Well, to answer CaRWash_Cutie's question, I'll have to agree with Carla on suggestion one. Partly because Calleigh is Bullet Girl (come on, who's gonna mess with the gun expert?) and partly because I'm kind of a feminist.Would you rather:
1- Have Ryan held hostage and Calleigh rescue him
2- Have Calleigh held hostage and Ryan resuce her
And the hilarity. Calleigh rushing in all tough, Ryan almost having a nervous breakdown, Eric teasing the poor guy (and for Carla, Natalia can sort of marvel over Calleigh or even tease her about liking Ryan.)
The posting queen said it best and I can't argue with her:
And since I'm already speaking about her:and which would i choose? i would have to go with option one, if only because it would be hilariousfirst, calleigh seems more likely to me to burst into the scene, guns blazing (after that maneuver she pulled on jake in "going under" i believe she can do anything!). second, ryan is just OCD enough to keep freaking out about having to be saved. and third, can't you just picture eric teasing him about having to be rescued by a girl? completely hilarious, i tell you :lol:
Thanks for the answer. I'll keep an eye out for Shootout. And I'm glad you like my name, I like yours too (one of my younger cousins has the same name). I chose it for the often neglected Greek goddess of the hearth: Hestia. She is one of my favorite seldom mentioned mythological female figures. Plus she's patient, and I try to be patient also; oh and, I wouldn't get annoyed with you. Actually, I've been told I'm a pretty good listener. :lol:carla said:
hestia- (have i mentioned i love your name?) happy belated birthday! posting queen? doesn't sound half bad
but believe me, if you knew me in real life you'd be annoyed in three seconds flat, i talk that much :lol: and we sure should bake industrial amounts of those positivity cookies, they're needed around here pretty often! BTW, the episode you were asking about is "shootout," aka episode 3.12. it's one of my favorite episodes, so sweet
season 3 ryan at his best. like it so much, i had to reference it somewhere in my fanfic...
Now for the trouble with writing block... Happilyhappy, Annwn, I've had that recently and if I may suggest something, try and read over some of your favorite stories (fanfics or otherwise), watch shippy episodes/music videos (if you need romantic visual ideas), and if all else fails take a short challenge; a prompt to get the juices flowing.
(Example: Main characters: Horatio, Ryan & Calleigh. Must be no more than 2000 words. Include a rubber duck, a shoe, some coconuts and the phrase "My, what big teeth you have".)
If anyone actually does this challenge, let me know.