Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

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We have a TRIPLE TIE! #9, #1, & #2 (which is mine), so whichever one of you, MADDYANN or MACSLOVLYANGL gets here first with a pic can start the new round. Congrats!!:cool:
Thanks so much, MacsLovlyAngl. Sorry about the shipper quote, I forgot about that rule!

Here ya go.

Calleigh: Dynamo1, if you don't stop stalking me, I'll have you arrested and Ryan will beat you up.
No prob MaddyAnn!;)

Ryan: *thinking* I hate this orange shirt. I hate orange..I HATE IT! It's not even Halloween!!
Cal: Do you have any questions for the suspect, Ryan?
Ryan: huh..what?
Suspect: Excuse me CSI Duquesne, do you think you could please tell your partner, to tone down his shirt. I forgot my sunglasses in the house.

Suspect: *rambling about gnomes*
Calleigh (thinking): What the hell?
Ryan (thinking): *singing* Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner... that is what I truly like to... shoot, remember, Ryan, game face, game face!
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