will. not. let. thread. go. into. the. second. page. URGH! *pushes thread back up*
anyway. you know, i never read the newspaper at all, but my relatives are visiting because of graduation, and so my grandfather brought a copy of USA today with him yesterday morning. what a surprise as i glance at the cover while i'm having breakfast today and i see a picture of emily procter at the top, announcing an article re: primetime series' ratings going down. i was curious, of course, so i read it. the article itself mentioned many very popular series (one of those was CSIM) whose ratings have gone down dramatically lately, and they explained some possible reasons for this-- early daylight savings time switch, breaks, DVRs and such.
my point is (gotta get this across before you kick me off to the OT forum), when i started reading the article my very first thought was: "i can tell you why people have stopped watching CSIM... two names, start with C & R and they're not. together. yet."

i tell you, these things did not happen when we were getting all our lovely shippy moments in seasons 3&4
ok, now that i got that silly anecdote out of the way...
caderyn, i could not agree any more than i already do. i really think the whole love triangle thing, if it happens, could work completely in our favor. or at least make for some very interesting TV

you should spend some more time around here, BTW; there's just not enough C/R-ness over at LJ.
i loooove how ryan and alexx interact, it's so cute. kinda like the way she used to act with speed, but he wouldn't really follow her up on it. ryan is just fine with her treating him like her young'un, though

it's really cute. about natalia, well, what can i say? i love natalia. but i think i'm alone in that

i think ryan will be completely fine with her, they'll probably be friends again, but won't get back together. "tried and done," i'd say. not that he'll never be able to trust her or something that extreme, just that he had the beginning of something with her, it didn't work out, and now they're comfortable enough to be just friends without wondering if there's anything else there, because they know there isn't. *shrugs* me and my twisted attempts at understanding the psyche of TV characters...
nikki- awww, i'm glad you liked the chapter! the next one might take a bit longer, though-- graduation and all, and besides, i needed my C/R fix so i started writing it from the end and i will probably get stuck soon. oops, why am i spoiling my own fic for you guys? :lol:
the website is not mine, and i don't really know who owns it, just that i joined some time ago and want everyone to join

though i HAVE been toying with the idea of making a C/R website, just for the fun of it. it would probably just be an archive of their "moments" over the seasons and maybe some pics. i don't know, it'd have to wait until i have a little more time, anyway
and speaking of pictures, that pic from the wrap party is fabulous! they sort of match, yet again

monochrome, perfect contrast. lovely