Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Yea I know excatly what you mean. He used to get angry at suspects and other stuff and now he is like a pansy when it comes to certain things.

I love your word choices for describing Danny. It makes me laugh.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Yeah what happened to volatile Danny that actually used to freak me out in interrogation scenes just in case he pushed it too far. I miss him! Please bring him back TPTB - I beg you!
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

^ Exactly! Hot-headed, tempermental Danny was explosive to watch. Calm, mature Danny is just like any other guy and rather boring.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Exactly! Hot-headed, tempermental Danny was explosive to watch. Calm, mature Danny is just like any other guy and rather boring.

Explosive being the keyword, of course. ;) And the banana is truly and inrrevocably linked with Mr. Giovinazzo for all eternity. I heartily await the day he does a photoshoot with nothing except a banana. :devil:

But, to get back to discussion, here's a topic for all of you: how would you feel if Danny were to actually jump onto another woman instead of Lindsay in the season finale, as the spoilers seem to hint at? Will it affect your view of Danny's character in a negative fashion? Is it an act that is in character with Danny, or do you think it'll be another writing faux pas?

(I know shipping's going to place some bias on answers, so please do try to concentrate mainly on Danny's character since this is a discussion thread for the guy. :) And, of course, the guy who plays him. :p)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

It would affect how I think of the character in a negative manner. I think his character should stay away from women for awhile. This whole drama with Lindsay has taken something from him. He should concentrate on his job and go back to being the Danny we all know and love; not some sappy, soap-opera version. Right now, he seems like the shell of the man he used to be. I hate that they have turned his character into something that I cringe to watch. Danny should explore who he is as a person, and who he is as a CSI.

Of course, that is just my opinion. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

peanut, I agree completely! i don't think Danny really fully understands who he is and where he comes from himself yet so he needs to get some understanding of that before he starts a relationship with anyone!
He needs to go back to the hot headed fool we all know and love! The loved up version of Danny is a push over and a total turn of for me.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:
But, to get back to discussion, here's a topic for all of you: how would you feel if Danny were to actually jump onto another woman instead of Lindsay in the season finale, as the spoilers seem to hint at? Will it affect your view of Danny's character in a negative fashion? Is it an act that is in character with Danny, or do you think it'll be another writing faux pas?

It would be a bad move at this point. Much as I'm not a fan of the Danny/Lindsay pairing, I'll reiterate what I've been saying since day one: Danny's not a player. He clings, rather desperately, to those he cares about. So I'd probably be more pissed off than the most die-hard D/L shipper if he up and ditches her for another woman because it would be totally and completely out of character. If he wants to push her away because she treats him poorly, I'm all for it, but I sincerely hope it's not for any of the reasons Zuiker said (another woman, fear of commitment, etc.). Then again, I don't really think Zuiker spilled the beans on what it's actually going to be--it'll be interesting to see what happens in the finale.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Agreed. If Danny is indeed a player - and evidence definitely suggests the contrary - the last thing that should be done is fling it in our faces as some stopgap solution to the mess of the botched "romance" between him and Lindsay. This is not the Danny that we have grown to love and learned to lose. But Top, I agree with you again: it will be interesting to see what actually happens in the finale. Danny was supposed to have a moment with another character earlier this season and that was tossed out the window.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I've read the spoilers and I love what Lindsay wakes up to. There's a sweetness to Danny's character. He takes care of those who are important to him. I don't see his character hooking up with another woman anytime soon and I'd be a little disappointed if he did. It would negate the emotional impact of some of the big gestures he's made for Lindsay. I *hate* the D/L pairing, but his character is committed to that, so I don't really want to see him disregard all that has gone into that.

... Of course, if he wants to throw a little action Flack's way, that would be another story completely. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I would hate to see Danny go after another woman. As a lot of people have said, it's not in his character. Ok so maybe he talked to that girl in 'Risk' and liked the pictures in (if I remember correctly) 'Cool Hunter', but I just don't see it in him. I still stand with Louie or Tanglewood returning even if the spoilers don't necessary indicate that happening. Yes I'm a huge D/L shipper, have been since Lindsay arrived, but I really hope he doesn't run off with some other girl. He cares too much for Lindsay to do that. Also I would think somewhat less of his character (Danny, not Carmine) if he did (no offense to all the Danny fans reading this). Much as I love Danny, I would be extremely disappointed and upset if that actually happened. To be honest though, I don't believe he would do it after liking Lindsay for so long and clearly having feelings for her. I agree with MrsG, he does care deeply for the few he trusts.

Phew that was long. Hope it made sense to everyone ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Thanks for the input, guys! :D So, the unanimous opinion is ... if Danny does hop onto another woman in the finale, he's a cheatin' a-hole who deserves a giant kick in the ass. :lol:

Only problem is, seeing as the writing's been rather ... shaky for some time, would you guys be surprised if the TPTB really write Danny cutting off a relationship with Lindsay in the finale? And how would you feel about that if it wasn't another woman who is the cause, but the aftermath of a traumatic experience instead? Would that even be in character for Danny, considering what he's already gone through in previous seasons?
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Kimmychu said:
Only problem is, seeing as the writing's been rather ... shaky for some time, would you guys be surprised if the TPTB really write Danny cutting off a relationship with Lindsay in the finale? And how would you feel about that if it wasn't another woman who is the cause, but the aftermath of a traumatic experience instead? Would that even be in character for Danny, considering what he's already gone through in previous seasons?

It sounds like what Danny is going to go through in the finale is going to be pretty brutal, to say the least. I could see him shutting down emotionally after that. I'm actually surprised, given how emotionally vulnerable he is, that he made it through losing Aiden and nearly (?) losing Louie and nearly losing Flack.

But I think it will be a little lame if they fall back on how emotionally traumatized Danny is as a reason for him to push Lindsay away. And honestly, if after all he's gone through for her, if she isn't making every effort to be there for him and push past his walls, she's going to look pretty sucky herself. I suppose emotional shutdown is probably the way they'll go for 'destiny dashed' but it's kind of meh. Better than another woman or a fear of commitment, though, by leaps and bounds.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

Just bringing this back to the fron page as it's not been posted in in a while!!
A few people have mentioned in the Locker room thread, that the Danny love is slowly dwindling!

How do you think the writers can bring Danny back?? Can we get the old Danny back or is the new one here to stay???
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I think they could potentially bring him back, but in order for that to happen, I think someone else has to go first. I think we know who that someone would be. Too much time is focused on trying to create a relationship where there is no chemistry. Get rid of that one element, and there's more time to focus on the character and his development.

I think they often forget what a powerhouse actor he can be, and just how much he's capable of bringing to the table when he needs to. They've got Danny so wrapped up in Lindsay and trying to make him be more mature, they've forgotten what drew everyone to him in the first place. You don't have to make him more mature or give him someone to love, just give the character a little spring in his step again. Make him feel real again--give him back the zing.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa

I agree on the something has to go thing! We all know who that is! The relationship is being built on nothing and I can't understand still how TPTB are thinking that it's working!
You only have to look back att eh episodes that Danny was creating this time last year with RS,RD. He's changed so much that he's become a shadow of the character he used to be. We want voliatile Danny back. The only real hint we had that he is stil lingering somewhere in in HOTD and RS. That's frightnening as that's two episodes in one season.