Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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you know what other s4 scene i like,

this went something like this.

Ryan:(about Natalia)*sarcastic* Great! nice meeting you, great to have you.
Calleigh:*smiles and playfully taps Ryan on the stomache* Trace
Ryan: firearms. (From the Grave)

that one made me *squee* it's cute that they were telling each other where they were going to be so they know where each other is. total CaRWash!! hopefully there will be some CaRWash in S6. *crosses fingers*
i really wish that the writers would put ryan and cal together . also they're the two people who flirt the most out of any one their. i just think that calleigh feels sorry for eric and i dont mean to affend any 1 but jake is a total ass. ;)
That moment in "From the Grave" was cute. Very adorable. So I guess we did get a very good vibe for season 4 right from the beginning.

*waves to Hestia* Are you sure you want my fiction to be the first you want to read? Positive?

Anyway. Using your challenge did challenge me, but once I got an idea, it was like the ideas just started flooding. So thank you, that was fun, and it did help a lot. :)

So without further a due, (are you sure you are ready for this?) A Day at the Zoo. I left it unlocked so anyone can read it... if you dare *evil laugh*

*chokes* sorry.

June birthdays rock, but July birthdays are better! ;) (mine is in a month EXACTLY) :lol:

Nikki You're birthday is over, but it is still the 10th here, for one more hour. So, I dedicate A Day at the Zoo to you. <3
Just came from reading the fic and I left you a review. Thank you Happilyhappy (Heather)!
I didn't think anyone would respond to such a random prompt but you nailed it. And Like I said, I'm glad yours was the first CaRWash fic I read. I'll start reading others soon...

I didn't ask in the review, but what's the episode where Ryan gets his niece the Ipod? (okay, I know it doesn't show him actually buying it... I don't think it was even him that bought it. Wasn't it Calleigh? No wait... did she give him advice on what to buy his niece?) Sorry about the confusion, I'm still a bit new to this ship. :lol:

July birthdays are okay in my book! June and July are similar to me (both summer months, both begin witn 'J')... just like sandle is similar to CaRWash (note current banner which I believe explains the main reason I like this ship. ;))
It was in death pool 100. She went and bought the Ipod for him because he was working a double shift. He repaid her in supernotes, basically counterfit money. They had a 'huge' blowout because she got caught with the supernotes by special agenet Elliot. Which is why he sort of avoids the subject in the story. ^_^ Thank you for the lovely reviews. It was a great way to wake up.

I love your banner. To adoarable :lol:
Thanks Happilyhappy. I just had to make it because the main reason I was interested in this pairing was the surprising similarities.
I said before how it was hard to explain why i liked this couple, but what I should have said was I probably shouldn't mention another couple extensively since it's a big part of my reasoning.
But since I'm here, and if a moderator will humor me... :)

The similarities between this couple and the Vegas couple in my banner are more than visual secenes and gestures. Calleigh is older than Ryan, Sara is older than Greg. Calleigh was Ryan's mentor, Sara was the same to the beginner CSI. Ryan and Greg look fairly similar (I've heard this in many places, and I believe them), while Calleigh and Sara have gone through events and moods that are virtually parallel (crappy boyfriends, dangerous confrontations, and their cheerful attitude in the first few seasons giving way to the dreaded angst.)
Oh, and I can't forget that the women are both with men I'd really prefer they wouldn't be with. ;)

Yes, for now I like this couple because it reminds me so much of my Vegas OTP but as time goes on (and the more I read this thread), I'm sure other things about them will stand out and differentiate themselves. :cool:

(One thing would have to be the colorful matching outfits. That seems to be strictly a Ryan/Calleigh thing. :D)
Hey all! In honor of tonight's showing of 'Going Under' I brought everyone a Baby Ruth candy bar because it totally reminds me of the "Thanks Babe" comment in this episode. I can't wait! It's moments like that one that make me truely happy to be a CaRWash shipper. To me, 'babe' is a more intimate term, saved for the one you care about most. I think I would get really freaked out if my co-worker called me 'babe' and yet Ryan is totally okay with it, like it happens on a day to day basis. (which of course we know it does! :lol: ) This is concrete evidence that Calleigh and Ryan have something going on! What the heck happened at the end of the season 5 then?

As for the Sandle/CaRWash similarities, I totally see what you are talking about! They are pretty much exactly the same, which in a way kinda scares me since Vegas has had all this GSR going on. I hate to think that something like that will happen on Miami!

Anyway, the epi starts in a few, so I'm off to get prime seatage in the living room! Enjoy the candy and I'll see you all later! Sweet CaRWash dreams!
last nights episode of 'going under' was awesome not just because it was a good episode but some of my favorite carwash moments. i just hope in season 6 the writers will finally try to put them together.
oooh mine too!!!!!!!!

i loved this part!!!!

Ryan:...i'm glad you're ok.
Calleigh:thanks babe.

that part just made me go OMG!!! Major *Squee* i hope they deffinetly have more CaRWash in s6, i want it back to the playful flirting then turn to relationship. that's my hope for s6.
Hestia You know I like ya and all, but I think you've got to much time on your hands if you can sit down and figure out all the whole "alike" of Sandles and CaRWash, but I'm with CC on the fact that, that scares me.
Sorry, CathStokes but I stopped reading after you said you liked me, and I refuse to continue, so I'll just close my eyes.

Now, to keep this post remotely on-topic (and at a three line limit *hinthint*) I will add that the beginning of this season looked promising for Calleigh and Ryan: the "beautiful" line, the "Thanks babe", the little touching and I do believe they were eating in a restaurant at one point (which a certain other pairing that I ship has also done together, and therefore is another similarity to add. :D Just so you know, the original banner was much longer... I should actually make some kind of chart or something. Hmmm...)

And If I can handle the frustration and obstacles on Vegas, surely you gals can handle this uncertainty in Miami. While it doesn't scare me (I'm preparing for the worst; Eric in a Hawaiian bathrobe! :eek:), I do hope nothing too terrible happens with this pairing.

That is all. :)
*scratches head* I really thought when I typed that it was three lines, crap. Modie's gonna whack me 4 days from Sunday..

Of course I like you Hestia why wouldn't I? :D

(yeah, you should).. lmao @ Eric in a hawaiian bathrobe!. As much as I'd like to see that, I don't want that part to happen with sweet Calleigh *breathes* Like I said in CaKe, I think she needs whacked. I think when Luna went wherever, she took the REAL Calleigh with her.

This season definately looked promising, and then this happened and its like, wth did CaRWash go?? :(
im gonna have to agree with cathstrokes and hestia . if i saw eric in a hawaiian bathrobe that would just ruin the whole show for me. calleigh should get some sense knocked into her to realize her and ryan shouold be together. oh ya cathstrokes i agree with what you said on the cake forum that jake was a lucky SOB to pull that kiss off.
He was one lucky SOB to pull that kiss off, I give him props for that.

I say we find her, lock her up and knock some sense into her and then lock her in a room with Ryan and let HIM tell her how HE feels.
i needed a CaRWash boost today, i miss this ship too much for words. :(
first off, yeah haha ditto on locking calleigh in a room with ryan telling her everything he feels about her. in seasons 3 and 4, they had so much chemistry, and even in season 5, there were some bits of flirting here and there, and the chemistry is something that you can't just throw away like that. i really hope that things brighten up in season six for this aboslutely lovely couple, it'd be a real shame not to.
on a lighter note, as a result for my CaRWash craving today, i decided to make some icons to cure this..this..mood.
curse of the coffin
under the influence
the score
the score edit 2
the score edit 3
so they're not the best, but it satisfied my craving, haha.
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