Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I work for the chamber of commerce in my hometown and i really like it. That´s what i always wanted to do since i was little. Working in an office. For some people it seems boring but i really like to do it.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Not sure if I posted here but I'd either like something working with animals, or to work in a library since I love books so much.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

i want to be an actress. i know that sounds weird but thats really what i want to be.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

for me best job's could be were is involved science or tehnoligy..
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Very cool thread.
I graduated at 15 and did a degree in classical voice (opera). I was sure I wanted to be a musical theatre actress. Then I realised I was 19 with a degree in something I didn't want to do anymore, and $20k in debt. sigh.
Now I'm back in school working on my undergrad degree in theoretical physics. I plan to go to medical school when I'm done and am interested in either diagnostics or forensic pathology.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

i'd like to get into voiceover acting...i'm actually taking classes right now. i'd love to get a gig on a cartoon movie or a weekly cartoon. even doing voiceovers for commericals wouldn't be too bad!
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

messinwithmesser said:
i'd like to get into voiceover acting...i'm actually taking classes right now. i'd love to get a gig on a cartoon movie or a weekly cartoon. even doing voiceovers for commericals wouldn't be too bad!

I have two friends that do voiceovers. One is a singer and ended up getting a job through her studio and I think she worked for Sony for awhile so she had connections. She lives in LA now.

The other started out in radio. She was a programmer & producer and sometimes did commercials if she couldn't find a voice for it. Someone at a studio heard her, had her send in a sample, and now she works from a home studio most of the time. So you can get started in commercials.

Both say it's very fun work and more demanding than you would think.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I trying to get into Editorial Photography and it's working so far. Pretty tough (photography isn't just all fun!) but I should be able to sell works in about a year or so.

Very excited.

And if that doesn't work out, perhaps I'll go into Journalism or Communications. Can't really decide between the two. :lol:
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Outsider said:
messinwithmesser said:
i'd like to get into voiceover acting...i'm actually taking classes right now. i'd love to get a gig on a cartoon movie or a weekly cartoon. even doing voiceovers for commericals wouldn't be too bad!

I have two friends that do voiceovers. One is a singer and ended up getting a job through her studio and I think she worked for Sony for awhile so she had connections. She lives in LA now.

The other started out in radio. She was a programmer & producer and sometimes did commercials if she couldn't find a voice for it. Someone at a studio heard her, had her send in a sample, and now she works from a home studio most of the time. So you can get started in commercials.

Both say it's very fun work and more demanding than you would think.

oh yea, i didn't realize how much training you have to go through just to get a demo's something i've always wanted to do and now that i have the time & money i can actually pursue it. i currently work in advertising and found out first hand what the process is like. i didn't realize how much $$ you can make for doing about 30 mins of work. it just sucks now for unknown actors trying to get an animated movie gig. most of the studios are looking for the well known actors to voice the characters......
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I am still in college. I will do a study in computational biology (bioinformatics) next year. And then maybe help with the DNA studies done all around the world.. (Humane Genome Project). That would also give me the opportunity to travel a bit for my work since at that particulair part of biology is a big gap of people knowing what to do all around the globe hehe.

I already have a degree in informatics, I got that a year ago. I started to do biochemics this year but it was not what I had expected so I dropped out. So next year the mid way of biology/chemistry and computers!

And to do the biochemistry part this year was not a thing that came out of CSI though haha. If you may wonder...
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

ziggystarduzt said:
Very cool thread.
Now I'm back in school working on my undergrad degree in theoretical physics. I plan to go to medical school when I'm done and am interested in either diagnostics or forensic pathology.

Go Medicine, I took an undergrad in Chemistry and went to med school from there. Pathology is great, I know a couple of people that I went to Uni with are now doing it and they love it. I decided to take my speciality in surgery and I love it the hours are long and hard but it worth it in the end.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

I would really really like to get into theatre. I did a drama degree and got kinda sick of it, but now 2 years later I've craving it again!

Not sure what doing yet. Did stage management at uni which was fabulous but may be too old for that now ;)

Though one day I'd love to set up my own children's theatre company. Where kids can join (with no audition!) and then take part in shows throughout the year. I love directing kids, it's hysterical!
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Thought this would be an appropriate time to bump up this thread...I start a new job on Monday, my first one since leaving Uni with a molecular biology degree :D It's doing experimental work for a biochemical research group, although I eventually hope to go into forensic science research :)
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

What do I want to do? I have no idea. I want to do something that 'makes a difference'. I've yet to figure out what that means.

I currently work at a grocery store. For getting through university, it's a good place to work. I don't want to stay there forever, though.
Re: Careers...or what do you want to do with your working li

Well I'm a system engineer :lol: I graduated last year :D so I think that's what I want to do with my working life. But I'm making postgraduate studies (you know the master thing :p when you specialize in one of the areas of your career :)) right now, in networking and it's sooooo demanding. Well I teach on saturdays too :D although I'm kinda fed up of that, 'cause some students are so annoying :(