Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!!

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Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Common' girlies...Chicken is my all time favorite food! :confused:

How am I going to eat it now? :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Umm... just think of it as if you were, um, "enjoying" Carmine? :eek:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Oh come on ladies!!

There are benefits ... you get to see it in all it's glory unhindered by forest (ie looks bigger). :D

And ... better ... nothing to pick out of your teeth afterwards :eek: :devil:

Of course, I'm just imagining ... I wouldn't know by experience. ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Honestly, him going bald (on the head ;)) doesn't phase me.

I've always loved the little bald spot that was on the back of his head! :devil: :p I really don't care what guys look like, with their little cosmetic quirks, as long as they have hearts of gold (which Carmine had better have). :)
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Springmoon said:
Umm... just think of it as if you were, um, "enjoying" Carmine? :eek:

Ummmm! YEAH. I suppose that works! :devil:


He does this just because he knows how good he looks and what it does to us!!! :rolleyes:

Now...If you'll excuse me...


Pssst: Chelle...Where are ya GF? I hope all is well! :)
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

PrettyEyes said:
I've always loved the little bald spot that was on the back of his head!
Me too. Guess it's the old lady in me, but some of my favorite pics are the ones where you can see all the little lines and flaws in his face. There's a realness or honesty in that to me. I don't wanna see some airbrushed hottie. I want to see every year of his age reflected on his face. Same goes for the hair. Let that baby rescede all it wants. I like the look of age and experience.
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

^^ Amen, sister! I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm not into guys who try to cover up their lines and flaws. Those are what make them who they are, you know.
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

TIFF!! !!!!!!..... YooWhooooo!!!! **Waves over at Tiff and gives Biiiiiiig Huggles!!!** im here!!! sooo sorry i havent been on last few days hun, i havent got day off til xmas day :( (but hey, its for NY baby!!!!) hehe
I hope you been enjoying that *chicken* ;) :devil: :lol: i had some real goooood chicken tonight! hehe
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Me too. Guess it's the old lady in me, but some of my favorite pics are the ones where you can see all the little lines and flaws in his face. There's a realness or honesty in that to me. I don't wanna see some airbrushed hottie. I want to see every year of his age reflected on his face. Same goes for the hair. Let that baby rescede all it wants. I like the look of age and experience.

Me three! :D Airbrushing guys is ... yeech. Let's just say I saw one picture of Billy Bob Thornton airbrushed for a magazine. It wasn't even a lot, but it was so obvious, it was laughable. And nobody believed for a second he looked so ... unwrinkly, anyway. :lol: Guys are airbrushable to a certain age, and then, it's just terrible if you even try to do digital enhancing on them.

I might have noticed the hairline (which is hawt to me anyway), but bald spot? Never noticed that. Too busy ogling the backside lower down. :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Hehehe, Kimmy said peen. The word is spreading.

NNNOOOOOO!!!! :eek: Can't that word just go away?? Fay, remember what Joanne and I told you. You need to start using the big girl words for that particular part of the male anatomy. :rolleyes: Well, you can use them on BC. :p

ETA: I agree with MrsG and Kimmy. I want to see the real Carmine, not some airbrushed fix up. I like the receding hairline, the lines and flaws, the "real me" look. Makes him look that much more hotter. :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Chelle!!! **Waves over at you and gives Biiiiiiig Huggles back**

It's ok you haven't been around(I do miss you tons though ;) )! I understand. You poor dear! Working so much, you must be need a dose of Carmine to make ya feel better...JUST what the doctor prescribed! :devil:


The remedy is all in the tongue...SO I hear... :devil:

You know I enjoyed my *CHICKEN*! Woooot!

:p To be 17 degrees outside, It *SURE* is hot, hott, hawt in here...whew! :devil: :devil: :devil:


Where's the line at to be...umm...cuffed? :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

Danny> Flack, stop staring at my chest!
Flack> Sorry, it's so...hypnotic... :eek:
Stella> OMG, you're right...
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!


Can't ignore how hard Flack is staring...hmmm.

Stella seems to be enjoying it too.. :p The guy they have pinned could easily escape whilst they look upon Danny's chest. :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

I guess he's enjoying stay under Danny's... uh... legs? :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #13 : Chest Hair Or Not...He's Still Hot!!

I guess he's enjoying stay under Danny's... uh... legs?

Nim.... :lol: who wouldnt enjoy the stay under Danny's legs?? :devil:

Tiff!! **Drops to the floor, tongue hanging out. Gets up, fans self** OMG.. that is jus the best thing that doctor Tiff could have ordered ;) :lol:
Did you like the gorgeous leather picci?! hehe


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