Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

upper secondary school? never heard of that.. but they don't call it that in the us right? then it's more like high school, but not really.. since people don't study anything special in high school? but people over here start studing something they're interested in when they are around the same age.. after the 9th grade. BUT since people in the us start school like one year before we do.. it's like 10th grade for them. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

mm.. but teens at a gymnasium gets like 950 kr (136.472 USD) every month if they go to maybe 80% of the classes. and the "smart" cheaters just call in sick so no one cares. not at the schools I've been to anyways..

well, I hope you're there to learn. or else I will get mad :p
Gymnasium=lukio=Upper Secondary School
that's English name for it, since our (Finland, Sweden) schoolsystems are same kind.

High school is something mixed upper level (högstadium) (grades 7-9) and Upper secondary School. But here, in gymnasium (or lukio or Upper Secondary School) students already choose subjects what they like. Eg. I didn't take chemistry more than one course because it was compulsory.
And here in Upper Secondary School students really don't get much money, because most of them still live at home.
Men måste jag skriva svensk? I suck at it. :p
compulsory = obligatorisk
(something what you have to take [a course] and pass if you want to graduate.
Okok, I agree. No foreigner should be tortured. By that I mean speaking and listening to Finnish.
haha, yeah.. but I don't really mind listening. I want to learn some finnish. my grandparents and my father would be so happy :D think I'll go out and buy one of those tapes someday..
Posted by DaWacko:
Men måste jag skriva svensk? I suck at it. :p
compulsory = obligatorisk
(something what you have to take [a course] and pass if you want to graduate.
:eek: It's called "obligatorisk" in norwegian too :p
haha, well.. alot of our words are the same. I wonder if I'm going to understand anything of it though on big brother next week when they take away the wall. last time I spoke to people from norway I had to ask them to speak english instead. there were so many words I just didn't get..
HAHA!! :lol: I speak swedish to swedish people.. I don't have any problems understanding or speaking it :p but I'd rather speak english tho ;)
really? I have really big troubles with norweigan.. but dannish is worst. I hate their language.
Danish is horrible! Even tho my grandfather is danish, and he only speaks it, I'm having problems understanding him.
Sometimes when I don't hear what he's saying I just smile and nod or say "yes".. and what do you know, I might have just agreed to help him out in his garden without even knowing it.. :p :lol:
I can only understand a few words, but it's not enough to understand exactly what they're saying.. it's like "Hi -- -- -- -- -- I - -- -- no -- - - yes -- ---, you know?"
and I always have to try not to giggle :lol: