you know, you pick the one to like based on who ever is doing better the day someone asks you, 'Who do you like better? Mets or Yankees?' :lol:
Thanks for the thanks, everyone! :D

I'd guess being a player himself - one that was serious and good enough to realistically aspire to play in the bigs - he probably saw different things about each team he admired. Or, maybe he was just a weird, indecisive kid. :confused: ;) :p
Twinkletoes - I didn't even notice the comment until you pointed it out! No the images are rushing through my mind! it sounds like quite a painful thing though - straddling the fence!
Is 'goes both ways' better? Oh, wait--totally different connotations... :lol: ;)

It is kind of weird to root for both teams, but as someone who does it, sometimes it's more about loving the city overall than it is about loving one team/hating the other. But plenty of proud Chicagoans hate one team and love the other, so that might be too much of a generalization. In my case, I'm just not into sports enough to get into hating a team, but obviously that's not Carmine's case.
^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

What's the other phrase? Bats for both teams or something like that? Baseball sure does lend itself to the double entendres... :lol:
Top41 said:
^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

What's the other phrase? Bats for both teams or something like that? Baseball sure does lend itself to the double entendres... :lol:

Certainly does :lol: Don't get me started on all the jokes about handling balls....
^ While discussing baseball, the man did play short stop, didn't he? Let's hope there's no double meaning there. :lol:
Well, what else is there to do in the summer long Danny drought.....Gotta keep the Carmine love a flowin'
What's the other phrase? Bats for both teams or something like that? Baseball sure does lend itself to the double entendres...

At least bats for both teams or switch hitter doesn't squelch the fangirl dreams. :D :devil:

While discussing baseball, the man did play short stop, didn't he? Let's hope there's no double meaning there.
I agree with Twinkletoes. That would definitely be a tragedy. :eek: :( I must block all thoughts of such things from my mind.

Turning back to non-locker room thoughts:
I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for a video. The TWIB website hasn't updated their videos since May 19, so I'm waiting patiently.

As of yesterday (June 7), TWIB added video of the May 31 episode - Why the 31st instead of the 26th is beyond me. Anyway, when they get aroung to adding the June 2 video I'll put up the link.