Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

gah, I have to get a summerjob too. I was thinking of going to usa and work as an au-pair for two months. but then I realized that they are all crazy over there.. so I guess I have to find something else now :O like.. mcdonalds. gah, no way I'm working there :mad:
No, I was never a child! :rolleyes: I just hate it when they scream, and they are so ugly.. I'm not sure if I want a child for myself... ever!
so you just showed up on earth just like you are now? are you an Alien? :eek:

well.. that about the uglyness is true. atleast for some children.. I feel so sorry for them :(
Doctor or nurse, executive, assistant, artist, psychologist, vet, counslor, historian, :lol: alot of things.

I do Crafts (painting and creating) and Research.
i have dreams of bein a tap dance teacher (anyone into that here?), a marine biologist, a whale trainer, and yes a CSI too :lol: but dont think any of these will happen..sigh...since i'm doin computer studies. everyone have so many things they wanna be and yet we jus get to choose can you jus choose one when you like all of em??
A historian would be fun.. I love history. I still buy books and read them, and sometimes I write my own little essay (spells how?) for fun. haha.. I miss school :( :(
OMG! 15? that's so sad.. I turned 18 in december :rolleyes:

But I've dropped out. because I wasn't really sure that I wanted to work with kids and at the school I went to everyone were just.. stupid. I hated that school. but I've found a school that seems okay now. so hopefully I'll start there after the summer.. and it's not like a Gymnasium (wich is practially like college, but not really...) oh.. the difference between it all is so big I don't know how to explain it. but anyways, the school I want to go to is filled with people who really wants/needs to get an education. it's more serious. not just stupid teens who go to school just to get the money.
Teenagers in Sweden go to college for money? :eek: Lucky.

I think that people here from poor families get about 30 pounds a week, just like my brother do. :D
Gymnasium aka lukio in Finnish. in English it's Upper Secondary School :D

what comes to teens to be in school jsut to get the money. University students are not teens anymore but still they are putting limit how long you can be in University. There hasn't been limit but now it's 7yrs. Because it usually takes 5yrs to get master degree. They are also planning to rise compulsory education agelimit up to 18. Now it ends when you get out of 9th grade, and people are usually 16 then.

and keiko btw, I'm at folkhögskolan... I wonder am I person who wants education or just hanging aroud ;)
Posted by kazzy:
Teenagers in Sweden go to college for money? :eek: Lucky.

I think that people here from poor families get about 30 pounds a week, just like my brother do. :D

I don't know is in Sweden same system than we do. And those are not acutually teenagers anymore...I think. (I don't know about Sweden)
student grant... here after you turn 20, your parents' incomes doesn't count anymore to that, how much you can get it. But all counts is your incoming, place where you study, rent and all that stuff. Like with me, I got a nice rise when I turned 20 a month ago.