Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

Posted by CSIri:
Posted by DaWacko:
Men måste jag skriva svensk? I suck at it. :p
compulsory = obligatorisk
(something what you have to take [a course] and pass if you want to graduate.
:eek: It's called "obligatorisk" in norwegian too :p

How shocking! :eek: :p

One Swedish-Finn told me once (she spoke Finnish in a weird swedish accent) that written norsk :p Swedes usually understand just fine but when they start to talk... :rolleyes:
It's all the same for me :p I think we might speak a little weird.. we got a lot of different dialects.. some of them are really difficult to understand even for us!
same here.. people from the south and north are pretty hard to understand sometimes. but it's okay.. I had a really wierd dialect when I was a kid. no one wanted to play with me bacause they thought I talked funny. stupid stockholm-kids :( :(
Could you help me? :D
What jobs related to animals, kids, weather, photography, travelling, sociality, astronomy do you know??
If you know any, especially unusual professions, please write it :D
Thanks :D
freemind, there are so many in each of these fields, that you might want to pick your favorites and do a website search with Google, Yahoo,, Lycos, or one of the others. Some possibilities include:

Veterinarians, zookeepers, petshop clerk, dogwalker, kennel worker, trainer for service dogs for the disabled.

For magazines, newspapers, family portraits, stills during movie production, advertising agencies, weddings and special events. Or an instructor.

If you mean the travel industry, that includes airlines, cruise ships, railroads, bus lines, rental cars, hotels/motels, bed and breakfast inns, museums, stadiums, convention and visitors bureaus, welcome centers, and much more.

Meteorologists for National Weather Service bureaus, airport flight service centers, television stations, cable networks, storm centers.

I hope this helps. Maybe you can ask a teacher in a local school which offers classes in these fields.
This is an interesting thread. Hm...

jobs I've had in the past: dog walker, housesitter, painter (of houses), gas station clerk/attendent (scary!), secretary/legal assistant, and student.

Current: sec/legal assistant, student.

I just recently figured out what it is I want to do with my life: get my degree in biology, go to medical school, become a coroner. Yup, a coroner. My whole family's involved in the medical field somehow or some professional field. I spent a lot of time running away from that, now I think its something I need to do, or at least try to do. If that doesn't work, I like writing crappy poetry w/my magnetic poetry thing, so :lol:
Nikka_what, you do not want to be a taste tester at a coffee company?

For 23 years, I worked as a desk clerk at hotels (usually on the late night shift). For some of that time, I also worked part-time on weekends at radio stations. In between some jobs, I briefly worked at an electronics store and a video game store. My very first job was a newspaper delivery boy. For the past few months, I have just been taking it easy, wasting my time here and on the Trek BBS.
Posted by Dynamo1:
Nikka_what, you do not want to be a taste tester at a coffee company?

For 23 years, I worked as a desk clerk at hotels (usually on the late night shift). For some of that time, I also worked part-time on weekends at radio stations. In between some jobs, I briefly worked at an electronics store and a video game store. My very first job was a newspaper delivery boy. For the past few months, I have just been taking it easy, wasting my time here and on the Trek BBS.

If you want to know, Mr. Dynamo1, sir (if you are not a sir, much apologies!) I happen to be drinking decaffeinated green tea at the moment! And, besides, coffee taste testers have to spit it out, or their heads would explode! :lol:

And, I don't think hanging out here is a waste of time...okay, so I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time on here lately, but that's because my financing for this term fell through, and I'll be going back to school for the summer term. :rolleyes:

BTW, what sort of radio stations did you work at, and in what capacity? Sounds interesting. Ha ha! Get it, "sounds" interesting, at a radio station?!? :lol: Okay, so I lied, I AM drinking coffee right now!

*evil caffeinated laughter*
I'm currently studing computer science and will probably end up with a programming job. Growing up I always wanted to be a FBI agent, yes another casualty of the x-files :p. Even now part of me is still tempted by it, however, me not being a US citizen probably would be a small glitch.
I'm an actor/model. It's really one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. It feels so good and it's so much fun!!

I can't ever remember wanting to be anything else other than an actor. I have thought about teaching school and actually started college for Middle Grades Education but realized my whole heart wasn't in it. It was in performing. So... here I am, hoping that my hard work and perseverence will lead me in the direction of success!
I worked about 19 years part-time at radio stations, working the control board for the religious and public affairs shows on Sunday mornings and sometimes for the Nascar races and school football and basketball games. I would inset local commercials into the breaks, and read the weather. The first two years were at an easy-listening AM/FM station (sort of like elevator music). Then five years at a country AM / top-40 rock FM. Then almost 12 years at a talk-AM / country FM. This was in addition to working full time at hotels.
As a kid I wanted to be a lawyer. I actually started that but decided it wasn't for me. I was going to go into forensics but then I would've had to move away from my family and friends to study it and I wouldn't be able to move back home since there isn't much work for forensic scientist where I live. I still might do it one day though if I ever get tired of being a nurse. There is a high burnout rate among nurses where I work so you never know :)
I really can't remember what I wanted to be when I was a kid but when I started high school I know that I wanted to work in a field that involved computers. :D

So here I am. I've been working as a Web Designer/Programmer/Administrator for the past 5 years. :D