Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I hope to become a social worker for my career, in the child department - I really want to help children who are having difficulties in their life :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Hey guys, just a quick question: I've just been looking through some info on different types of careers that I could post here, and was wondering what sort of info would be most useful?

I've got general stuff on the qualities employers look for, and how to get work experience before applying for a full-time job, or would you find more specific stuff more helpful?

Cheers :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

What I would find extremely helpful is to know what qualifications I would need for becoming a social worker. I know that I would definitely need to go to college and university but have no idea what qualifications I would need in the end.

I have tried looking it up on the internet before but it completely bamboozled me with all of the information - I couldn't get a straight forward answer!

I would find that soooo helpful wibble if you could! :) I'm sure that other people of my age would probably find it helpful to know about qualifications...
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Thank you Golden_Smile, I'll see what I can do :)

ETA: Here is some (hopefully) helpful information for you on qualifications to become a social worker in the UK:

If you left/are leaving school at 16 or 17:

If you leave school at 16 or 17 and are interested in this area, you can start a preliminary further education college course in Social Care or pursue a modern apprenticeship in Health and Social care. Both of these options will include placements and you may also be able to combine this with voluntary work. Through job experience and NVQ assessments, you could become eligible to enter the degree course and if employed within the sector, your employer may provide funding for you to do this.

If you are A level student/Sixth Former:

If you're under 21 and have - or soon will have - at least 2 A levels or equivalent qualifications, you can apply to universities and colleges that offer the 3-year degree course. Application is through UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) Universities and colleges throughout the country offer the programme.

More about the 3 year Social Work degree course can be found here:

Tell me more about the qualification

The Question & Answer section on that website may also be useful, as will probably the Course Finder, where you can search for Universities in your area of the country that offer the Social Work degree required for employment as a social worker in the UK :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Thank you very much for all the information wibble :D It has made things clearer for me.
Thanks! :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

When I was little I wanted to be everything I think, but a writer was one of the earliest I can remember. I started writing and illustrating books before first grade.

I also wanted to be a cop, a contortionist, a pilot, a fashion designer, all sorts of things.

In college I worked in a gym, after college I worked for a research firm doing methodology. It was weird. Everyone had to wear lab coats, even those of us who just worked on computers, but it looked more professional that way. They wanted to transfer me to Atlanta, I wouldn't go. I got fired. So I fell back on what I did in college, got all my fitness certifications back and now I'm a fitness instructor, group and personal training. It's really hard work, but it gives me time for writing [except these upcoming three weeks when I'm covering for someone else.]

I thought about going back to college and getting my masters. My boyfriend works for the same company I did and he says if I got my masters, or maybe even while I was getting it, they'd hire me back and not try to transfer me, since they know if I left again he might leave and they wouldn't want that. But I'm not sure if I could go back to doing that.

I think it would be nice to own my own little studio.

And I wish I'd gotten my pilot's license. I have a brother who is a pilot and he really enjoys it.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I just had to do this whole silly thing in science where we cover our college and career choice. I hate my science teacher (he is standing right behind me reading this by the way) so I decided to mess with his head and said I want to be a dominatrix and stripper in my spare time . hehehe. But seriously I have no clue I am thinking psychology, law, anestheseologist (they make hella a lot) or something else. Decisive aren't I. I know I want to go to Cal or Notre Dame or someplace else. wow I have no clue what I want to be.

btw I am being kicked off the computer now because I said I hate my science teacher.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

When I was younger I wanted to be a vetinary nurse, then a vet, then I had no clue, then a physio (put off when I realised that I would need to do solid science), somehow ended up doing business at college and now I'm about to start my nurse training at uni. Which is funny really, when I was younger, up to about 3 years ago, I never wanted to be a nurse cos my mum used to be a nurse and it just didn't appeal. And now here I am. I wish a higher paying job appealed to me though :lol:
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

mhh interesting thread. as far as I remember, I wanted to become (industrial) designer or pr "agent" until 2 years before leaving highschool. but at the end I took another direction :D and now I just want to finish my studies (another 1 1/2 years) and head towards developping machines+software like they use for virtopsy, or also the AFIS system. that's so freaking interesting :D! So at the end, I'm also approaching something within CSI hehe
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

wel i'd LOVE 2 b a vet! :D i've always liked workin (or playin! lol) w/animals!
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Golden_Smile said:
Thank you very much for all the information wibble :D It has made things clearer for me.
Thanks! :)

You're welcome, glad to help :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I...really don't know what I want to do with my working life. I was just considering opening a thread on this, luckily I saw this one, lol!

Anyway, let me present my case for you.

I am 13 and going into my junior year next year. I quite obviously have good grades, but my school doesn't have many options. I know that I don't want to be a teacher or a doctor, and definitely don't want to work with kids. The "follow what you love" thing doesn't work for me, because my hobbies are so random. I love to cook and might want to be a pastry chef, but there are only about 3 colleges in Illinois that offer any type of comprehensive chef-prep course. And since I'll turn 16 three months after graduating high school, moving isn't really an option. My other interests are foreign languages and computer information, specifically computer forensics. I've also been nursing a little desire to be a dominatrix and open up my own little "shop", and there's always that little nagging wish I've had since I can remember to work in a casino, at least part time. Dealing poker or tending a bar or something :rolleyes:

The best option I've gotten so far is to go to the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, but the highest cooking degree they have is an Associate's, which means I could either stay around here, which I definitely do not want to do, and open something, or take that and try to find another school to get a Bachelor of Arts degree in baking and pastry cooking. IIAC has computer classes too, in case I change my mind.

Next best is to go to Bradley University (in Peoria)[assuming I get accepted and get enough funding*], which has computer information and security courses, which would lead me to computer forensics, AND a major in the romance languages, linguistics, and literature, but I'm not sure where I would go with that. I love the romance languages and would love the course, but where would it take me?

Basically, I have too many resources and no way to employ them :(

* -My family has basically no way to send me to college unless we take out loans, which equal lots of debt, so I have to get a free ride wherever I go, from work-study, grants, merit awards, scholarships, and such. You see, we're in the range where we can't get aid based on need, but can't pay my way either. Not to mention I'll be too young to work outside of campus, assuming they give me a job there or I get into a work-study program.

WOW long post. But maybe one of you will come up with some really good advice.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Oh I love how it all kinda died now. *sniffle* Thaaaanks. Haha, kidding, kidding. I just don't want this thread to drown. *bumps up*
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

when i was at school many many years ago the options we had were very limited everyone either chose to go in the forces, police, nursing , teaching etc, i wanted to be a air hostess but was too short at the time, now they have shifted the height restriction but am considered too old and thae fact i have a child puts me off going for it.
i went to college and got an a'level in travel and tourism which i love but now when i lokk for a job in this industry they want people with experience!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will only get the experience if someone is willing to give me a job. i came away with the highest grades in my group. odd i think
i am currently working for my dad as an office administrator and its boring as hell.
schools and colleges should go into more detail about certain jobs and the unusual ones.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

^That whole catch-22 situation manda, I'm there with you. Had three job interviews last week, two let me know that they chose for others because they had more experience.. WTF?? That doesn't mean they're good, you know! :mad: That pisses me off really.