Unfortunately for Calleigh/Ryan shippers, I don't think the kiss was nothing... At least not on Eric's part (hold it, don't kill me yet). If you looked at the look on his face after Calleigh did it and left, you could tell he just realized something (ie. feelings for Calleigh?) and is contemplating something (ie. pursuing Calleigh). The good news is Calleigh's behavior can be interpreted either way. Just one friend comforting another, or something more. Either way, I believe that from this moment on, Eric should look at Calleigh in a whole different light (hottie, love interest, basically everything she should be

). Now, considering Eric's history of rivalry with Ryan, I'm hoping Eric liking Calleigh will make Ryan start looking at Calleigh differently too

!!! Maybe THIS is the trigger he needs to start pursuing Calleigh??? I think it's because I used to be a HUGE Calleigh/Eric fan (Calleigh/Ryan's still my current #1) that I'd rather see both guys fighting over Calleigh than Boa Vista (like last season *gag*). So yeah, hopefully this development will push things along for Calleigh/Ryan too. Here's hoping... After all, we've had too many scenes for PTB to completely screw us (unfortunately, so did Calleigh/Eric, in seasons 1 & 2 before PTB screwed it up). BTW, I haven't been here in a long time, like I previously said,
can someone enlighten me on this Ryan going to the TV station business and Calleigh coming to see him? Danke.