Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I would think that the 'bashing of the characters' would make them get their act together and get things right instead of canceling the show. CSI:NY has been winning it's time slot for quite a few weeks in a row, I don't think they're going to cancel anything because of this board.

Huh...apparently it is tomorrow already somewhere. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Nadcus said:
Isn"t t his suppose to be a board that is nice to characters ever since I joined this board, it is mostly a bashing board of characters, and when you bash the characters you bash, in my opinion, the actors too, you should be a little more careful how you talk about the show. I have been on the NCIS board, and they do not accept any bashing of characters like here. You would really be terminated on the ncis board,if you'd talk the way you are talking here, if you get my drift. Please be a little nicer, if ny csi wants a relationship between d/l let it be, and remember ny csi has not been picked up yet by the network, all the bashing can cancel the show.
Nadcus - Here we promote discussion of the show. Sometimes that involves lavishing praise and sometimes it involves criticism. You're not likely to find a simple "that sucks" here. Most people back up their opinions with some degree of reasoning. We don't support bashing the actors. But if people want to bash fictional characters, they're more than welcome. In fact, sometimes when we're extraordinarily unhappy with something we'll start a thread in hopes that someone from the show takes note. Whether a show gets renewed or not depends on ratings and ability to bring in the almighty advertising dollar. The fact that some fans disfavor the D/L pairing will not get the show canceled.

lookaboomerang - Have a fantastic b-day (I know it's tomorrow, but your b-day icon is up already )! :D Enjoy that stallion and try not to break him ... due to throwing him across the room or otherwise. ;) Enjoy!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

well we will see, continue the bashing and see what happens and remember most people on other boards approve of d/l romance just go see on the ny csi board on cbs and see what people are saying, you would be surprised.
Remember if there is a rumor that ny csi is not coming back, rumors usually are founded. So continue the bashing. Anyways this board is all about bashing.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ If you're unhappy with this board, please feel free to exercise your right not to visit. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

way OT, but happy birthday, lookaboomerang ! Enjoy the ride. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:

lookaboomerang - Have a fantastic b-day (I know it's tomorrow, but your b-day icon is up already )! :D Enjoy that stallion and try not to break him ... due to throwing him across the room or otherwise. ;) Enjoy!

I'll be gentle. :p And only toss him around if he deserves it or if he's been a very, very bad boy. :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Happy Birthday lookaboomerang!

Nadcus said:
well we will see, continue the bashing and see what happens and remember most people on other boards approve of d/l romance just go see on the ny csi board on cbs and see what people are saying, you would be surprised.
Remember if there is a rumor that ny csi is not coming back, rumors usually are founded. So continue the bashing. Anyways this board is all about bashing.

Yeah, I've been over to that board that you reference. Good luck finding anything that resembles a cohesive argument or non-locker room discussion. If that's your standard, I'll keep coming here, thanks.

This show is in hardly any danger of cancellation. It's been in the top 20 for most of the season and is an advertising cash cow for CBS, I'll bet. And, even though Danny hasn't been as riveting as the previous two seasons, he still has fans that will give him a chance to prove himself next season.

The absence of must-see Danny is 95% writing and 5% acting. I still think -- like a couple of others here -- that Carmine should be able to work through the material; heaven knows he's been able to pull fantastic performances out of poor writing in both his movie career and this show. But, I also have begun to wonder at the source of this lack of motivation. Is it that he's just gotten so few well-written scenes this season that he just can't continue to "bring it"?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

First of all...*clears throat*: Happy birthday to boom, happy birthday to boom... :D

Nadcus, every message board is different. We aren't whatever NCIS board you're talking about, and they aren't us. We don't expect them to follow our rules, so don't expect us to follow their rules.

Nadcus said:
well we will see, continue the bashing and see what happens
Please don't threaten us, as if we control the fate of the show. If you had been on TalkCSI for very long, you'd see that NY fans (or fans for any of the CSI shows, for that matter) have disliked, and sometimes bitched about, one thing or another ever since the show started--and here we are at the end of season 3. The 'rumors' about NY not getting picked up are just that--rumors. It didn't get started because there's a chance that it will happen, it got started because someone was afraid (or was hoping) that NY wouldn't stick around. That has nothing to do with whether the show does or doesn't get picked up. The real reasons have already been stated.

and remember most people on other boards approve of d/l romance just go see on the ny csi board on cbs and see what people are saying, you would be surprised.
Um, no, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm a member of that board. What I see there is what I see here--some people like D/L and some people don't. Having five threads for Danny/Lindsay doesn't give them sooper-speshul powers, but that is a separate message board and I'll stop the discussion right there. As I stated before, they aren't TalkCSI and we aren't If all message boards were the same, there would be no point in having more than one.

You might also want to take note of the fact that there is a Shipper Central forum on this message board, and that most of the pro-ship comments for any pairing are going to be located there rather than in the show forum. Sure, it comes up in this forum from time to time, but mostly it stays in there.

So continue the bashing. Anyways this board is all about bashing.
We'll continue the discussion. This thread is a "Discussion" thread. Therefore, we shall be discussing Carmine Giovinazzo as an actor and Danny Messer as a character, not continuing to defend our right not to like something. Yes, this thread has drifted toward the D/L relationship recently, but conversations shift about and it wasn't hurting anyone--it certainly wasn't hurting Anna Belknap, which is surely what you're implying. Anna Belknap is an actress, she isn't Lindsay Monroe the character, and she's on CSI:NY regardless of whether we think the character sucks eggs or not.

And this board isn't all about bashing. We're all about everybody being able to talk about these shows that they like (to varying degrees depending on the fan)--the good, the bad, and the ugly, whichever tickles their goat. I don't appreciate being told what this board is 'all about' from someone who has made five posts including three telling us all about the bashing and the fans on other boards, and even one that tells Aiden fans to "get over it" because she's dead and you like Lindsay better. It goes both ways, my friend, it goes both ways.

Now (this is feeling slightly like deja-vu), let's get back to the discussion of Carmine and/or Danny. :)

Nadcus said:
Getting away from Danny for a bit, since we seem to be very touchy about his characterization lately, what about other roles that you would like to see Carmine doing, to showcase the skills that we already know about, or to test and see if he can pull off something totally different? :)

I quoted 'terminated' because when I saw it my immediate thought was of the "Terminator" movies--which I adore. Could you ever see Carmine in a role like that, either as a 'terminator' or as one of the people working against the machines?

Personally, I'm not sure he could do the more emotionless role of a terminator, but I'd love to see him kick ass in a John Connor-type of role. :p
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Going OT for a sec, I love TalkCSI forums because this is the one CSI forum where I've found actual coherent and thought-provoking discussion, where people of different opinions can speak up and fight for them and back themselves up with rational, mature reasoning. That's the reason why I'm still here after all this time when other forums could barely keep my attention for more than a few minutes. You know what annoys me like @#$% about people and forum interaction? When people use the bashing excuse as a cop-out for any arguement and paint themselves with a martyr complex.

"No, I don't agree with you -"

Uhm. No. Please to be waking up and smell reality. This is just a TV show with fictional characters. And there will always be differing opinions no matter what happens.

And seconding lookaboomerang's answer to the 'bashing of characters', if that is enough to determine the course of the show ... CSI:NY wouldn't be the way it is today. :p (And Happy Birthday, lookaboomerang!)

Springmoon said:
The absence of must-see Danny is 95% writing and 5% acting. I still think -- like a couple of others here -- that Carmine should be able to work through the material; heaven knows he's been able to pull fantastic performances out of poor writing in both his movie career and this show. But, I also have begun to wonder at the source of this lack of motivation. Is it that he's just gotten so few well-written scenes this season that he just can't continue to "bring it"?

As much as I hate to say it, all the fantastic, Academy-award winning acting in the world can't save a lousy script. It's a lot like a comic book. You can have the most magnificent art for it but if the story sucks dragon ass, that alone is enough to make people think twice about even buying it. The story is the backbone of any show, movie, book, etc. It's what will make or break any creative endeavor that demands a plot with characters.

Most of Carmine's past work have all been movies (I'm not even going to talk about Shasta McNasty because that is literally in its own ... category. :lol:). Movie production is often much faster and has a more speedy wrap up than a TV show. If it has a bad script, you only have to act it out once, get paid and high tail it outta there. But for a TV show, especially if you're under contract for many years, you gotta tough it out for a long time.

And if you hate how things are going and you're powerless to change it and just grit your teeth and go along with it ... well, who can blame the guy for starting to lose motivation? If I became stuck in an art contract where I had to draw and paint stuff I hated for years, I'll eventually begin to get bored and uninspired too, even with payment.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

If you wanted a pair of size 6 shoes, why would you go looking in the size 8 rack??? :confused:

That's why there are separate places for all the opinions, to prevent conflict and encourage discussion with those who are of a like mind. Okay, so sometimes we of different opinions will end up in the same place, but I'm sure we all handle it without malice

Freedom of Speech......I don't intentionally upset people, even though I may not agree with them, but I exercise my right to that opinion....I agree with the people who say this board is for discussion, sometimes it gets lively, okay, very lively, but anyone who is stirring up trouble or on a victimizing camplaign is speedily dealt with. Everyone's opinion is of value and as long as there's the respect due to posters with more to say than *that sucks* or the like, good and bad ideas, plotlines, spoilers, general character love or dislike it's all handled the same. Opinions are explained, usually in great detail. :p We're all enthusiastic about the show and the characters in one way or another, that's why we're all here........If everyone had the same opinion the world would be a pretty boring place.....

Now, back to Carmine......

What sort or film would I like to see him in, well....after re-watching Officer and a Gentleman for the *nth time.I could really see him kick some serious ass in something like that. It's not an military film as such, although I'm sure Carmine would look hotter than hot in dress uniform. It just that the character takes a huge journey from who he was in the beginning to who he is in the end.....and I'd love to see him step up to the plate and deliver.
Hey, and Happy Birthday looka
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I also have another thing to add. I'd like to think that what you see as bashing the characters, I think it could also be what we call 'constructive criticism'. I like to believe that people who work on NY come here to see what we think about certain things. Yes, there are things we talk about that they can't make happen, but listen to the commentaries on the DVD's. If they aren't talking about the ladies of TalkCSI, I don't know who they're talking about! :lol:

We can't always be pleased with what we're given. All of us here are pretty strong willed and know what we like to see, because they've given us some pretty good stuff before, and we know what we like. We're not a group to sit by and say what everyone wants to hear and dance around things that are happening and be all rainbows and kittens about it. Not gonna happen.

And thank you all for the birthday wishes. :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Firstly - lookaboomerang HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have a fabulous day!

Hopefully with what we've read for the finale Carmine can put in an ass kicking performance and then we can all forget that the tradegy of season 3 ever happened. I'm watching season 2 at the moment and I forgot how much screentime he actually got.
I think we are all pretty mad about the whole situation, beause we know what Carmine can do and what he's done in the past. It;s a shame to see his talent wasted.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Nadcus said:
well we will see, continue the bashing and see what happens and remember most people on other boards approve of d/l romance just go see on the ny csi board on cbs and see what people are saying, you would be surprised.
Remember if there is a rumor that ny csi is not coming back, rumors usually are founded. So continue the bashing. Anyways this board is all about bashing.

This board is for discussion of the show, not other posters here. If you can't stick to that, don't post here.

As for the rest of you--don't feel like you have to respond to posts like this. We have a saying at TrekBBS, our sister board--"Don't feed the trolls." ;) If someone comes here just to stir things up, don't feel like you have to respond.

lookaboomerang, happy birthday!!! :D Hope it's a good one! :D

As for other roles for Carmine--I'd like to see him in a weightier drama, maybe something about family. No mob stuff or anything like that--something quieter where he really got to flex his acting muscles.

I'm looking forward to seeing him tackle Danny's situation in the finale, too! That should be good. It's about time he got something to tackle other than this romance dreck.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Joolz said:
Opinions are explained, usually in great detail. :p
*cough* :eek:

If someone comes here just to stir things up, don't feel like you have to respond.
B-b-but...I can't not respond! :lol: My fingers don't ask me if they can type...*whistles innocently*

Excellent ideas on what type of movies Carmine could be in, guys! :D I especially love the idea of him in a role that would take the character on a journey from who he was to who he becomes. :)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about seeing Carmine in the finale. I think he's going to knock it out of the park now that he's really got a chance to sink his teeth into an exciting episode!