here's the capions!!!
Speed: Ewww...come on Delko, what have I told you about those damn toxic burritos.
Eric: Sorry man, I gotta eat ya know?
Speed: oh gross Eric, did you step in dead guy?
Eric: nope, did you step in dead guy?
(Speed looks at his shoes)
Speed: Damnit! these are new!
Speed: Yo, yo, my man, my man.*pounds chest with one fist*
Eric: Ok, I get it Speed. I won't use the word "shiz" anymore. Now will you cut it out?
Speed: Being Latino makes me hip.
Eric: Hip?!
Speed: Ya, your right, that's enough of that.
Speed: oh yuck Delko! Don't toss your used condoms here at the crime scene, it's disgusting!
Eric: shut up Speed & just concentrate on processing the evidence, will ya?
Speed: dude, couldn't you clear out the spiderwebs before I get to them?
Eric: spiders!!??!! *screams*
Calleigh: (off screen) What in the world are you 2 doing?
Eric/Speed: We're doing the robot dance, wanna join us?
Speed: You hallucinate me just so you can see my reaction to you letting one rip? Whoa! That's gross, Delko.